
‘Come, Follow Me’ for Feb. 26-March 3: What have Church leaders and scholars said about 2 Nephi 11-19?

This week’s study guide includes writings of the prophet Isaiah as recorded by Nephi

This week’s “Come, Follow Me” study guide covers 2 Nephi 11–19, which includes writings of the prophet Isaiah as recorded by Nephi.

Following are a few quotes from past and present Church leaders about these chapters.

2 Nephi 11

“In the Book of Mormon, Nephi speaks often of delight. He delights ‘in the things of the Lord,’ ‘in the scriptures,’ and ‘in the great and eternal plan’ of our Father in Heaven (see 2 Nephi 4:15–16; 11:2–8). Notably, Nephi often remembers his sources of delight in the midst of affliction, serving to lift and focus his spirit on eternal blessings.

“We too should delight in the things of the Lord for it will ‘lift’ our hearts and give us cause to ‘rejoice’ (2 Nephi 11:8).”

— Sister Susan W. Tanner, then the recently-released Young Women general president, April 2008 general conference, “My Soul Delighteth in the Things of the Lord

“Sisters, we are the covenant people, blessed to live on the earth when we can prepare in earnest for the second coming of our Savior. I pray that we will daily rejoice in being alive now when we can covenant through baptism and in the house of the Lord. I feel as Nephi expressed, ‘My soul delighteth in the covenants of the Lord … ; yea, my soul delighteth in his grace, and in his justice, and power, and mercy in the great and eternal plan of deliverance from death’ (2 Nephi 11:5). To be a woman of covenant is a sacred and holy calling. Our covenants should ennoble us, serving as inspiration and incentive. A deepened understanding of our covenants lifts our vision to the loftier vistas awaiting us.”

— Sister Elaine L. Jack, then the Relief Society general president, April 1992 general conference, “Look Up and Press On

“It is all so wondrously Christ-centered. Whether in the structure of the atom or of the galaxies, or in the truths about temples and families, for those who have eyes to see, all things ‘from the beginning of the world’ (2 Nephi 11:4) ‘bear record of [God]’ (Moses 6:63). They are designed to point us to Christ, typifying Him, so that we might follow Him, have faith in Him and keep His commandments.”

— Elder Neal A. Maxwell, April 1986 general conference, “‘Called and Prepared from the Foundation of the World’”

2 Nephi 12

“Isaiah’s words are easier to understand as we learn more about the Eastern writing traditions of Isaiah’s day, such as poetry and symbols. Isaiah most often used complex symbols in his writings.

“For example, Isaiah wrote about those who are ‘high and lifted up’ as being like the ‘cedars of Lebanon’ and the ‘oaks of Bashan [Syria]’ (2 Nephi 12:13). Cedars and oaks are hardwood trees. Isaiah used a poetic way to say that proud and lofty people are like tall trees because they have hardened their hearts and think that they are better than others. Reading Isaiah like poetry can help us better understand what he taught.”

Brother Bradley R. Wilcox, then the second counselor in the Young Men general presidency, in the September 2022 For the Strength of Youth article, “Nephi’s Four Keys for Understanding Isaiah

“We all understand that the Lord answers prayers and provides inspiration in a variety of venues. It could be as we pray at the side of our bed, as we study the scriptures, as we listen to a general conference talk, or in a variety of other settings, but the Lord has made it clear that there are ‘great things’ (1 Nephi 18:3) reserved for those who are willing to pay the price and be worthy to ‘go up to the mountain of the Lord’ (2 Nephi 12:3).

“Attending the temple as often as our circumstances allow increases our ability to learn and apply what we are taught in the temple. The great lessons of the temple will be written in our hearts and minds, and the associated blessings of temple attendance will be ours as we remember and keep the covenants we make.”

Bishop W. Christopher Waddell, first counselor in the Presiding Bishopric, in the October 2021 YA Weekly article, “Are You Ready?

“As you appropriately seek for and apply unto the spirit of revelation, I promise you will ‘walk in the light of the Lord’ (Isaiah 2:5; 2 Nephi 12:5). Sometimes the spirit of revelation will operate immediately and intensely, other times subtly and gradually, and often so delicately you may not even consciously recognize it. But regardless of the pattern whereby this blessing is received, the light it provides will illuminate and enlarge your soul, enlighten your understanding, and direct and protect you and your family.”

Elder David A. Bednar, April 2011 general conference, “The Spirit of Revelation

“Isaiah Writes of Christ’s Birth (The Prophet Isaiah Foretells Christ’s Birth)” is by Harry Anderson. | Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

2 Nephi 13

“While attending a youth fireside with Elder Richard G. Scott, I noticed five youths scattered among the congregation whose countenances or body language almost screamed that something was spiritually amiss in their lives. After the meeting, when I mentioned the five youths to Elder Scott, he simply replied, ‘There were eight.’

