The following new temple president and matron have been called to serve by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in September.

Hubermann Bien Aimé and Maggy Léger Bien Aimé, Gonaïves 1st Branch, Gonaïves Haiti District, called as president and matron of the Port-au-Prince Haiti Temple, succeeding President Fritzner A. Joseph and Sister Gina M. Joseph. President Bien Aimé is an Area Seventy and a former Haiti Port-au-Prince Mission president, stake presidency counselor and bishop. A coordinator of Transportation/Welfare and Self-reliance Services for the Church, he was born in Bassin Mangnan, Haiti, to Anales and Christianne Brésil Bien Aimé.
Sister Bien Aimé is a seminary teacher and a former mission president companion, stake Relief Society president and stake Young Women presidency counselor. She was born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, to Roger and Mirreille Borgella Léger.