The following new temple presidents and matrons have been called to serve by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in September.

Lawrence Paul Blunck and Karen Janeece Hawman Blunck, Canby 2nd Ward, Oregon City Stake, called as president and matron of the Portland Oregon Temple, succeeding President David L. Garner and Sister Robin Sue Garner. President Blunck is a Sunday School teacher and a former Area Seventy, Perú Lima North Mission president, stake presidency counselor and bishop. An attorney with Blunck Law LLC, he was born in Hood River, Oregon, to Alfred Carl Blunck and Beverly Kay Garrett.
Sister Blunck is a member of the Relief Society activities committee and a former mission president companion, stake Young Women president, stake Relief Society presidency counselor and ward Relief Society president. She was born in Sacramento, California, to Phillip and Ardele Hawman.

Jeffrey Charles Elmer and Margaret Susan Wilder Elmer, Glenrose Ward, Spokane Washington Stake, called as president and matron of the Spokane Washington Temple, succeeding President C. Patrick McFarlane and Sister Corla McFarlane. President Elmer is a temple ordinance worker and stake employment specialist, and a former, Perú Lima Central Mission president, stake presidency counselor and bishop. A retired physician (pulmonary and sleep specialist), he was born in Salt Lake City to Golden Charles Elmer Jr. and Dorothy Jean Peterson Woolf.
Sister Elmer is a stake employment specialist and temple ordinance worker, and a former mission president companion and ward Young Women president. She was born in Palo Alto, California, to Arthur Graves Wilder and Virginia Sawyer Parker.

Reed Juan Harris and Kathleen Coleman Harris, Twin Falls 24th Ward, Twin Falls Idaho South Stake, called as president and matron of the Twin Falls Idaho Temple, succeeding President Terry C. McCurdy and Sister Judy C. McCurdy. President Harris is a patriarch and temple ordinance worker, and a former Chile Rancagua Mission president, stake president, bishop and high councilor. A retired cardiologist, he was born in Moses Lake, Washington, to Dee Meikle Harris and Betty Jean Kinghorn Harris.
Sister Harris is a stake music chairman and temple ordinance worker, and a former mission president companion, ward Relief Society president and ward Primary presidency counselor. She was born in Moscow, Idaho, to John R Coleman and Marjory Coleman.

John Hoybjerg and Valerie Lou Christiansen Hoybjerg, Loomis 2nd Ward, Lincoln California Stake, called as president and matron of the Feather River California Temple. President Hoybjerg is a temple sealer, family history and temple committee member, and a former mission president, California Roseville Mission, stake president, bishop and high councilor. A retired president and owner of an agribusiness company, he was born in Reno, Nevada, to Knud Carl Johan Hoybjerg and Louise Burchall Hoybjerg.
Sister Hoybjerg is a temple ordinance worker and a former mission president companion, stake Relief Society president, stake and ward Primary president, and ward Young Women president. She was born in Idaho Falls, Idaho, to Hyrum James Christiansen and Lou Etta Christiansen.

Wallace Lavon Stock and Jan Ellen Hillstead Stock, Capitol Hill Ward, Cheyenne Wyoming Stake, called as president and matron of the Fort Collins Colorado Temple, succeeding President George F. Rhodes Jr. and Sister Joan A. Rhodes. President Stock is a temple sealer and a former Fort Collins Colorado Temple presidency counselor, England Leeds Mission president, stake president, bishop and high councilor. A former partner and attorney with Bailey, Stock, Harmon,Cottam and Lopez LLP, he was born in Afton, Wyoming, to Paul Mondell Stock and Nedra Jensen Stock.
Sister Stock is a ward Relief Society presidency counselor and temple ordinance worker and a former assistant to the matron, mission president companion, stake Relief Society president, and ward Young Women and Primary presidency counselor. She was born in Afton, Wyoming, to John Gray Hillstead and Dora Mae Hillstead.

Victor Emanuel Engelhardt Tavares and Maria Edglê Sampaio Tavares, Água Verde Ward, Curitiba Brazil Portão Stake, called as president and matron of the Curitiba Brazil Temple, succeeding President Getulio W.J. Silva and Sister Cintia de Fátima e Silva. President Tavares is a Curitiba Brazil Temple presidency counselor and a former Portugal Lisbon Mission president, stake president, bishop and high councilor. A retired coordinator for the Church Educational System, he was born in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil, to Armando Seguiz Tavares and Cecilia Engelhardt Tavares.
Sister Tavares is an assistant to the matron and a former mission president companion, stake and ward Relief Society president, and ward Primary president. She was born in São Lourenço, Ceará, Brazil, to José Arian Ribeiro Sampaio and Neusa Gonçalves Barroso Sampaio.

Jack Donald Ward and Sharmon Oaks Ward, Elkhorn Ward, Milwaukee Wisconsin South Stake, called as president and matron of the Chicago Illinois Temple, succeeding President R. Bruce Duffield and Sister Denise Duffield. President Ward is a temple sealer, and a former Area Seventy, California Roseville Mission president, stake president, bishop and high councilor. A retired attorney, Reno Zahm Law Firm, he was born in Blue Island, Illinois, to Sylvan Donald Ward and Beatrice Dorrell Ward.
Sister Ward is a temple ordinance worker and Sunday School teacher, and a former mission president companion, stake Young Women and Primary presidency counselor, and ward Relief Society, Young Women and Primary president. She was born in Provo, Utah, to President Dallin Harris Oaks and Sister Verda June Oaks.