With less than 10 days remaining for the public open house of the Hamilton New Zealand Temple, the Church’s Pacific Newsroom has posted a video about the special opportunity to tour the renovated temple prior to its rededication.
The four-minute video features Elder K. Brett Nattress, a General Authority Seventy who presides over the Pacific Area, local Latter-day Saints with ties to the labor missionaries who constructed the temple more than six decades ago and guests who have toured the temple.
The open house, which began Aug. 26, runs through Saturday, Sept. 17, excluding Sundays. Reservations for the open house of the temple, located at 509 Tuhikaramea Road, Temple View, Hamilton, New Zealand, can be made online at hamiltontemple.nz.
Dedicated on April 20, 1958, as the 11th-oldest operating temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Hamilton temple has been closed since July 2018 for a series of renovations, including seismic strengthening and upgrades to its mechanical, plumbing and electrical systems.
The First Presidency announced in April that after nearly four years of closure, the Hamilton New Zealand Temple — the Church’s first temple in the Southern Hemisphere and third beyond the North American continent, after temples in Hawaii and Switzerland — will be rededicated Sunday, Oct. 16, by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.