AUSTIN TEXAS STAKE: (March 3, 2024) President — Russell Warren Aldridge, 42, SISU president and co-founder; succeeding Scott Charles Kelley; wife, Abbey Lee Edelman Aldridge. Counselors — Michael Shawn Salisbury, 59, Dell Technologies product line manager; wife, Gina Yvonne Martineau Salisbury. Jared Kelly Thomas, 42, freelancer; wife, Amber Naomi Overton Thomas.
AYAUCHO PERÚ STAKE: (March 10, 2024) President — Eduardo Huamaní Quispe, 35, ThinkLand instructor and DOIT manager; succeeding Carlos Atauria Mañuico; wife, Maria Isabel Vasquez Hinojosa. Counselors — Hernan Alex Quispe Juscamaita, 42, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints maintenance technician; wife, Janet de Quispe Zea. Maximo Cardenas Huaman, 55, independent stylist; wife, Enma de Cardenas Palomino.
CIUDAD VICTORIA MÉXICO NORTH STAKE: (Feb. 11, 2024) President — Heber Neftali Vazquez Hernandez, 37, Tamaulipas State Government federal tax supervisor; succeeding Nazario Antonio López Barrios; wife, Andrea Yajaira Oliva Cruz. Counselors — Abel Leobardo Garcia Covarrubias, 47, Secretary of Education in Tamaulipas designer; wife, Alba Delia de Garcia Lopez. Emiliano Vidal Jimenez Manzano, 32, independent contractor and project leader; wife, Alejandra Lizbeth García Álvarez.
CURITIBA BRAZIL BOQUEIRÃO STAKE: (Feb. 4, 2024) President — Marcos Roberto Schmidt, 54, businessman; succeeding Ricardo Francis Reghin; wife, Ruia Mara Penteado Schmidt. Counselors — Gérson Passos Camargo, 65, Business Management Clinic Ltd. executive director; wife, Ana Relindes Camargo. Evandro Dionisio Pazinatto de Moura, 57, Pazinatto de Moura Transport Ltd. managing partner; wife, Isabel Cristina Cadamuro de Moura.
GUATEMALA CITY LA ESPERANZA STAKE: (Feb. 11, 2024) President — Marvin Estuardo Alvarado Secaida, 37, Telus International application analyst; succeeding Sergio Armando Castañon Lopez; wife, Lesvia Victoria Ramirez Garcia. Counselors — Edgar Geovanny Martinez Gonzalez, 43, sales executive; wife, Ruth Azucena Garcia Gonzalez. Pablo Raul Cal Jul, 31, Conduent customer service agent; wife, Flor de Maria Linares Garcia.
MEDICINE HAT ALBERTA STAKE: (March 10, 2024) President — Clark Benjamin Hyde, 40, optometrist; succeeding Dale Alan Salmon; wife, Jayne Elizabeth Roberts Hyde. Counselors — Mark Allan Heinricks, 56, Prairie Rose Public Schools deputy superintendent; wife, Laurie May Jones Heinricks. Jon Merrill Nielson, 54, Grasslands School Division teacher; wife, Cori Ann Danielle Gibb Nielson.
OAKLAND CALIFORNIA STAKE: (March 3, 2024) President — David Keith Kimball, 53, Prosper Marketplace CEO; succeeding Darryl Paul Rains; wife, Sara Jo Loosli Kimball. Counselors — Jeffrey John Logan, 53, Granny B’s Cookies chairman; wife, Michelle Marie Esplin Logan. Donald Nelson Sherwood, 63, Turo senior director of corporate FP&A; wife, Amanda Jane Burgi Sherwood.
ST. GEORGE UTAH YSA 1ST STAKE: (March 3, 2024) President — Shane Austin Flowers, 54, Compass Group/Foodbuy CEO of health care and education; succeeding Timothy Scott Hollingshead; wife, Andrea Maria Jorgensen Flowers. Counselors — John Hartwell Reedy, 61, retired ExxonMobil technical and supervisory professional; wife, Mabel Leigh Potter Reedy. Kip Allen Kint, 58, BNI Utah South owner and executive director; wife, Rebecca Leigh Booras Kint.