Kaitlyn Bancroft
Kaitlyn Bancroft

Kaitlyn Bancroft is a reporter with Church News. Previously, she’s written for, The Salt Lake Tribune, The Spectrum & Daily News (part of the USA TODAY NETWORK), The Denver Post, Deseret News and The Davis Clipper. She's a 2019 graduate of Brigham Young University's journalism program, where she worked at The Daily Universe for four years. Follow her work on Twitter @katbancroft or on Instagram @katbancroftreports, and email her at

This week’s study guide includes the birth of Jesus Christ and the fulfillment of Samuel the Lamanite's prophecies.

Young adults ages 18 to 35 are invited to attend and to discuss the devotional with friends.

President Reese shared three ideas for progressing on the gospel path, while Sister Reese spoke on the power of positivity during the Tuesday, Sept. 10 devotional.

This week’s study guide includes the story of Samuel the Lamanite.

In a new video released Sept. 5, young adults express gratitude for the reality that they are children of God and share how this truth shapes their lives.

This week’s study guide includes Nephi’s missionary efforts and his prayer in a garden tower.

Addtionally, Elder Bednar shared the reality of the Atonement, Elder Cook rededicated the Logan Tabernacle, and more from other Church leaders.

The nonprofit makes ready-to-use foods for people in a variety of places, including Burkina Faso, Ethiopia and Haiti.

This week’s study guide includes the Gadianton robbers and Helaman’s discourse on ‘the rock of our Redeemer’ (Helaman 5:12).

Jesus Christ will give young adults "hope and courage, and unbind them from the things that are causing them [their] struggles and pains."

Held Aug. 21 in Brasília, the conference brought together leaders from around the world.

The Apostle invited listeners to be peacemakers and build bridges of understanding.

This week’s study guide includes the story of Helaman’s 2,000 stripling warriors.

From food supplements to interfaith prayer, the Church is bringing light to people of all backgrounds.

No matter what young adults face, “Jesus Christ and His teachings are the answer,” Elder Uchtdorf taught.

This week’s study guide includes Captain Moroni raising the title of liberty.

Young Men General President Steven J. Lund and Young Women General President Emily Bell Freeman spoke about "Festival: A Youth Concert," joined by singer Halee Crowther

Saturday, Aug. 3 classes covered spiritual growth, emotional wellness, personal development and temporal well-being

This week’s study guide includes Alma’s counsel to his son Corianton.

Friday, Aug. 2, classes covered spiritual growth, emotional wellness, personal development and temporal well-being.

The concert also featured Latter-day Saint jazz singer Emma Nissen, who shared experiences from her mission.

Young Women general president Emily Belle Freeman gave the morning keynote on Aug. 2, while Elder Kyle S. McKay spoke in the afternoon.

YA Weekly magazine has launched new social media pages for young adults to share their faith and strengthen each other’s testimonies.

President Paul V. Johnson and his counselors, Brother Chad H Webb and Brother Gabriel W. Reid, stepped into their new roles Aug. 1

A variety of free, local events took place between Logan and St. George, Utah, from July 26-27.

This week’s study guide includes Alma’s counsel to his sons Helaman and Shiblon.

Young single adults can help make history at the 2024 Utah Area YSA Conference by participating in two official attempts to break Guinness World Records titles.

Local Church members shared their creations during the 2024 Float Preview Party held before the parade.

Redefining "young single adults" as unmarried Latter-day Saints ages 18 to 35 will help more people stay rooted in Christ-centered communities, young single adults and their leaders say.

This week’s study guide includes Alma’s comparison of "the word unto a seed" (Alma 32:28).