
Venue change for Face to Face with Elder and Sister Rasband

Due to COVID-19 travel restrictions, the broadcast venue has been changed for the Face to Face event on Sept. 13 with Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Sister Melanie Rasband.

The Church announced on Aug. 10 the broadcast will originate from the Church’s Motion Picture Studio Campus in Goshen, Utah, instead of the previously announced Sacred Grove in Palmyra, New York.

In a social media post on June 24, Elder Rasband invited young adults to participate in the Face to Face event, which will focus on the bicentennial proclamation announced during April 2020 general conference.

“My dear young adult friends, like you, I have felt the effects of our world’s difficult circumstances during the last few months,” he wrote. “In these difficult times — and always — the answer is our Savior, Jesus Christ. His atoning sacrifice enables us to access His power, which can give us strength to endure.

“I also know that the timing of President Russell M. Nelson’s announcement of ‘The Restoration of the Fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ: A Bicentennial Proclamation to the World’ and the events of our world are not a coincidence. If you have not yet taken the opportunity to study this proclamation, I encourage you to study it.”

Elder and Sister Rasband extend 2 invitations for upcoming Face to Face event for young adults

Elder and Sister Rasband invited young adults to submit questions they may have about the proclamation or the Restoration in the comments on his post (or on They also invited young adults to read through the proclamation and think about how the restored gospel of Jesus Christ helps them overcome challenges of today's world.

All young adults ages 17 through 30, whether single or married, as well as full-time missionaries and students who will be finishing high school or the equivalent by the end of 2020 are invited to participate. Young adults are encouraged to invite friends who are not Latter-day Saints to join them.

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Elder and Sister Rasband extend 2 invitations for upcoming Face to Face event for young adults
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