
Sister Marian B. Lindsay remembered for wholehearted devotion to family, the Church

Sister Marian Bangerter Lindsay, wife of the late Elder Richard P. Lindsay, passed away Dec. 18 at the age of 94

Sister Marian Bangerter Lindsay, 94, wife of the late Elder Richard P. Lindsay, died Dec. 18, 2022, in South Jordan, Utah, of congestive heart failure.

Sister Lindsay served faithfully in many leadership and service callings within the Church and supported her husband as he served as a member of the Second Quorum of the Seventy. 

An article published when Elder Lindsay was called as a general authority noted that when asked to talk about himself, Elder Lindsay would talk about his wife and their children. When asked about herself, Sister Lindsay would talk about her husband and their children. “Our family has been our crowning jewel,” she said. “And the blessings of our eternal family relationships become richer and more satisfying with each year.”

If there was a motto in their marriage or in their family, it would be the scripture that was inscribed on a plaque in her husband’s office, Sister Lindsay said in a 1989 Church News article. “But before ye seek for riches, seek ye for the kingdom of God” (Jacob 2:18).

“The greatest joys that exist in life are grounded in the joy of living the gospel,” commented Elder Lindsay, who passed away from cancer in 2010.

Marian Bangerter was born Dec. 13, 1928, in Granger, Utah, to William Henry and Isabelle Bawden Bangerter as the eighth of their 11 children.

She graduated from Cyprus High School and attended Brigham Young University. She was introduced to Richard Lindsay by his younger sister during a stake conference where he was reporting on his mission to the Swiss-Austrian Mission.

The two were married on Nov. 17, 1949, in the Salt Lake Temple. They raised six children and have 26 grandchildren and 60 great-grandchildren.

Sister Marian Bangerter Lindsay and Elder Richard P. Lindsay, who served as a General Authority Seventy from 1989 10 1994. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

She developed deep roots in Taylorsville, Utah, where Elder Lindsay’s family was from and worked for close to 20 years in the administration office of Salt Lake Community College.

Her obituary notes that her kindness and love enabled her to develop deep relationships with people all around the world.

Sister Lindsay is survived by children Bruce (Shari), Gordon (Kathleen), Sister Susan Gong (Elder Gerrit W. Gong), Sharon Lyons (Doug), John (Ann) and Mimi Warnick (Paul), 26 grandchildren, 60 great-grandchildren and sister Naomi Christofferson (Leonard).

She was preceded in death by her husband, parents, brothers Grant, Sam, Blauer, Norman and David, sisters Sarah Hardy, Pauline Jensen, Elsbeth Hansen and Gleneth Wilson.

A viewing will be held on Thursday, Dec. 22, from 6 to 8 p.m. at the River Ridge 10th Ward meetinghouse, 1409 W. Shields Lane (9800 S.) in South Jordan, and on Dec. 23 from 9 to 10:30 a.m. Funeral services will be held at the same location on Friday, Dec. 23, at 11 a.m.

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