
Elder Gary E. Stevenson: ‘Love, Share, Invite’

Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speaks during the Sunday morning session of the 192nd Annual General Conference on April 3, 2022. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speaks during the Sunday morning session of the 192nd Annual General Conference on April 3, 2022. Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speaks during the Sunday morning session of the 192nd Annual General Conference at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City on Sunday, April 3, 2022. Credit: Screenshot
Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speaks during the Sunday morning session of the 192nd Annual General Conference at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City on Sunday, April 3, 2022. Credit: Screenshot
Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke during the Sunday morning session of April 2022 general conference. He spoke on how the Savior’s great commission to preach the gospel can be accomplished through three simple principles: love, share and invite. The following is a summary of what he said.

Notable quotes from Elder Stevenson

“Gratefully, the Savior’s great commission can be accomplished through simple, easily understandable principles taught to each of us from childhood: Love, share and invite.”

“Whenever we show Christlike love towards our neighbor, we preach the gospel — even if we do not voice a single word.”

“Sharing isn’t about ‘selling’ the gospel.”

Summary of Elder Stevenson’s talk

The resurrected Savior told His apostles, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matthew 28:19). Church members today are invited to heed the same commission, “as if we were there on that mountain in Galilee when He first proclaimed it.”

The Savior’s great commission “can be accomplished through simple, easily understandable principles taught to each of us from childhood: Love, share and invite.”

First, love as Christ loved. “Whenever we show Christlike love towards our neighbor, we preach the gospel — even if we do not voice a single word.” It is the expression of the second great commandment to love one’s neighbor, and shows the life-transforming properties of the gospel.

Second, share “what we love about the gospel of Jesus Christ” and “our positive experiences in the gospel with others.” This isn’t selling the gospel, writing a sermon or righting incorrect perceptions.

Finally, “invite others to learn more about the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Three invitations members can offer are, “Come and see,” “come and serve,” and “come and belong.” 

These three principles are “merely an extension of who we already are as disciples of Jesus Christ.”

About Elder Stevenson

  • Elder Gary E. Stevenson was sustained a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on Oct. 3, 2015.
  • As a young man, Elder Stevenson served in the Japan Fukuoka Mission. He later served as president of the Japan Nagoya Mission from 2004 to 2007. 
  • He married Lesa Jean Higley in 1979, and they have four sons.

Elder Stevenson in the news

Elder Stevenson’s recent social posts

  • “It has been said that the gospel of Jesus Christ is simply beautiful, and beautifully simple,” Elder Stevenson wrote in a Oct. 2, 2021, social media post.
  • Elder Stevenson wrote about his 2021 Thanksgiving, which was spent at the Provo MTC packaging 375,000 meals for those in need alongside the missionaries in a Nov. 26, 2021 post.
  • On Jan. 1, Elder Stevenson shared a picture of a Daruma doll, a Japanese symbol of good luck and perseverance that is used to set goals and celebrate achievement and success. He encouraged his social media followers to counsel with Heavenly Father to set meaningful personal spiritual goals.

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