
New Member Tools attendance feature to help teachers ‘minister in a more personal way’

Teachers can now record class attendance digitally through the Member Tools app

Adult teachers and secretaries can now take class attendance in the Member Tools app, according to a news release published Tuesday, Feb. 20, on The feature, minimizing the need to take roll on paper, aims to help teachers continue to minister to class members individually.

“This new capability to record attendance will be a great blessing to all of us as teachers,” said Sunday School General President Mark L. Pace. “This helps us be more attentive to the individuals in our class. As we are mindful of them, we can minister in a more personal way. Ministering and teaching go hand in hand as we bless and support each member in our class.”

The added feature works on both iOS and Android devices for adult teachers and secretaries in Sunday School, Primary, Young Women, Aaronic Priesthood quorums, Relief Society and elders quorum classes.

To take attendance, teachers or their secretaries can open the Member Tools app menu, select Reports, then select Class and Quorum Attendance.

A sister teaching young adults in Sunday attire.
Teachers now can record class attendance within the Member Tools app. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

The digital attendance taken will automatically be added to the ward’s Quarterly Report, allowing the ward clerk to more easily compile and submit the report each quarter.

In Member Tools 5.0, available March 2024, the class attendance feature will be available as a tile on the home screen. Version 5.0 will offer a new home screen with customizable tiles and faster access to tools, as well as improved leader and clerk access for viewing reports and managing records.

Member Tools is a mobile app from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that allows members to do their calling, serve in the temple and connect with other Church members. It includes the ward and stake calendar and directory, a meetinghouse locator, tools for temple and missionary service, and more.

A phone screen showing the Member Tools app attendance feature on iOS.
Teachers now can record class attendance within the Member Tools app (for iOS and Android devices). This image shows the attendance feature on an iOS device. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
A phone screen showing the Member Tools app attendance feature on Android.
Teachers now can record class attendance within the Member Tools app (for iOS and Android devices). This image shows the attendance feature on an Android device. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
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