
Church releases new information about FSY starting in 2020. Here’s how it impacts you

Youth attend a For the Strength of Youth session in Brazil in 2016. Credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
Latter-day Saint youth gather at a For the Strength of Youth Conference. The global program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been operating outside the U.S. for more than a decade under the direction of area presidencies and area lea Credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
An aerial view of Latter-day Saint youth at a For the Strength of Youth conference in Brazil in 2016. Credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
Young women study materials received during a For the Strength of Youth conference. Credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
Youth attend a For the Strength of Youth conference in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
A group of Latter-day Saint young men study scriptures during a 2016 For the Strength of Youth conference in Brisbane, Australia. Credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
A Latter-day Saint young woman sings during a For the Strength of Youth Conference. Credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.
Young men and young women sing in a choir during a For the Strength of Youth conference. Credit: Intellectual Reserve, Inc.

In July 2019, the Church announced that For the Strength of Youth (FSY) conferences will be held in stakes in the United States and Canada every other year beginning in 2021 and 2022. To prepare for implementation, a limited number of FSY conferences will be held in 2020.

An extensive notice sent to local leaders on Sept. 12 provided more information about the conferences, including registration, cost, travel and young single adult counselors.

Also included in the notice is a list of stakes and the years they are assigned to attend an FSY conference.

Some questions and answers found in the notice are listed below:

What is FSY?

“For the Strength of Youth (FSY) conferences are modeled after Brigham Young University’s Especially for Youth (EFY) conferences. These five-day events have been held extensively outside the United States and Canada for a number of years. Youth may attend beginning in the year they turn 14 and until their high school graduation. Each stake will be invited every other year.

“FSY conferences include activities, devotionals, and classes designed to help strengthen faith in Jesus Christ and provide opportunities for youth to grow spiritually, socially, physically, and intellectually. Beginning in 2020 in the United States and Canada, FSY conferences will be provided by the Church and held locally with the support of BYU. Areas outside of the U.S. and Canada will continue holding FSY conferences under the direction of the Area Presidency.”

Do all youth from a stake attend the same FSY conference?

“FSY is a five-day conference. Stakes will be invited to the conference or conferences their youth are eligible to attend. In areas with many stakes, youth may have options of choosing among several conferences. In such locations, youth and their parents may register youth for the conference that works best for their family. Youth are encouraged to register early to ensure they can attend the conference that best fits their schedule. Participation is, of course, not required.”

How much will FSY cost?

“Each participant will be asked to pay U.S. $75. In addition, the stake or ward will pay U.S. $75 from the local unit budget allowance (LUBA) for each individual. The bishop may also use LUBA to help individuals when necessary. If desired, wards may use the annual fundraising effort to help offset the cost (see Handbook 2, 13.6.8).”

Will BYU hold EFY for youth whose stakes are not assigned to attend an FSY conference in a particular year?

“Traditional five-day EFY conferences will no longer be held. EFY Special Edition and EFY Express will still be available. For more information, see”

For more information about FSY and to see when your stake is scheduled to attend, view the notice.

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