
First Presidency authorizes redesigned temple garments for members in hot, humid areas

‘The First Presidency has authorized changes in the garment to bless those members and others who might benefit from the changes’

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is providing redesigned options in styles and fabrics for sacred temple garments worn by endowed members, including for those residing in hot, humid areas.

“Devout Latter-day Saints cherish the privilege of wearing the temple garment. Some of those members live in hot and humid areas,” said Church spokesman Doug Andersen in a statement released Thursday, Oct. 17.

“The First Presidency has authorized changes in the garment to bless those members and others who might benefit from the changes. Beyond this, the Church does not comment on temple matters considered to be sacred.”

The global rollout of the redesigned options will continue through the end of 2025.

Earlier this year, the First Presidency emphasized the importance of the garment of the holy priesthood in an April 12 letter that also alerted general and local Church leaders to changes to the temple recommend interview questions and the accompanying statement of the wearing of the garment.

“The garment of the holy priesthood is a sacred symbol of Jesus Christ and is a reminder of our covenant relationship with Him and Heavenly Father,” wrote President Russell M. Nelson and his counselors, President Dallin H. Oaks and President Henry B. Eyring, in a letter — titled “The Garment of the Holy Priesthood” — and sent to general authorities and general officers; Area Seventies; stake mission and temple presidents; and bishops and branch presidents.

“As endowed members keep the covenants they have made, including the sacred privilege to wear the garment, they will have greater access to the Savior’s mercy, protection, strength and power.”

The letter also notes changes to two questions in the temple recommend interview — questions 13 and 14 — as well as to the statement on wearing the temple garment. That statement is read by local leaders to endowed members during the recommend interview and is designed to help all “better understand the importance of wearing the temple garment as instructed in the initiatory ordinances,” the letter stated.

In a September 2024 Liahona magazine article titled “The Garment of the Holy Priesthood,” President Jeffrey R. Holland — the acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles — taught of the garment’s reminder of and symbolism of the Savior as it is worn day and night.

Dating back to Adam and Eve’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden, wearing the garment of the holy priesthood has been “a sacred physical reminder of [our] covenants — a symbol of the Savior Himself,” President Holland wrote.

As they were leaving the Garden of Eden and the presence of God, “how comforting it must have been for Adam and Eve to remember one thing: that [covenants] had been made. ... But how would these mortals remember what they had promised? How would they remain aware ... all the time, day and night?” President Holland wrote.

For such a reminder, Heavenly Father gave them “coats of skins” (Genesis 3:21). President Holland said: “As with the coats of skins then and various items of clothing since, He in His mercy has ... clothed the obedient in a ‘robe of righteousness,’ a reminder of our promises and covenants.”

Today, members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints also make covenants with God. “As part of the temple endowment, we have been given a sacred physical reminder of those covenants — a symbol of the Savior Himself. In our dispensation, it is called the garment of the holy priesthood,” President Holland wrote.

Adam and Eve
"Adam and Eve," by Douglas M. Fryer | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Related Story
President Holland teaches of the garment’s reminder and symbolism of the Savior as it is worn day and night

Temple recommend questions

The temple recommend questions and statement on the wearing of the garment are available to the public. They can also be found online in Chapter 26 of the Church’s “General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.”

And in his concluding address of the October 2019 general conference, President Nelson listed the temple recommend interview questions — including some that had recently been revised for clarity — that Latter-day Saints are asked by local leaders to confirm their worthiness and readiness to enter the temple.

The updated two questions, which are omitted when a leader is interviewing a member who is not endowed, are:

  • “Do you keep the covenants that you made in the temple?”
  • “Do you honor your sacred privilege to wear the garment as instructed in the initiatory ordinances?”

After these two questions, leaders are directed to read the “Wearing the Temple Garment” statement, which as revised reads:

“The garment of the holy priesthood reminds us of the veil in the temple, and that veil is symbolic of Jesus Christ. When you put on your garment, you put on a sacred symbol of Jesus Christ. Wearing it is an outward expression of your inner commitment to follow Him. The garment is also a reminder of your temple covenants. You should wear the garment day and night throughout your life. When it must be removed for activities that cannot reasonably be done while wearing the garment, seek to restore it as soon as possible. As you keep your covenants, including the sacred privilege to wear the garment as instructed in the initiatory ordinances, you will have greater access to the Savior’s mercy, protection, strength and power.”

Wearing the garment

President Holland addressed Church members who wonder about details of wearing the sacred temple garment. “Some of you may be reading this article hoping I will answer a particular question about the garment. You might hope for a ‘Thus saith the Lord’ — or even a ‘Thus saith His servants’ — on a matter close to your heart. Your question might stem from a personal circumstance related to employment, exercise, hygiene, climate, modesty, sanitary facilities or even a medical condition.”

Some answers can be found online at, in section 38.5 of the General Handbook and in the direction given in the initiatory ordinance. And answers via the Holy Ghost can be sought in prayer to Father in Heaven, President Holland taught.

“Please don’t misunderstand. As you reach out for divine guidance, the Spirit will not inspire you to do less than follow the instruction received in the temple and the prophetic counsel shared by the First Presidency. ... A loving Father will not help you rationalize doing less than you can to align with His standards of devotion and modesty that will bless you now and forever. ... Will He help you receive the blessings of respecting the garment and keeping your covenants? Yes. Should you also consult with competent medical and health professionals when needed? Of course. Should you disregard common sense or look beyond the mark? I pray that you won’t.”

President Holland concluded: “I can’t answer every question you have. I can’t even answer every question I have. But I can, as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, promise you the help of a loving God, who seeks your every success and blessing, in ways you can’t now fathom or foresee, as you keep the covenants you have made with Him.”

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Emphasizing covenants, First Presidency updates temple recommend interview questions, shares statement on the wearing of the temple garment
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