
Church donation categories have been simplified. See what's new

When logging on to to pay tithing and fast offerings, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints may have noticed changes to the donation process.

A notice from the Office of the Presiding Bishopric outlining the changes was sent on June 10 to stake, mission and district presidencies; bishoprics and branch presidencies; and stake and ward clerks. These changes are meant to simplify the donation process and have been implemented online and on printed donation slips.

What are the changes?

A new donation category called “General Offerings” has replaced categories such as “Book of Mormon,” “Temple Construction,” “Perpetual Education” and others. These categories have been discontinued.

The "Other" category has been renamed "Local." All current amounts in the discontinued "Other" categories will be mapped to approved categories, the notice states.

“Authorized Member-Finance Activities” — a category currently under “Other” — has been discontinued. Instructions regarding the discontinuation of this category will be sent separately.

Why the simplification?

“These changes are intended to simplify the donation process for members as well as streamline the recording of donations by ward clerks,” the notice states.

The creation of the “General Offerings” category “will allow members to contribute to a general donation category that will be used under prophet direction to meet a variety of ever-changing needs as they emerge.”

The Office of the Presiding Bishopric expressed gratitude for the "continued faithfulness and generosity of members of the Church worldwide" and encouraged ward leaders to communicate these changes to members as appropriate.

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