
Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus: ‘Faithful to the End’

‘There is joy in being a disciple of Jesus Christ’

Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus, second counselor in the Young Women general presidency, spoke during the Saturday evening session of April 2024 general conference. She spoke about six strengths to develop as a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ. The following is a summary of what she said.

Sister Spannaus’ talk summary

David was prepared with five stones when he battled Goliath. “What if each of David’s stones represented a strength we need to be triumphant in our lives?”

Those five stones can represent love for God, faith in the Savior Jesus Christ, knowledge of true identity, daily repentance and access to God’s power.

“Our love for God and our close relationship with Him give us the strength we need to transform our hearts and more easily overcome our challenges.”

Faith in Jesus Christ “means to fully trust His wisdom, His timing, His love and His power to atone for our sins.”

President Russell M. Nelson has taught that one’s most important identities are as children of God, children of the covenant and disciples of Jesus Christ.

On repentance, “forgiveness is possible for everyone.”

Covenants with God give people access to the power of godliness. “God’s power is a real power that helps us face challenges, make good decisions and increase our capacity to endure difficult situations.”

A sixth stone would be a stone of testimony. “Our testimony is built by personal spiritual experiences in which we recognize the divine influence in our lives. No one can take that knowledge from us.”

Watch her message

Notable quotes

“Our love for God and our close relationship with Him give us the strength we need to transform our hearts and more easily overcome our challenges.”

“Our testimony is built by personal spiritual experiences in which we recognize the divine influence in our lives.”

“There is joy in being a disciple of Jesus Christ.”

See the full text of Sister Spannaus’ talk: ‘Faithful to the End’

Who is Sister Spannaus?

Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus, second counselor in the Young Women general presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
  • Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus was sustained as second counselor in the Young Women general presidency on April 1, 2023, and began serving on Aug. 1, 2023. Her previous callings include serving on the Relief Society general advisory council and serving with her husband as mission leaders in the Mexico Cuernavaca Mission (2009–2012).
  • While in Lyon, France, Sister Spannaus was called to be ward Young Women president; however, she didn’t speak any French. She would learn from an English manual, teach in Spanish and have a counselor translate the message into French.
  • Sister Spannaus met her future husband, Brother Alin Spannaus, at a stake dance in Buenos Aires, Argentina, but they went their separate ways as Sister Spannaus served a mission and Brother Spannaus received an MBA from Brigham Young University. Three years later, the couple reunited, having grown spiritually and professionally, and married in the Buenos Aires Argentina Temple.

What has Sister Spannaus done recently?

  • Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus discussed the choice each person makes between light and darkness in a Provo MTC devotional on Nov. 14, 2023.
  • Sister Spannaus was joined by Sister Amy A. Wright, first counselor in the Primary general presidency, on a visit to several countries in the Pacific while on a ministry trip in September 2023, sharing Christ-focused messages with the area’s children and youth.
  • During a ministry visit to the U.S. state of Tennessee Nov. 3-5, 2023,, Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson, Sister Tracy Y. Browning, second counselor in the Primary general presidency, and Sister Spannaus met with government and community leaders, held interfaith meetings, conducted training and visited with children and youth.
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