
‘Come, Follow Me’ for Dec. 2-8: What have Church leaders and publications said about Moroni 1-6?

This week’s study guide includes instructions for administering the sacrament and counsel for fellowshipping among believers

This week’s “Come, Follow Me” study guide covers Moroni 1-6, which includes instructions for administering the sacrament and counsel for fellowshipping among believers.

Following are a few quotes from past and present leaders about these chapters in the Book of Mormon.

Moroni 1

“It’s hard to imagine things getting any worse at the end of the Book of Mormon. Moroni, the last Nephite prophet, witnessed the entire destruction of his people — his whole family, all his friends, everyone.

“Now he’s on the run.

“Lamanites have vowed to kill anyone who will not deny Jesus Christ, so Moroni must wander alone ‘for the safety of [his] own life’ (Moroni 1:3).

“How terrifying! How did Moroni get through it?

“He boldly declared, ‘I, Moroni, will not deny the Christ’ (Moroni 1:3). He knew that no matter what happened, his faith in Jesus Christ would see him through. The same is true for you. This is Moroni’s final message that he left for you.”

— Eric B. Murdock in the December 2024 For the Strength of Youth article “Moroni’s Final Message for You

“Some would call Moroni’s life tragic. Even though he was faithful, he lost everyone he loved. He was the last survivor of his entire civilization. He had to finish his father’s record because Mormon was killed before he got a chance to finish. And Moroni was being hunted down by the Lamanites and running for his life when he wrote his book of scripture.

“Can you imagine how terrifying and hopeless that situation would be? If someone else experienced the trials Moroni did, they might have been tempted to let go of their faith, to deny Christ and to blame Heavenly Father for their terrible circumstances. But Moroni didn’t.

“Instead, Moroni kept holding on until the very end (see Moroni 1:3). He kept an eternal perspective to help him face his challenges. He knew what was true and knew that no matter what happened to him, as long as he had faith in the Savior and trusted Heavenly Father, all of the blessings he was promised would be fulfilled one day, and he would be saved by the power of Jesus Christ and the blessings of His Atonement.

“Now, that is one powerful testimony.”

— David Dickson and Chakell Wardleigh Herbert in the December 2020 Liahona article “3 Life Lessons From Moroni

Moroni 4

A young boy takes the sacrament.
A young boy takes the sacrament. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

“We strengthen our faith in Jesus Christ as we strive to keep His commandments and ‘always remember him’ (Moroni 4:3). Further, our faith increases every time we exercise our faith in Him. That is what learning by faith means.

“For example, each time we have the faith to be obedient to God’s laws — even when popular opinions belittle us — or each time we resist entertainment or ideologies that celebrate covenant-breaking, we are exercising our faith, which in turn increases our faith.”

President Russell M. Nelson, October 2020 general conference, “Embrace the Future With Faith

“Our Savior Jesus Christ did something for us that we couldn’t possibly do for ourselves. And what does He ask in return? He asks that we keep His commandments so we may be blessed to always have His Spirit to be with us (see Moroni 4:3). …

“Always remember how much Heavenly Father loves His children. He has perfect love for you. You can show your love for Him by keeping His commandments. Your righteous actions will bring tremendous blessings to you and to those around you.”

— Sisters Bonnie H. Cordon, Michelle D. Craig and Rebecca L. Craven, then the Young Women general presidency, in the January 2019 Liahona article “If Ye Love Me

“Of all the blessings we can count, the greatest by far is the feeling of forgiveness that comes as we partake of the sacrament. We will feel greater love and appreciation for the Savior, whose infinite sacrifice made possible our being cleansed from sin. As we partake of the bread and water, we remember that He suffered for us. And when we feel gratitude for what He has done for us, we will feel His love for us and our love for Him.

“The blessing of love we receive will make it easier for us to keep the commandment to ‘always remember him’ (Moroni 4:3). You may even feel love and gratitude, as I do, for the Holy Ghost, who Heavenly Father has promised will always be with us as we remain faithful to the covenants we have made. We can count all those blessings every Sunday and feel grateful.”

