
Latter-day Saints host first-ever interfaith youth symposium in Monrovia, Liberia

Inter-religious groups gathered at The Strengthening Family Youth Symposium for the shared purpose of promoting marriage and families

In preparation for its 2024 “Strengthening Families Conference,” which will be held in in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire, on June 21 and 22, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints held an interfaith “Strengthening Family Youth Symposium.” This first-of-its-kind event took place on May 14 at the Caldwell Liberia Stake Center on the Bushrod Island in Monrovia.

Over 200 youth and their families were addressed by interfaith leaders, a government official and representatives from the business sector. Church leaders were also involved as panelists and guest speakers.

The program covered the event theme of “Strengthening Marriages,” with subtopics including communication, achieving family goals and strengthening family bonds through shared hobbies and activities. A panel discussion portion of the event also allowed youth to ask follow-up questions.

A man in a white shirt and tie speaks into a microphone from a pulpit with red and white flowers in front of it.
D. Blamo Kofa, commissioner of customs for compliance and enforcement at Liberia Revenue Authority and First Counselor in the Monrovia Liberia Mission of the Church of Jesus Christ, speaks at Strengthening Families Symposium in Monrovia, Liberia, on 14 May 2024. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Notable guests included: Mohammed Tuala Massaquoi, imam of the Samukai Town Mosque, Upper Caldwell Community; Nicolas Sidike Talawally, Muslim youth leader of the Caldwell Township; The Honorable Abraham Rahim Bility, deputy minister for research and planning in Liberia; and Boimah Quaye Outland, SME group leader at Access Bank Liberia.

Keynote speaker D. Blamo Kofa, Liberia Revenue Authority’s commissioner of customs for compliance and enforcement and first counselor in the Liberia Monrovia Mission, spoke about prioritizing a strong friendship in the decision of marriage.

“When young people are preparing to get married, they should consider selecting a good partner, and that should begin with the kind of friends they choose,” he said. “Friendship should be a major part of your decision-making process.”

Kafo added, “Couples should value their unions and always spend time with each other. They should yield to good sense in their friendship and relationship and learn to overlook mistakes in their partner. Married couples should beautify their homes with gospel principles that will nourish the home.”

Three men sitting at a table reading from prepared texts
Interfaith panelists at the Strengthening Families Youth Symposium, sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in Monrovia, Liberia, on 14 May 2024. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

All sessions of the sixth annual Strengthening Families Conference can be accessed online and is free for all in-person and virtual attendees. The conference is an international event with speakers and performers from around the globe.

A similar interfaith event to promote religious harmony and freedom took place in Zimbabwe on Sunday, May 19, and is a part of the Church’s efforts to strengthen relationships with other faiths.

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