The logo for the 2023 youth theme from Philippians 4:13 features a stack of stones. At the end of the 2023 youth theme music video, youth are shown making one of these formations along a trail.
What is this rock formation, and how does it related to the youth theme?
A post on the Church’s Strive to Be Instagram account on Sunday, Jan. 8, explained that a cairn is a man-made pile of stones used as a marker.
“Cairns can be found on trails around the world and help hikers to navigate when the path is unclear. These have a lot of symbolic meanings too,” the post says.
“Cairns in our own lives may be things that point us to Jesus Christ. The 2023 youth theme — ‘I Can Do All Things Through Christ’ — can be a reminder to keep the Savior as the base of our own spiritual cairns or to look for markers that remind us of Him.”
In an upcoming article in the February 2023 For the Strength of Youth magazine, Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles writes about how Jesus Christ “marked the path and led the way” (“How Great the Wisdom and the Love,” Hymns, No. 195). Elder Renlund gives five ways to stay on the path.
“As we study His life and teachings, we can learn how He navigated mortality and placed metaphorical cairns for us to follow. When we follow those cairns, doing what Jesus did, we can confidently reach our destination,” Elder Renlund writes.