The following new mission presidents and companions have been called to serve by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in July.

Ronald A. Barker, 58, and Heidi Barker, four children, Tassajara Ward, Danville California Stake: Ecuador Guayaquil South Mission, succeeding President Alan B. Tingey and Sister Susan F. Tingey. Brother Barker is a temple ordinance worker and high councilor and former bishop, stake Young Men president, ward Young Men president, seminary teacher and missionary in the Paraguay Asunción Mission. He was born in Long Beach, California, to Robert Terry Barker and Daisy La Ferne Flenniken.
Sister Barker is a Sunday School teacher and former ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president and ward Primary president. She was born in Long Beach, California, to Carl James Berg and Ann Beverly Lombardo.

Jorge E. Blanco Suarez, 57, and Araceli Avalos Lozano, four children, Nuevo Córdoba Ward, Córdoba México Stake: México Monterrey West Mission, succeeding President Jose L. Isaguirre and Sister Iris Gastelum de Isaguirre. Brother Blanco is an elders quorum president and former stake president, stake presidency counselor, high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop, ward Young Men president and missionary in the México Veracruz Mission. He was born in Tampico, México, to Salvador Blanco Oropeza and Ma. del Carmen Suarez Cantu.
Sister Blanco is a seminary teacher and former ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, family history center director, Primary music leader, temple preparation teacher, and missionary in the México City North and Guatemala South missions. She was born in Pachuca, México, to Adolfo Ávalos Rico and Josefina Lozano Herrera.

C. Leroy Breinholt, 58, and Kelly Breinholt, five children, Higley Groves Ward, Gilbert Arizona Highland West Stake: El Salvador San Salvador West/Belize Mission, succeeding President J. Francisco Dubón Valdez and Sister I. Lucrecia Piedrasanta de Dubón. Brother Breinholt is a Young Men adviser and former stake presidency counselor, stake Young Men president, bishop, bishopric counselor, ward executive secretary, elders quorum president, ward Young Men president, Primary teacher, Sunday School teacher, ward missionary and missionary in the Perú Arequipa Mission. He was born in Mesa, Arizona, to Canute Leroy Breinholt Jr. and Glenna Flake Breinholt.
Sister Breinholt is a ward Relief Society president and former stake Primary presidency counselor, ward Young Women presidency counselor, ward Primary presidency counselor, Young Women adviser, ward Young Women camp director, ward Relief Society compassionate service leader, Sunday School teacher, ward missionary, Activity Days leader and Cub Scout leader. She was born in Denver, Colorado, to David Wynn Sondrup and Arta Lucille Sondrup.

Ricardo D. Cobing, 59, and Manolita P. Cobing, seven children, Carmen Ward, Cagayan de Oro Philippines Stake: Philippines Cauayan Mission, succeeding President R. Kipp Craig and Sister Donna S. Craig. Brother Cobing is a former mission presidency counselor, stake presidency counselor, high councilor, stake clerk, stake Sunday School president, bishop, Sunday School teacher and missionary in the Philippines Manila Mission. He was born in Davao City, Philippines, to Juanito Cobing and Aurora Cobing.
Sister Cobing is a ward Young Women presidency counselor and former stake Young Women president, stake music director, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, ward Primary presidency counselor, seminary teacher and missionary in the Philippines Cebu Mission. She was born in Davao City, Philippines, to Francisco Villamor Pahamotang and Alejandra Pahamotang.

Kevin G. Dickey, 50, and Stephanie R. Dickey, two children, Scouters Mountain Ward, Portland Oregon Stake: Argentina Comodoro Rivadavia Mission, succeeding President Adrián J. Camejo and Sister Laura V. Camejo. Brother Dickey is a stake president and former high councilor, bishop, elders quorum president, ward mission leader and missionary in the California Santa Rosa Mission. He was born in Boise, Idaho, to Stuart Grant Dickey and Emelie Grover Dickey.
Sister Dickey is a Primary music leader and former stake Young Women presidency counselor, ward Young Women president, ward Young Women presidency counselor, Young Women adviser, ward music chairman and seminary teacher. She was born in Twin Falls, Idaho, to George La Rae Stringer and Thelma Joyce Stringer.