“Isaiah prophesied, ‘Their countenance doth witness against them, and doth declare their sin to be even as Sodom, and they cannot hide it’ (2 Nephi 13:9; see also Isaiah 3:9).”

— Elder Spencer V. Jones, April 2003 general conference, “Overcoming the Stench of Sin

“We need the constant guidance of that Spirit. We live in an age of deceit. ‘O my people,’ said Isaiah in the Book of Mormon, ‘they who lead thee cause thee to err and destroy the way of thy paths’ (2 Nephi 13:12). Even within the Church we have been warned that ‘the ravening wolves are amongst us, from our own membership, and they, more than any others, are clothed in sheep’s clothing, because they wear the habiliments of the priesthood’” (J. Reuben Clark, Jr., CR, April 1949, p. 163).

— Then-Elder Ezra Taft Benson, April 1972 general conference, “Civic Standards for the Faithful Saints

2 Nephi 15

“An increasing number of opinion leaders and followers deny the existence of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and revere only the gods of secularism. Many in positions of power and influence deny the right and wrong defined by divine decree. Even among those who profess to believe in right and wrong, there are ‘them that call evil good, and good evil’ (Isaiah 5:20; 2 Nephi 15:20). Many also deny individual responsibility and practice dependence on others, seeking, like the foolish virgins, to live on borrowed substance and borrowed light.

“All of this is grievous in the sight of our Heavenly Father, who loves all of His children and forbids every practice that keeps any from returning to His presence.”

Then-Elder Dallin H. Oaks, April 2004 general conference, “Preparation for the Second Coming

“As the Lord communicates with the meek and submissive, fewer decibels are required and more nuances are received. Even the most meek, like Moses, learn overwhelming things they ‘never had supposed’ (Moses 1:10). But it is only the meek mind which can be so shown and so stretched — not those, as Isaiah wrote, who ‘are wise in their own eyes’ (Isaiah 5:21; see also 2 Nephi 9:29 and 2 Nephi 15:21).”

— Elder Neal A. Maxwell, April 1985 general conference, “‘Willing to Submit’

2 Nephi 16

“Trust the Lord. Believe in Him. Study His words. Worship your Father in Heaven in the holy and sacred name of His Beloved Son. May the Lord bless you with courage to do now the next things that are very most important in your lives. ...

“Enjoy the future; prepare, my beloved brothers and sisters. When the Lord needs you, you’ll be able to say, ‘Here am I; send me’ (2 Nephi 16:8). May this be the case in your lives.”

Then-Elder M. Russell Ballard in the September 2011 Ensign article, “Preparing for the Future

2 Nephi 18

“The purpose of our life on earth is to grow, develop and be strengthened through our own experiences. How do we do this? The scriptures give us an answer in one simple phrase: we ‘wait upon the Lord’ (2 Nephi 18:17).

“What does it mean to wait upon the Lord? In the scriptures, the word wait means to hope, to anticipate and to trust. To hope and trust in the Lord requires faith, patience, humility, meekness, long-suffering, keeping the commandments and enduring to the end.”

— Elder Robert D. Hales in the June 2015 New Era article, “How to Wait on the Lord

“My dear brothers and sisters, when pain, tests and trials come in life, draw near to the Savior. ‘Wait upon the Lord … look for him’ (Isaiah 8:17; 2 Nephi 18:17). … Healing comes in the Lord’s time and the Lord’s way; be patient.”

— Elder Robert D. Hales, October 1998 general conference, “Healing Soul and Body

2 Nephi 19

“I witnessed a change of heart in my parents as we prayed daily, morning and evening. We studied the Book of Mormon; we held family home evening; we truly became a family. Every Sunday we woke up at 6:00 a.m. to prepare to go to church, and we would travel for hours to attend Church meetings every week without complaining. It was a wonderful experience to witness. We, who had previously walked in darkness, chased darkness from among us and saw ‘great light’ (2 Nephi 19:2).”

Elder Thierry K. Mutombo, April 2021 general conference, “Ye Shall Be Free

“Reverence is something we feel inside no matter what is going on around us. It is a personal responsibility. We cannot blame others for disturbing our reverent attitudes.

“Those who are truly reverent are those who have paid the price to know the glory of the Father and His Son. Let each of us set a personal example as a living witness of the love and respect we have for Him Whom we call ‘Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace’ (2 Nephi 19:6).”

— Elder L. Tom Perry in the January 1992 Friend article, “Reverence

English and Spanish translations of the Book of Mormon on display with dozens of other languages during the Saturday afternoon session of the 180th Annual General Conference Saturday, April 3, 2010. Jason Olson, Deseret News | Archivos de Deseret News
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