To BYU–Pathway Worldwide students pursuing higher education, Elder Ricardo P. Giménez reminded them they can receive divine help through any challenge — from studying and exams to the demands of working and providing for a family.
In a BYU–Pathway Worldwide devotional on Tuesday, Feb. 13, that was broadcast originating from Salt Lake City, the General Authority Seventy and native of Chile expressed his love, encouragement and confidence to students viewing from across the globe.
He quoted King Benjamin, “All that [the Lord] requires of you is to keep his commandments; and he has promised you that if ye would keep his commandments ye should prosper in the land; and he never doth vary from that which he hath said; therefore, if ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you (Mosiah 2:22).”
Said Elder Giménez: “Through the covenants that we make and our sincere efforts to honor them, we have received promises that can help us to keep moving forward, to learn, and even to earn a degree.”

Prospering is not just temporal
King Benjamin’s promise of prosperity to those who keep the commandments of God applies to more than just the comforts of this world.
“Everything we find in this world belongs to our Creator,” said Elder Giménez, “and He can help us with all these things according to our needs and His will because they belong to Him.”
Elder Giménez recalled an experience in which he and his wife, Sister Catherine Giménez, sacrificed much to buy a new car. After parking it on the street one day, the car was hit.
Their first reaction was confusion, as they felt they were keeping the commandments. However, the real lesson Elder and Sister Giménez learned was that they were already “enjoying the blessings of good health, beautiful children and, most importantly, the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost.”

Constant companionship of the Holy Ghost
According to Elder Giménez, the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost is an important aspect of prospering because “we will be able to make better decisions, understand what we can do to keep progressing here on earth and receive extra help in our studies.”
Having the guidance of the Holy Ghost does not necessarily make life easier. Instead, Latter-day Saints will receive strength to overcome challenges and keep moving forward through adversity.
Glorious blessings are available to “all members of the Lord’s restored Church who modestly, humbly and meekly desire to ‘lay hold upon every good gift’ (Moroni 10:30) and strive to ‘be perfected in [Christ]’ (Moroni 10:32),” Elder Giménez said.

‘Show Him our love by keeping His commandments’
Elder Giménez once again highlighted the universal truth behind keeping the commandments and prospering in the land, saying, “Regardless of our country, nation, culture or language, always remember that prospering means more than just receiving material things.”
Listeners were invited to study the first four chapters of the book of Mosiah in the Book of Mormon and “find out how many times King Benjamin reminds us to keep the commandments.”
Elder Giménez’s voice crackled with emotion as he ended the address with his testimony: “I bear witness that Heavenly Father loves you, and He is in the details of your life. He knows you. He knows who you are and where you are. Jesus Christ is our Redeemer and Savior, and He wants to bless you and help you. We just need to show Him our love by keeping His commandments.”