The fifth season of the Church’s Book of Mormon Videos series debuted Thursday, March 21, with the first of the final 11 videos of the series. Ten more videos will be published throughout this year, matching the weeks that their respective sections of scripture are taught through “Come, Follow Me” lessons.
Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles serves as the chair of the Scriptures Committee that has overseen the production of the Book of Mormon Videos. Having recently hit a significant milestone in the distribution of the Book of Mormon, Elder Renlund said the launch of this final season comes at an opportune time.
“In an era marked by the delivery of the 200 millionth printed copy of the Book of Mormon, it is fitting that we draw attention to the many other ways people can be introduced to the truths of this sacred volume,” he said.
Those “other ways” Elder Renlund mentioned include digital channels like the Book of Mormon and Gospel Library apps and the Book of Mormon Videos YouTube channel in English that has more than 26 million views of its 435 videos.
“Through these new channels of discovery and learning, people across the world are being blessed with a sure witness of God’s love and His desire to draw all men and women to him through the atoning sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ. Our hope is that Church members will enjoy these resources and consider how they can be used to help fill the earth with more of the Book of Mormon’s powerful and positive influence.”
The Church will release 11 new episodes between now and the end of 2024, timed to coincide with “Come, Follow Me” lessons on the following subjects:
- April 8: “Jacob Teaches the Allegory of the Olive Tree” | Jacob 5
- May 20: “The Lord Delivers the People of Limhi and Alma” | Mosiah 21-24
- July 8: “The Lord Delivers the People of Ammon” | Alma 23-27
- Aug. 12: “Moroni Raises the Title of Liberty” | Alma 46
- Aug. 19: “Helaman’s Stripling Soldiers Fight for Freedom” | Alma 53-58
- Aug. 26: “Nephi and Lehi Testify of Jesus Christ” | Helaman 5
- Sept. 9: “Samuel the Lamanite Prophesies of Jesus Christ” | Helaman 13-16; 3 Nephi 1
- Oct. 28: “Mormon Preserves the Record” | 3 Nephi 5; Mormon 1-7
- Nov. 11: “The Lord Appears to the Brother of Jared” | Ether 1-6, 12-13
- Dec. 9: “Mormon Teaches About Faith, Hope and Charity” | Moroni 7
- Dec. 9: “Mormon Teaches About the Salvation of Little Children” | Moroni 8
After the final two episodes are published in December, the complete series will include 45 full episodes, all available in 15 languages. Some episodes are also available 45 more languages.
Elder Jose L. Alonso, a General Authority Seventy, serves on the Church’s Scripture Committee as well. He said the videos aren’t a substitute for studying the full Book of Mormon.
“The Book of Mormon Videos complement and augment our understanding of the Book of Mormon,” he said. “They can never replace an earnest study of the written word, but they can open our minds to new thoughts and feelings about Jesus Christ, His gospel, His Atonement and Heavenly Father’s plan.
For those who have challenges reading, the videos provide an opportunity to see the teachings contained in the Book of Mormon in a new way, he explained.
“For many who are visual learners or who struggle with literacy or comprehension, they can be an ideal way to introduce the story of the Book of Mormon as well as the teachings of the Book of Mormon prophets and of the Savior Himself.”
Where to watch Book of Mormon Videos
The Book of Mormon Videos can be watched in the following locations online or on mobile apps:
- Gospel Library online (up to 60 languages)
- Gospel Library app (up to 60 languages)
- YouTube (English, Spanish and Portuguese)
- Gospel Stream
- Book of Mormon app