Based on area presidency direction and approval, eligible members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints anywhere in the world may now be considered for a senior service mission.
A letter from the First Presidency released May 6 details the expanded senior service mission opportunities.
“We are deeply grateful for the faithful service of senior missionaries around the world and for the significant contributions they make in building the kingdom of God,” wrote President Russell M. Nelson and his counselors, President Dallin H. Oaks and President Henry B. Eyring.
“We continue to encourage members to serve either full-time missions away from home as their circumstances permit or senior service missions if they are unable to leave home.”
Thousands of senior service missionary opportunities are currently available at, with more on the way. This webpage — soon to be available in Spanish, Portuguese and French — matches the Church’s needs to a prospective missionary’s talents, interests and availability.
What are senior service missionaries?
Senior service missionaries, formerly known as Church-service missionaries, offer service to the Lord as their circumstances allow through a minimum weekly time commitment determined by the area presidency. In the United States and Canada, the minimum is eight hours per week.

Individuals and couples serving senior service missions generally live at home and serve for six to 24 months. They assist a variety of Church functions and operations around the world, including bishops’ storehouses, distribution centers, FamilySearch centers, self-reliance programs, BYU–Pathway and employment centers.
Interested in serving a family history mission or volunteering? Check out these updated FamilySearch resources
In February, the Church announced that senior service missionaries may be called and assigned to serve in temples in the United States and Canada to perform non-ordinance work.
Who is eligible to serve a senior service mission?
Worthy members who are at least 26 years old are eligible to serve a senior service mission.
Additionally, young men ages 18–25 and young women ages 19–25 who live in an area where the young service missionary program is not yet approved (such as outside the U.S. and Canada) may serve as senior service missionaries. They may also serve if they have already served as a young teaching or service missionary.
How do I become a senior service missionary?
A prospective senior service missionary identifies an opportunity of interest on Then he or she notifies their ecclesiastical leader. Where the necessary technology is not available, paper recommendation forms will be provided.
Under the direction of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, each senior service missionary will receive a call from his or her stake, mission or district president. Senior service missionaries serve under the continued ecclesiastical direction of their stake presidents or district presidents.
Where can I find more information?
For more information about the expanded senior service missionary opportunities, read the First Presidency letter and enclosure. Additional information can be found in chapter 24 of the General Handbook and at, including details about senior service missionary assignments, preparations, expectations, requirements and finances.