
Elder Gary E. Stevenson’s testimony of Christ and outreach in Africa

During meetings in Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania and Kenya, Elder Gary E. Stevenson speaks of the strength of the gospel

During his ministry this month in the Africa Central Area, Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles testified of Jesus Christ in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, saw the Church’s humanitarian efforts in Tanzania and took part in a live news conference in Kenya.

He met with full-time missionaries, local leaders and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and their friends.

Meetings and ministry in Democratic Republic of the Congo

On Saturday, Feb. 10, Elder Stevenson — along with Elder Ian S. Ardern, General Authority Seventy and president of the Africa Central Area, and Elder Thierry K. Mutombo, General Authority Seventy and first counselor in the area presidency — taught more than 250 local Church leaders gathered at the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo N’Djili Stake Center.

Elder Ian S. Ardern and Elder Gary E. Stevenson greet members in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Elder Ian S. Ardern, General Authority Seventy and president of the Africa Central Area, left, and Elder Gary E. Stevenson, center, of the Quorum of the Twelves Apostles greet members before a leadership meeting in the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo N’Djili Stake Center in Kinshasa, DR Congo, on Saturday, Feb. 10, 2024. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

That afternoon at the same stake center, Elder Stevenson held a devotional for young single adults in person, which was broadcast to another 10 stake centers throughout Kinshasa.

Elder Stevenson testified that Latter-day Saints have the privilege of the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. He shared how the Holy Ghost has three missions: to comfort, to warn and to bear witness of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

His wife, Sister Lesa Stevenson, also bore her testimony and shared counsel with the young single adults.

After, Chimene Lokutshu told the Church’s Africa Newsroom: “I felt that the Spirit of the Lord was present in this meeting. Everyone there felt it was unlike any other meeting. It was a very spiritual meeting.”

Jilva Doto, of the N’djili 2nd Ward, N’dijili Stake, said: “I was grateful to hear the testimony of a special witness of Jesus Christ. His testimony of the living Christ and the living Prophet strengthened my testimony.”

The next day, more than 1,000 Church members and friends attended a stake conference of the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Masina Stake.

Elder Stevenson told them: “We are all faced with challenges in this chaotic world. But we have the gospel to keep us close to Jesus Christ. The gospel is strength. Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are given power through prayer, faith, priesthood blessings, companionship of the Holy Ghost and patriarchal blessings.”

That afternoon Elder Stevenson met with almost 300 missionaries in Kinshasa and testified of Jesus Christ.

“I bear special witness that Jesus Christ lives and that He is the head of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” he said.

Church helps expand health center in Tanzania

Elder Gary E. Stevenson sits by a mother at the Makuburi Health Center in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles visits with a mother at the Makuburi Health Center in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, on Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024. The Church is assisting with the expansion of the hospital to assist women and children. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

As part of his ministry in the Africa Central Area, Elder Stevenson visited the Makuburi Health Center in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, on Feb. 15, reported Africa Newsroom.

The Church is helping expand the health center. “When we see the service that is being provided to mothers and children here, our hearts are touched by what you are doing,” Elder Stevenson said following a tour. “This became an opportunity for us to participate in just a small [way toward] the wonderful things that you are doing here.”

The Church is also providing support for the Kimara Health Center. In 2022, the Church helped fund a wheelchair ramp and a potential second floor.

While in Tanzania, Elder Stevenson and Elder Ardern held meetings for Latter-day Saints and full-time missionaries in the Tanzania Dar es Salaam Mission.

“I bear my witness that God lives,” Elder Stevenson told the missionaries. “I bear witness of God the Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. I bear witness that Jesus Christ lives, that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God. He is our Savior, He is our Redeemer, the Savior of the world.”

Explaining the role of an Apostle in Kenya

Elder Gary E. Stevenson responds to questions from the media in Nairobi, Kenya. Elder Ian S. Ardern and a picture of the temple are behind him.
Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles responds to questions from the news media in Nairobi, Kenya, on Saturday, Feb. 17, 2024. Elder Ian S. Ardern, General Authority Seventy and president of the Africa Central Area, is next to him. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

On Feb. 17, Elder Stevenson took part in a news conference in Nairobi, Kenya, that was broadcast live on national television and attended by more than 30 journalists, reported Africa Newsroom.

“A question that might be on many of your minds is, ‘What is an Apostle?’” Elder Stevenson said.

“If people are familiar with Christianity, they’re familiar with Apostles,” he said. “We too are called to go into the nations of the world and bear witness of the divine Sonship of Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Elder Ardern and Dennis Mukasa, the Africa Central Area self-reliance regional manager, also answered questions about humanitarian projects, missionary work and the Nairobi Kenya Temple. The house of the Lord has been under construction since 2021 and will be the first temple in Kenya.

“We consider temples to be where our most sacred sacraments take place. Temples are a place where we unite families for eternity,” Elder Stevenson told the journalists.

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