
President Cordon’s message for youth in Japan, Mongolia and Korea

‘You are a powerful generation,’ President Cordon tells youth in the Asia North Area

While traveling to Asia in mid-November, Young Women General President Bonnie H. Cordon and her husband, Brother Derek Cordon, found themselves on a delayed flight with a group of missionaries.

Though the Cordons had reached their destination and could leave the airport, they chose to stay with the missionaries who were stranded overnight until they were taken care of.

Sharing this story during a youth devotional in the Asia North Area, Elder Takashi Wada said with God’s power — and despite their feelings of jet lag — the Cordons were fulfilling their assignment in speaking to the youth that evening. 

“You have heard, learned and felt wonderful things today, but it is up to you to choose to act,” said Elder Wada, a General Authority Seventy and president of the Asia North Area. 

Elder Takashi Wada, General Authority Seventy and president of the Asia North Area, greets family members after a youth devotional on Nov. 13, 2022. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

President Cordon visited the Asia North Area Nov. 12-20 and spoke at youth devotionals in Japan, Mongolia and Korea. A summary of her trip was published on

“You are a powerful generation,” President Cordon told the youth. “The Lord saved you to come here now, because you have a special mission here.”

President Cordon highlighted two invitations in Proverbs 3:5-6, the 2022 youth theme: first, trust the Lord, and second, acknowledge Him in all things. The scripture passage also includes a warning to “lean not unto thine own understanding,” and a promise that the Lord “shall direct thy paths.”

After listening to President Cordon speak, 16-year-old Takagi Kotarou said three words stuck in her mind: “Trust the Lord.”

“Up to now, I knew it was important, but I tried to solve [things] on my own, and after that, I relied on my parents. I didn’t really try to rely on the Spirit, so from now on, I will pray to God,” said Takagi, a member of the Kasukabe Ward, Matsudo Japan Stake. “When I pray, I really want to pray from my heart.”

President Cordon taught that prayer, scripture study and reading one’s patriarchal blessing can help youth hear the voice of the Lord — something that hit home for 14-year-old Yoshioka Yuuto of the Kasukabe Ward. 

“I want to follow the Savior through prayer and study the scriptures more,” Yoshioka said.

Young Women General President Bonnie H. Cordon holds up the new “For the Strength of Youth” guide at a youth devotional on Nov. 13, during an assignment to Japan, Mongolia and Korea Nov. 12-Nov. 20, 2022. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

President Cordon also encouraged the youth to obtain a copy of the new “For the Strength of Youth” guide. She invited them to “treasure it, and keep it in a place where it can be read often.”

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Elder James R. Rasband, General Authority Seventy and first counselor in the Asia North Area presidency, spoke in Mongolia and Korea about the hymn “A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief” — the Prophet Joseph Smith’s favorite hymn that he asked John Taylor to sing just prior to the Prophet’s death. It brought Joseph peace, Elder Rasband said.

Elder Rasband reassured youth who might be nervous or feeling inadequate when called to serve in leadership positions. The Lord is patient and will help them learn and grow, he said. “Don’t worry about whether you look good,” he added, “just worry about the needs of those brothers or sisters that you serve.”

Mikami Sumire, 17, of the Matsudo 1st Ward, Matsudo Japan Stake, said after the devotional, “The most important thing is that God knows and loves each and every one of us.”

Youth from the Chiba and Matsudo stakes in Japan attend a devotional with Young Women General President Bonnie H. Cordon and members from the Asia North Area presidency on Nov. 13, 2022. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Hanul Kim, of the Gangbuk 1st Ward, Seoul Korea East Stake, expressed that she liked how the speakers taught the youth how to get closer to God.

Caymian Lamb, from the Seoul Korea Military District, said she was more resolved to take action to make sure the Spirit was in her life, while Kyen Lamb said the meeting helped strengthen his desire to serve a mission.

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