Brian D. Hancock, 56, and Kimberly R. Hancock, four children, Hodge Park Ward, Liberty Missouri Stake: Brazil Goiânia Mission, succeeding President Daniel M. Piros and Sister Suzana Piros. Brother Hancock is a service mission leader and former mission presidency counselor, high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop, bishopric counselor, elders quorum president, Primary teacher, seminary teacher and missionary in the Brazil Curitiba Mission. He was born in Winslow, Arizona, to Dale George Hancock and Linda Sue Hancock.
Sister Hancock is a service mission leader and former ward Primary president, ward Young Women presidency counselor, Young Women adviser, Primary music leader and ward chorister. She was born in Santa Monica, California, to John William Reese Jr. and Gail Reese.

Steven T. Hayden, 57, and Anne Hayden, five children, Almaden Ward, California San Jose South Stake: New Hampshire Manchester Mission, succeeding President Gary E. Beck and Sister Bobbi Jo Beck. Brother Hayden is a former stake presidency counselor, bishop, elders quorum president, ward Young Men president, seminary teacher and missionary in the Canada Montréal Mission. He was born in San Diego, California, to John Larkin Hayden and Dianne Caroline Clasen.
Sister Hayden is a former branch Young Women president, ward Primary presidency counselor, seminary teacher, Cub Scout leader and missionary in the Belgium Brussels Mission. She was born in Berkeley, California, to Richard Allen Hunter and Nan Greene Hunter.

David G. Lindahl, 61, and René M. Lindahl, four children, Ola Vista Ward, San Clemente California Stake: West Virginia Charleston Mission, succeeding President Robert H. Newman and Sister Sherry Hyre Newman. Brother Lindahl is a former stake presidency counselor, high councilor, bishop, ward Young Men president, seminary teacher and missionary in the Hawaii Honolulu Mission. He was born in Garden Grove, California, to Blaine Gray Lindahl and Joy Green Lindahl.
Sister Lindahl is a former stake Young Women president, stake Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Relief Society president and ward Primary president. She was born in San Mateo, California, to Alan Charles Markis and Sylvia Elizabeth Garay.

Charles Martins, 42, and Mila Martins, four children, Souzas Ward, Campinas Brazil Flamboyant Stake: Brazil Salvador South Mission, succeeding President Júlio C. Triumpho and Sister Claudia F. Triumpho. Brother Martins is a high councilor and former bishop and missionary in Mozambique in the South Africa Johannesburg Mission. He was born in Curitiba, Brazil, to Carlos Roberto Wizard Martins and Vania de Campos Pimentel Martins.
Sister Martins is an institute teacher and Sunday School teacher and former stake Young Women president, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor and seminary teacher. She was born in Aracatuba, Brazil, to Rene Marcos Orsi and Maria Cecilia Borges Orsi.

Allen C. Ostergar III, 55, and Cathy Ostergar, five children, Capistrano Ward, San Clemente California Stake: Brazil Natal Mission, succeeding President Emilton Miranda and Sister Aparecida Miranda. Brother Ostergar is a seminary teacher and former stake presidency counselor, bishop, high councilor, ward mission leader, Young Men adviser and missionary in the Brazil Brasília Mission. He was born in Provo, Utah, to Allen Carlsen Ostergar Jr. and Nancy Farnsworth Ostergar.
Sister Ostergar is a ward Relief Society presidency counselor and former stake Young Women presidency counselor, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, ward Primary presidency counselor, Young Women adviser and Primary teacher. She was born in Long Beach, California, to Donald Hansen Sedgwick and Virginia Bird Sedgwick.

Alejandro A. Queirolo, 54, and Maria Cecilia Queirolo, three children, El Bosque Ward, De La Costa Uruguay Stake: Argentina Buenos Aires South Mission, succeeding President Martín P. Fernández and Sister Gabriela Fernández. Brother Queirolo is a former stake president, stake presidency counselor, stake clerk, bishop, elders quorum president, ward Young Men president, elders quorum presidency counselor and ward clerk. He was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, to Augusto Queirolo and Aida Crisci.
Sister Queirolo is a ward Young Women presidency counselor and former ward Young Women president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, Primary teacher and seminary teacher. She was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, to Antonio Adolfo Ferrari Fornazar and Maria Cristina Ferrari.

