The following new temple presidents and matrons have been called to serve by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in September.

Roderick Kofi Anatsui and Josephine Afotsoo Odartei-Laryea Anatsui, Liverpool Ward, Liverpool England Stake, called as president and matron of the London England Temple, succeeding President David R. Irwin and Sister E. Lyn Irwin. President Anatsui is a temple presidency counselor and a former mission presidency counselor, stake president and bishop. A retired security officer for Hyde Park Complex, London, he was born in Akwatia, Ghana, to Alexander Edward Anatsui and Josephina Hagan Anatsui.
Sister Anatsui is an assistant to the matron of a temple and a former ward Relief Society president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor and ward Primary president. Sister Anatsui was born in Accra, Ghana, to Joseph Kwei Odartei-Laryea and Grace Ayorkor Osekre Odartei-Laryea.

James Wesley Barry and Marilyn Thomas Barry, Hillcrest 6th Ward, Orem Utah Hillcrest Stake, called as president and matron of the Provo Utah Temple, succeeding President J. Phillip Freestone and Sister Elizabeth Freestone. President Barry is a temple sealer and Sunday School teacher, and a former Florida Jacksonville Mission president, stake presidency counselor and bishop. A retired dentist, he was born in Provo, Utah, to Hugh Wesley Barry and Myrtle La Belle Barry.
Sister Barry is a nursery leader and temple ordinance worker, and a former mission president companion and ward Young Women president. She was born in Cedar City, Utah, to Vaughn L Thomas and Connie May Thomas.

Kelly Wayne Brown and Sharon Gallier Brown, Hansen Park Ward, Kennewick Washington Stake, called as president and matron of the Columbia River Washington Temple, succeeding President Brad K. Risenmay and Sister Elaine Risenmay. President Brown is a temple presidency counselor and a former Colorado Fort Collins Mission president, stake president and bishop. A retired president of Smith Frozen Foods, Inc., he was born in Provo, Utah, to Glen Reed Brown and Betty Ruth Ellison Brown.
Sister Brown is an assistant to the matron of a temple and a former mission president companion, stake Relief Society president and counselor, and stake Young Women presidency counselor and secretary. She was born in Provo, Utah, to Monroe Glenn Gallier and Mignon Ahlstrom Gallier.

David Shayne Heap and Mary Weston Heap, Bozeman 1st Ward, Bozeman Montana Stake, called as president and matron of the new Helena Montana Temple. President Heap is a Billings Montana Temple sealer and stake communication committee member, and a former temple presidency counselor, Texas Lubbock Mission president, stake president and bishop. A retired institute director/coordinator for the Church Educational System, he was born in Bozeman, Montana, to Clarence Shayne Heap and Joeann Kennedy Heap.
Sister Heap is a Sunday School teacher and temple ordinance worker, and a former assistant to the matron of a temple, mission president companion, stake and ward Relief Society presidency counselor, stake and ward Young Women president, and ward Primary president. She was born in Montpelier, Idaho, to Arlo Barker Weston and Vernetta Coombs Weston.

Andreas Erich Wolfgang Schwabe and Janet Kay Schwabe, Melton 1st Ward, Melbourne Australia Wyndham Stake, called as president and matron of the Melbourne Australia Temple, succeeding President Christopher L. Donald and Sister Cindy Donald. President Schwabe is a history specialist, ward missionary and temple ordinance worker, and a former stake mission president, stake president, stake presidency counselor and bishop. A retired senior program and projects manager for Telstra, he was born in Hamburg, West Germany, to Wolfgang Theodor Schwabe and Margot Ehmk.
Sister Schwabe is a seminary teacher and temple ordinance worker, and a former stake and ward Relief Society president, and ward Young Women president. She was born in Adelaide, South Australia, to Clifford Norman Nairn and Betty Lawry Nairn.

Lehi Karl Schwartz and Gudrun Bauch Schwartz, Feucht Ward, Nürnberg Germany Stake, called as president and matron of the Frankfurt Germany Temple, succeeding President Wolfgang Pilz and Sister Karin Pilz. President Schwartz is a stake president and former Alpine German-Speaking Mission interim president, Germany Frankfurt Mission president, patriarch, district presidency counselor and branch president. A retired managing director of Radiodiagnostic Business Line, IBA-Group Belgium, he was born in Lahm Itzgrund, Germany, to Karl Pfeiffer and Lotte Schwartz Grünke.
Sister Schwartz is a ward Relief Society presidency counselor and a former mission president companion, stake Relief Society president, district Young Women presidency counselor and ward Primary presidency counselor. She was born in Husum, Germany, to Walter and Lissi Friedrichsen Bauch.

G. Lawrence Spackman and Flora Elizabeth Walker Spackman, Heritage Ward, Calgary Alberta Stake, called as president and matron of the Calgary Alberta Temple, succeeding President John W. Swendsen and Sister Catherine Swendsen. President Spackman is a Gospel Doctrine teacher and member of the stake communication council, and former Area Seventy, New York New York South Mission president, stake president, stake presidency counselor and bishop. A retired president of Trans Canada Energy, he was born in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, to Grant Lawrence Spackman and Beth Tanner Spackman.
Sister Spackman is a ward organist and former mission president companion, stake Relief Society presidency counselor, and stake and ward Young Women president. She was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada to Robert Harris Walker and Barbara Benson Walker.

Forast Brent Thomas and Carolyn Rawsthorne Thomas, Reunion Ward, Calgary Alberta North Stake, called as president and matron of the Cardston Alberta Temple, succeeding President D. Wesley Balderson and Sister Elva Balderson. President Thomas is a temple ordinance worker and former Democratic Republic of the Congo Lubumbashi Mission president, stake president and bishop. A retired consulting engineer, he was born in High River, Alberta, Canada, to Joseph Alston Thomas and Hilda Thomas.
Sister Thomas is a stake Relief Society presidency counselor and former mission president companion, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, and ward Young Women and Primary president. She was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, to Clifford Rawsthorne and Thelma Sophia Rawsthorne.