
‘Try Faith: A 30-Day Challenge’: 7 people share how they grew closer to Jesus Christ

Season 2 of YouTube series inspires viewers to apply recent teachings of living prophets, apostles and Church leaders

At the beginning of 2023, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints launched a four-episode series illustrating how four young adults strengthened their faith in Jesus Christ during a 30-day challenge.

The second season of “Try Faith: A 30-Day Challenge,” which began Aug. 6, documents the growth of seven individuals as they apply recent teachings of living prophets, apostles and Church leaders. Viewers are invited to follow along with a 30-day goal of their own that will help them apply these teachings to grow closer to Jesus Christ, connect with others and live their faith.

The YouTube series will publish one episode a week, ending on Sept. 17. Additional related content will post on Instagram and Facebook. 

Meet the Participants

Anna: Giving God’s Love

Anna is a children’s librarian who has anxiety. Using the general conference talk “Remember What Matters Most” by President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, she challenged herself to feel God’s love by giving God’s love.

While talking about her experience, Anna said she found that “there aren’t that many people around you who don’t need some love.”

Anna’s episode premiered Aug. 6. Watch it here.

Hollis: Making Sincere Connections

Recent college graduate Hollis used inspiration from “One in Christ” by Elder D. Todd Christofferson to implement a new pattern as he met others.
Hollis used inspiration from “One in Christ” by Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles to implement a new pattern as he met others: sincerely admire, thank, ask and listen. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Hollis, a recent college graduate, felt like he was good at talking with others but realized the connections he was making had become superficial. Using inspiration from “One in Christ” by Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Hollis wanted to implement a new pattern as he met others: sincerely admire, thank, ask and listen.

“The more I can relate to others and connect with others in a higher and holier way,” Hollis said, “I understand just a little bit more about how God understands me and how He knows me.”

Watch Hollis’ episode Aug. 13.

Amy: Praying for Strength

Amy followed counsel from the talk by President Russell M. Nelson, “Peacemakers Needed.”
Amy followed counsel from the talk by President Russell M. Nelson, “Peacemakers Needed.” She sought to pray at the first sign of anger. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Amy is a busy mom. While dealing with two sons, she found she was often quick to anger. Following the talk by President Russell M. Nelson, “Peacemakers Needed,” she sought to pray at the first sign of anger.

“I think there have been some days of this 30-day challenge where I haven’t been as Christ centered. … I’ve just kind of been trying to improve myself by myself and it really doesn’t work unless I am on my knees pleading for the Savior’s help. … He is the one that has the power ... to strengthen me,” Amy said.

Watch Amy’s episode on Aug. 20.

Dax: Practicing Christlike Traits

Dax used the talk “Followers of the Prince of Peace” by Elder Ulisses Soares to challenge himself to practice 30 Christlike traits for 30 days.
Using the talk “Followers of the Prince of Peace” by Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Dax decided to challenge himself to practice 30 Christlike traits for 30 days. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Dax is a full-time college student. For the past few years, he has wanted to become more like Jesus Christ, but he found that he was focusing too much on himself. Using the talk “Followers of the Prince of Peace” by Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, Dax decided to challenge himself to practice 30 Christlike traits for 30 days.

Dax said he found it best to not repress a generous thought. “The small things, they count, and they add up,” he said.

Watch Dax’s episode on Aug. 27.

Wanda: Identifying How God Uses Her

Wanda was inspired by “The Imperfect Harvest” by Vern P. Stanfill, a General Authority Seventy.
Wanda was inspired by “The Imperfect Harvest” by Vern P. Stanfill, a General Authority Seventy. She challenged herself to identify one way God was using her every day for 30 days. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Wanda, a podcaster, has struggled her whole life with feelings of self-doubt. She was inspired by “The Imperfect Harvest” by Elder Vern P. Stanfill, a General Authority Seventy, to identify one way she noticed God was using her every day for 30 days.

“I know that we all belong to God with all of our imperfections because they are beautiful to Him and He loves us just how we are,” Wanda said.

Watch Wanda’s episode on Sept. 3.

CJ: Listening Without Contending

CJ used the talk “Peacemakers Needed” by President Russell M. Nelson to challenge himself to listen to others without contending.
Using the talk “Peacemakers Needed” by President Russell M. Nelson, CJ challenged himself to listen to others without contending. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

CJ, a doctoral student of music, said he has struggled to fully listen to and be curious about other people. Using the talk “Peacemakers Needed” by President Nelson, he challenged himself to listen to others without contending.

Sharing the story of Lazarus being raised from the dead by Christ, CJ said, “[Christ] listened to Martha’s tears and wept with her, even though He knew He was going to raise Lazarus from the dead. … It’s instructive that He wept with her and comforted her where she was at.”

Watch CJ’s story on Sept. 10.

Jared: Ministering to Others

Jared used the talk “The Lord Jesus Christ Teaches Us to Minister” by Elder Juan A. Uceda to seek daily targets of practical ministering.
Following the talk “The Lord Jesus Christ Teaches Us to Minister” by Elder Juan A. Uceda, a General Authority Seventy, Jared sought to seek daily targets of practical ministering. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Jared, an Army veteran, found that he was most happy when he was serving other people. Following the talk “The Lord Jesus Christ Teaches Us to Minister” by Elder Juan A. Uceda, a General Authority Seventy, Jared sought to seek daily targets of practical ministering.

During his challenge, Jared discovered that God uses our talents to send us to those who need help, “in ways that … we can’t immediately see.” We all can become someone’s ministering angel, he said.

Watch Jared’s story on Sept. 17.

Try the Challenge for Yourself

To find ways you can come closer to Jesus Christ, watch “Try Faith: A 30-day Challenge,” on YouTube and follow along with your own goal for 30 days.

To find inspiration for selecting your own challenge, see recent general conference messages by living prophets and apostles of Jesus Christ in the Library on Select General Conference, then click on April 2023.

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