Nine members have been called to the Primary general advisory council. They will work with the Primary general presidency to help meet the needs of children around the world.

Renee M. Arteaga, 60, Murray 2nd Ward (Spanish), Murray Utah Stake. Born in Pisco, Peru, to Angel L Arteaga and Raquel Arteaga. Graduated as an assistant accountant and cosmetologist, and works for Macy’s Department store. Serves as a self-reliance facilitator and is a former assistant to the matron of the Lima Peru Temple, stake Primary secretary, ward Primary president, ward Young Women presidency counselor, guest service missionary for the Conference Center and full-time missionary in the Peru Lima North Mission.

Brittany Beattie, 39, Field Crescent Ward, Herriman Utah Stake. Born in Murray, Utah, to Douglas B. Beattie and Sharon Webb Beattie. Received bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English from Brigham Young University and works as the assistant managing editor over digital Liahona content. Served as a Primary general advisory council member, temple ordinance worker, Primary teacher, Young Women adviser, ward Relief Society president, presidency counselor and secretary, ward missionary, temple and family history consultant, and single adult representative.

Jeannie Anette Dennis, 61, Sessions Mountain Ward (Spanish), Woods Cross Utah Stake. Born in Provo, Utah, to C. Lamar Herrin and Patricia Stewart Herrin. Studied elementary education at Brigham Young University. Married to Jorge Dennis; four children and nine grandchildren. Serves with her husband on the Davis County Public Affairs Council and is a former Ecuador Guayaquil West Mission president’s companion, assistant to the matron of the Guayaquil Ecuador Temple, stake Relief Society secretary, ward Primary president, ward Primary, Young Women and Relief Society presidency counselor, Relief Society teacher and temple ordinance worker.

Kathryn W. Godderidge, 61, Quail Flight Ward, Farmington Utah North Stake. Born in Sacramento, California, to Grant W. Walker and Barbara Smith Walker. Received a bachelor’s degree in child development and family science from Brigham Young University. Married to Scott C. Godderidge; four children and 11 grandchildren. Served as a ward and stake Primary president, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women and Primary presidency counselor, Gospel Doctrine teacher, temple ordinance worker, Primary teacher Addiction Recovery Program service missionary, Conference Center tour guide and full-time missionary in the Spain Madrid Mission.

Kaylene P. Harding, 61, Lindon 4th Ward, Lindon Utah Central Stake. Born in Salt Lake City to Lawrence Cardon Porter and LaDawn Thain Porter. Received a Bachelor of Science degree in home economics education from Brigham Young University. Married to David Paul Harding; four children and 16 grandchildren. Served with her husband as mission leaders of the Baltic Mission and as Provo MTC branch president and branch missionary, as a temple ordinance worker, family history consultant, Gospel Doctrine teacher, stake Young Women president and ward Relief Society president.

Temutisa M. Maile, 48, Liberty 3rd Ward, Salt Lake Utah Stake. Born in Salt Lake City to Soseti S. Maile and Fakalelu Maile. Two children. Works as a secretary for a private pre-school and has worked with the Utah Pacific Islander Health Coalition. Served as a ward Primary and Young Women presidency counselor, Young Women adviser, Primary Activity Days leader, Primary, Relief Society and Sunday School teacher, and full-time missionary in the California Santa Rosa Mission.

Silvia Martel, 54, Rosedale Ward, Salt Lake Riverside Stake. Born in Iquique, Chile, to Mario Abarzua Alvarez and Gloria Iguain Cordova. Studied computer science and accounting and works as a senior accountant at the Global Services Department. Married to Joseph Martel; one daughter. Served as a stake and ward Young Women and Primary president, stake Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Relief Society president, ward Relief Society and Primary presidency counselor, Young Women adviser, Activity Days leader, Primary and Sunday School teacher, seminary and institute instructor, nursery leader and full-time missionary in the Chile Osorno Mission.

LuAnn Snow, 52, Adams Park Ward, Layton Utah East Stake. Born in Bountiful, Utah, to Don W. Paulsen and LuciBeth Osmond Paulsen. Received an associate’s degree in secretarial science from Weber State University. Married to Steven C. Snow; two children and five grandchildren. Served as a Church-service missionary in the Relief Society Building, supervisor in Church Building Hosting on Temple Square, history preservation specialist for the Young Women general presidency, ward and stake Relief Society president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Primary secretary, Young Women adviser and Gospel Doctrine teacher.

Kristin M. Yee, 40, Woods Cross 4th Ward, Woods Cross Utah Stake. Born in Sacramento, California, to Ryan R. Yee and Jaydean Fox. Received bachelor’s degree in illustration and a Master of Public Administration from Brigham Young University; works as the manager of the animation team for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and formerly worked with Disney Interactive Studios for 13 years. Served as stake Relief Society president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor and secretary, ward Young Women president, Young Women adviser, Relief Society, Gospel Doctrine and Sunday School teacher, temple ordinance worker, ward missionary and temple preparation teacher.