The youth music album “A Great Work” and other resources for the 2021 youth theme are now available on, the Church announced Jan. 4.
This year’s youth theme comes from Doctrine and Covenants 64:33-34: “Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great. Behold, the Lord requireth the heart and a willing mind.”
Reaching No. 8 in the Christian Music chart on iTunes during the first weekend of its release, the album “A Great Work” may be streamed on the Sacred Music app, Spotify, Apple Music and YouTube under the artist “Strive to Be.” It’s also available on Gospel Library under Music.
The album has since jumped to No. 2 on the iTunes Christian music charts and No. 36 for all genres.
Additional theme resources on the youth website include YouTube links, lyrics, sheet music, artwork for posters and T-shirts. Language versions of the album will be added as they become available.
The youth theme video, which was delayed along with the album due to COVID-19 restrictions, will be released during the Youth Music Festival on March 17, according to Newsroom.
Kimberly Knighton Zundel, who sings the acoustic version of “A Great Work” on the album, wrote in a Facebook post on Jan. 1 that the song reminds her of the trust Heavenly Father has in His children.
“I’m grateful for the hope I felt as I sang the lyrics ‘this is a part of His grand design.’ It reminded me that, yes, the last days will be hard, but they are also going to be the greatest, and it was planned to be that way,” she wrote.

Youth are invited to follow @StriveToBe on Instagram to read stories from other youth and share their own experiences. Throughout the year, the “For the Strength of Youth” magazine and Gospel Living app will also feature stories that inspire youth to “Lay a Foundation.”