The following new temple presidents and matrons have been called to serve by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in September, with the exception of the Aguirres, who will begin their service later.

Bolivar Fernando Aguirre Sosa and Ana Lucia Tapia de Aguirre, Cumbayá Ward, Los Chillos Ecuador San Rafael Stake, called as president and matron of the new Quito Ecuador Temple. President Aguirre is an elders quorum presidency counselor and country/regional Church History adviser/specialist and a former mission presidency counselor, stake president, high councilor and bishop. A retired Church employee, he was born in Quito, Ecuador, to Jaime Arturo Aguirre Salazar and Maria Judith Salazar de Aguirre.
Sister de Aguirre is a stake welfare and self-reliance specialist and a former stake and ward Relief Society president, stake Young Women president and ward Primary president. She was born in Guamote, Ecuador, to Luis Enrique Tapia Falconi and Mariana Anatolia Segarra Leon.

Stuart Bennion Alleman and Cynthia Brewer Alleman, The Colony Ward, Frisco Texas Stake, called as president and matron of the Dallas Texas Temple, succeeding President Stephen L. Fluckiger and Sister Dorothy H. Fluckiger. President Alleman is a temple presidency counselor and a former stake mission president, stake president, high councilor and bishop. A retired director of Six Sigma, he was born in Henderson, Nevada, to Glenn Leonard Alleman and Afton Alleman.
Sister Alleman is an assistant to the matron and Church service mission leader and a former stake Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Relief Society and Primary president, and ward Young Women presidency counselor. She was born in Provo, Utah, to Ross Kelvin Brewer and Albrea Jayne Brewer.

Douglas Shane Cruze and Kay Cruze, Grove Park Ward, Knoxville Tennessee Cumberland Stake, called as president and matron of the Nashville Tennessee Temple, succeeding President Cordell Crawford and Sister Miriam Crawford. President Cruze is a former stake president, high councilor, bishop and temple ordinance worker. A retired IT director for Apex Bank, he was born in Knoxville, Tennessee, to Grover Douglas Cruze and Mary Elizabeth Daniels.
Sister Cruze is a former stake Primary president, stake Young Women presidency counselor, ward Relief Society and Young Women president, and temple ordinance worker. She was born in Ephrata, Washington, to Kay Le Roy West and Emma Lavae Leishmen.