Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke during the Saturday afternoon session of April 2022 general conference. He encouraged listeners to search for happiness by embracing the bounties of the gospel. The following is a summary of what he said.
Notable quotes from Elder Holland
“You are His most precious possession, His child, to whom He has given prophets and promises, spiritual gifts and revelation, miracles and messages, and angels on both sides of the veil.”
“Bask in His light and lend your own candle to the cause.”
“To any of our youth out there who are struggling, whatever your concerns or difficulties, death by suicide is manifestly not the answer.”
Summary of Elder Holland’s talk
Nearly two years of pandemic brought a halt to almost everything — except brutality, violence and other long-standing social, cultural and economic challenges.
It is understandable if the idealism of the youth is waning a bit. Many are desperately searching for something better.
“Begin your search for happiness by embracing the bounty we have already received from the giver of every good gift. At precisely the moment many in the world are asking deep questions of the soul, [Latter-day Saints] ought to be answering with the ‘good news’ of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”
Christ’s restored Church “offers the most eternally significant way to both find good and do good at such a needful time.”
Discipleship “guards against negative attitudes and destructive habits.”
“We might sometimes want to run away from where we are, but we can never run away from who we are — children of the living God who loves us, is always ready to forgive us, and will never, ever forsake us.”
Run to the aid of those dealing with depression, despair or any form of self-harm.
“Help is available, from others and especially from God. You are loved and valued and needed. We need you!”
About Elder Holland
- Elder Jeffrey R. Holland was ordained a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on June 23, 1994.
- He served as the ninth president of Brigham Young University. During his presidency, the BYU Jerusalem Center for Near Eastern Studies was founded.
- He and his wife, Sister Patricia Terry Holland, were married in the St. George Utah Temple and have three children.
Elder Holland in the news
- During a visit to the United States Military Academy in West Point, New York, on March 18, Elder Holland spoke at the sesquicentennial celebration of Latter-day Saint cadets at the academy and dedication of a new meetinghouse near the academy.
- Elder Holland charged the newly inaugurated BYU–Pathway Worldwide President Brian K. Ashton to both watch and make history in helping provide education worldwide, at the inauguration ceremony on March 10. He also installed the new president of BYU–Hawaii on Oct. 19, 2021 — John Sai Keong Kauwe III, the first native Hawaiian to lead the university.
- What one family’s story of forgiveness teaches about the meaning of faith, Elder Holland taught in a devotional at Brigham Young University on Jan. 18.
Elder Holland recent social posts
- On Feb. 4, Elder Holland explained that the key to living without contention and hostility is to “seek ways to allow the love of God to dwell in our own hearts.”
- Elder Holland posted a message of gratitude for his friendship with the Rev. Andrew Teal, chaplain and theologian at Oxford University. “When we met, it felt as if we had known each other forever,” Elder Holland wrote on Feb. 28. “I have learned a great deal from Andrew’s innate ability to love and accept his fellow brothers and sisters.”
- When Elder Holland dedicated the West Point Academy meetinghouse in New York, he encouraged the cadets “to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.” “I invite all who are reading these words now to do the same,” he wrote in a March 23 social media post. “During times of trial, the world needs resilient leaders who can handle dissonance, surprise, disappointment and fear.”