The following new temple presidents and matrons have been called to serve by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in September; leaders of the Puebla Mexico and Taylorsville Utah temples will begin when they are dedicated, and the new president and matron of the Cebu City Philippines Temple will begin this month.

Ciriaco Genaro Alfornon and Mamerta Maloloy-On Pino Alfornon, Mandaue 2nd Ward, Mandaue Philippines Stake, called as president and matron of the Cebu City Philippines Temple, succeeding President Gomez C. Siady and Sister Liza Yu Siady. President Alfornon is a temple presidency counselor and a former patriarch and bishop. A retired welder at YY & Company, he was born in Balamban, Cebu, Philippines, to Francisco Candol Alfornon and Augustina Dayte Genaro.
Sister Alfornon is an assistant to the matron and a former ward Relief Society president. She was born in Bantayan, Cebu, Philippines, to Simplicio Igot Pino and Eleoteria Cometa Maloloy-On.

Francisco Javier Bravo Moises and Luz María Garza Davila de Bravo, Cholula Ward, Puebla Mexico Cholula Stake, called as president and matron of the new Puebla Mexico Temple. President Bravo is a welfare and self-reliance specialist and employment specialist, and a former temple presidency counselor, stake president, high councilor and bishop. A retired engineer for Pemex, he was born in Salina Cruz, Mexico, to Juan Jose Bravo Hernandez and Sara Moises Abraham de Bravo.
Sister Bravo is a welfare and self-reliance specialist and a former assistant to the matron, stake Young Women presidency counselor, ward Relief Society president and ward Primary president. She was born in Irapuato, Mexico, to Mario Garza Rodriguez and Maria del Rosario Davila Siller de Garza.

Blaine Louis Butler and Lynn Marie Geddes Butler, Lone Peak Ward, Alpine Utah West Stake, called as president and matron of the Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple, succeeding President K. Mark Frost and Sister Mary M. Frost. President Butler is a temple ordinance worker and a former stake president, bishop and elders quorum president. A former United States Marine Corp aviator and retired captain of Delta Air Lines, he was born in Nampa, Idaho, to Evan Louis Butler and Doris Jane Butler.
Sister Butler is an institute teacher and temple and ordinance worker and a former stake Relief Society presidency counselor and ward Young Women president. She was born in San Jose, California, to Donald Bruce Geddes and Sandra O. Geddes.

Kenneth Leroy DuVall and Mary Cummings DuVall, Bennion 5th Ward, Bennion Utah Stake, called as president and matron of the new Taylorsville Utah Temple. President DuVall is an elders quorum instructor and temple sealer and a former Spain Bilbao Mission president, Colombia MTC president, stake president and bishop. Currently employed as a program chair for Ensign College, he was born in Salt Lake City to Presley Arthur DuVall and Marie Black DuVall.
Sister DuVall is a Young Women advisor and temple ordinance worker and a former mission president companion, MTC president companion, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president and ward Relief Society presidency counselor. She was born in Salt Lake City to Joseph Lorraine Cummings and Joye Jensen Cummings.

Michael Allen Gillenwater and Alexene Langdon Budd Gillenwater, Charlestown Ward, New Albany Indiana Stake, called as president and matron of the Louisville Kentucky Temple, succeeding President Paul R. Mortenson and Sister Patricia Ann Elledge Mortenson. President Gillenwater is an area temple and family history adviser and temple sealer and a former Area Seventy, stake president, bishop and high councilor. The owner/operator of Gillenwater Law Offices, he was born in Jeffersonville, Indiana, to James H Gillenwater and Marilyn A Enteman.
Sister Gillenwater is an area temple and family history adviser and temple ordinance worker and a former ward Young Women president, ward Primary president and ward Relief Society presidency counselor. She was born in Mineola, New York, to George Alexander Budd and Carolyn Louise Budd.

Michael William McIlwaine and Caroline Isobel Spreckley McIlwaine, Firle Ward, Adelaide Australia Firle Stake, called as president and matron of the Adelaide Australia Temple, succeeding President David Crosley and Sister Susan Crosley. President McIlwaine is an elders quorum presidency counselor and a temple sealer and a former temple presidency counselor, mission presidency counselor, bishop and branch president. A retired former human resources consultant, he was born in Whyalla, Australia, to William Albert Good McIlwaine and Laurel Betty Clark McIlwaine.
Sister McIlwaine is a ward Primary presidency counselor and temple ordinance worker and a former assistant to the matron, stake Relief Society president, ward Young Women president and ward Primary president. She was born in Selby, England, to John Barrie Spreckley and Jean Kirby Spreckley.

Richard LeGrand Wirthlin and Joni Jane Stone Wirthlin, Sand Canyon Ward, Santa Clarita California Stake, called as president and matron of the Los Angeles California Temple, succeeding President Maurice M. Lam and Sister Elizabeth Lam. President Wirthlin is a former Ukraine Dnipro Mission president, stake presidency counselor, high councilor, bishop and branch president. A retired corporate partner with Latham & Watkins, he was born in Salt Lake City, to Richard Bitner Wirthlin and Jeralie Mae Wirthlin.
Sister Wirthlin is a Young Women camp director and a former mission president companion, stake Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Young Women president and ward Primary president. She was born in Redding, California, to Eddie Earl Stone and Julia Ann Markaham.

Tyrone Wai Kuen Wong and Phoebe Sui Yee Chin Wong, Markham Ward (Cantonese), Toronto Ontario Stake, called as president and matron of the Toronto Ontario Temple, succeeding President Russell F. Willmott and Sister Anna P. Willmott. President Wong is a patriarch and a former stake president, bishop, high councilor, elders quorum president and temple ordinance worker. A retired regional director for the Bank of Nova Scotia, he was born in Hong Kong.
Sister Wong is a nursery leader and a former ward Primary president and ward Primary teacher. She was born in Hong Kong to Yiu Sum Chin and Sau Kam Cheng.