Gregory L. Staker, 52, and Shannon R. Staker, six children, Cottonwood Creek Ward, Roosevelt Utah Stake: México México City East Mission, succeeding President Adrian B. Parry and Sister Rita L. Parry. Brother and Sister Staker previously served as service mission leaders. Brother Staker is a Sunday School teacher and former stake president, branch president, and missionary in the México Tuxtla Gutierrez and México Oaxaca missions. He was born in Bethesda, Maryland, to Larry Victor Staker and Michele Staker.
Sister Staker is a ward Relief Society president and former stake Young Women camp director, ward Young Women presidency counselor, Sunday School teacher and branch missionary. She was raised in Salt Lake City by Charlotte Jane Copinga and Hyo Haatje Copinga.

R. Lind Stapley, 60, and Cressida Stapley, six children, Cougar Mountain Ward, Bellevue Washington South Stake: Philippines Cavite Mission, succeeding President Darwin S. Cauilan and Sister Michelle P. Cauilan. Brother Stapley is a former stake presidency counselor, regional single adult chair, high councilor, bishop, elders quorum president, ward Young Men president, Scoutmaster, Sunday School teacher and missionary in the Germany Hamburg Mission. He was born in Van Nuys, California, to Ronald Blaine Stapley and Julie Ann Nielson Stapley.
Sister Stapley is a former stake Young Women camp director, stake cultural activity director, ward Primary president, ward Young Women presidency counselor, ward Relief Society secretary and Sunday School teacher. She was born in Anchorage, Alaska, to Sandra Wise Frederick.

Franklin Toral, 56, and Cecibel Toral, four children, Las Américas Ward, Guayaquil Ecuador Kennedy Stake: Bolivia Santa Cruz North Mission, succeeding President Matthew K. Hawkins and Sister Shannon Hawkins. Brother Toral is a former mission presidency counselor, stake president, stake presidency counselor, stake Young Men president, high councilor, bishopric counselor and temple ordinance worker. He was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, to Victor Hugo Toral Valle and Gloria Alejandrina de Toral Villón.
Sister Toral is a stake Young Women presidency counselor and former stake Relief Society president, stake Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor and temple ordinance worker. She was born in Guayaquil, Ecuador, to Washington Segundo Aragundi Velasco and Mercedes Marlene Vda. de Aragundi Vanegas.

William T. Whitworth, 60, and Carol Ann Whitworth, four children, Canyon View Ward, Sandy Utah Canyon View Stake: Philippines Legazpi Mission, succeeding President Emmanuel R. G. Abraham and Sister Anabelle Abraham. Brother Whitworth is a former stake president, high councilor, bishop, elders quorum president, ward Young Men president and missionary in the Massachusetts Boston Mission. He was born in Salt Lake City to Roy Thomas Whitworth and Bonnie Anderson.
Sister Whitworth is a former stake Primary presidency counselor, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, Sunday School teacher and temple volunteer. She was born in Salt Lake City to Nolan Wilcox Perkins and Carol Barbara Lord.

Luis G. Zapata, 55, and Purisima Neira de Zapata, four children, Orígenes Ward, Antofagasta Chile Stake: Mexico Hermosillo Mission, succeeding President Carlos Zepeda Reynaga and Sister Silvia Vergara de Zepeda. Brother Zapata is a former Area Seventy, stake president, bishop, district presidency counselor, branch president, elders quorum president, ward mission leader, branch mission leader and missionary in the Chile Osorno Mission. He was born in Coronel, Chile, to Alfredo Zapata Núñez and Fidelina Navarrete Pinilla.
Sister Zapata is a former stake Primary president, stake Young Women camp director, district Young Women president, ward Primary president, seminary teacher and missionary in the Chile Viña del Mar Mission. She was born in Talcahuano, Chile, to Domingo Neira Méndez and Lidia Victoriano Caamaño.