President Henry B. Eyring, October 2016 general conference, “Gratitude on the Sabbath Day

“Instead of tuning out the familiar words of the sacrament prayers, we can learn much and feel even more as we participate spiritually by considering the commitments and associated blessings included in these sacred prayers.

“The bread and water are blessed and sanctified to our souls. They remind us of the sacrifice of the Savior and that He can help us to become holy.

“The prayers explain that we partake of the bread in remembrance of the body of the Son, which He gave as a ransom to qualify all for resurrection, and we drink of the water in remembrance of the blood of the Son, which He freely shed so that we might be redeemed on condition of repentance.

“The prayers introduce the covenants with the phrase ‘that they are willing’ (Moroni 4:3). This phrase has so much potential power for us. Are we willing to serve and participate? Are we willing to change? Are we willing to address our weaknesses? Are we willing to reach out and bless others? Are we willing to trust the Savior?”

Elder Peter F. Meurs, General Authority Seventy, October 2016 general conference, “The Sacrament Can Help Us Become Holy

“In the sacramental prayers, God promises to send the Holy Ghost to be with us (see Moroni 4:3; 5:2). I have found in that moment that God can give me what feels like a personal interview. He brings to my attention what I have done that pleases Him, my need for repentance and forgiveness, and the names and faces of people He would have me serve for Him.

“Over the years, that repeated experience has turned hope into feelings of charity and brought an assurance that mercy was unlocked for me by the Savior’s Atonement and Resurrection.”

President Henry B. Eyring in the April 2013 Liahona article “He Is Risen

Moroni 6

A young girl is baptized. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

“In Moroni 6:4-6, we read:

“’And after they had been received unto baptism, and were wrought upon and cleansed by the power of the Holy Ghost, they were numbered among the people of the church of Christ; and their names were taken, that they might be remembered and nourished by the good word of God, to keep them in the right way, to keep them continually watchful unto prayer, relying alone upon the merits of Christ, who was the author and the finisher of their faith.

“’And the church did meet together oft, to fast and to pray, and to speak one with another concerning the welfare of their souls.

“’And they did meet together oft to partake of bread and wine, in remembrance of the Lord Jesus.’

“Through these verses we learn that we attend church every Sunday not only to partake of the sacrament but also to speak one with another concerning the welfare of our souls. We read that ‘their names were taken.’ Why were their names taken? They were taken so that the members would remember them, nourish them and watch over them. This is especially important for our recent converts. Every person is different and has different needs and expectations. We need to listen very carefully to our new converts to get to know them and their needs. As we learn more about them, we will know how to best help them on their path back to Heavenly Father.”

Elder Ciro Schmeil, General Authority Seventy, in the June 2022 Liahona article “Strengthening New Converts One by One

“With frightening speed, a testimony that is not nourished daily ‘by the good word of God’ (Moroni 6:4) can crumble. Thus, the antidote to Satan’s scheme is clear: We need daily experiences worshipping the Lord and studying His gospel. I plead with you to let God prevail in your life. Give Him a fair share of your time. As you do, notice what happens to your positive spiritual momentum.”

President Russell M. Nelson, April 2022 general conference, “The Power of Spiritual Momentum

“The Holy Ghost helps us discern between truth and falsehood, guides us in our major decisions and helps us through the challenges of mortality. He is also the means by which we are sanctified, that is, cleansed and purified from sin (see Moroni 6:4).”

President Dallin H. Oaks, then a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, April 2017 general conference, “The Godhead and the Plan of Salvation

“In Moroni 6:4 we are admonished to remember and nourish those baptized into the Church of Christ. …

“We can and should be able to provide meaningful relief. We have the gospel perspective in our lives. We have divine promptings encouraging us to do good. … We can and should offer understanding and be able to teach doctrine. We can relieve spiritual hunger and feed the sheep. Feeding the sheep might mean strengthening and nourishing the new members, the less active or even the fully active members.

“Our service should be selfless, quiet and be done willingly, with our hearts full of the love of God and His children. There must be genuine concern to shepherd the flock, to invite them unto Christ.”

— Sister Silvia H. Allred, then the first counselor in the Relief Society general presidency, October 2007 general conference, “Feed My Sheep

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