
Church announces 2 new resources to help parents and Primary teachers teach children about covenants

New resources can be found in the appendices of the 2023 ‘Come, Follow Me’ manuals for individuals and families and for Primary

The Church has released two new resources in the 2023 “Come, Follow Me” manuals for parents and Primary teachers in helping children prepare to make and keep covenants. 

A notice was sent to local leaders on Thursday, Dec. 22, about these resources, reaffirming the responsibility of parents to guide their children along the covenant path.

“Parents have a profound influence on their children’s faith in and commitment to Jesus Christ,” the notice states. “Their ability to inspire their children to enter and progress on the covenant path is irreplaceable.”

For parents

To support parents as they teach their children, the 2023 digital version of “Come, Follow Me — For Individuals and Families” includes an appendix titled “Preparing Your Children for a Lifetime on God’s Covenant Path.” 

It suggests simple, home-centered ideas for helping children prepare for baptism and confirmation, priesthood ordination and service, temple attendance, patriarchal blessings, missionary service and eternal marriage. 

“Parents are invited to consider these ideas as they seek to guide their children along the covenant path. Church leaders and ministering brothers and sisters are invited to refer to these ideas as they support parents in their divine responsibilities,” the notice says. 

For Primary teachers

The 2023 digital version of “Come, Follow Me — For Primary” includes an appendix titled “Preparing Children for a Lifetime on God’s Covenant Path.” It provides learning activities that Primary teachers can use to support parents’ efforts in helping children prepare to make and keep covenants. 

In months that have five Sundays, Primary teachers are encouraged to replace the scheduled “Come, Follow Me” outline on the fifth Sunday with one or more of these learning activities.

Encouragement from the Primary general presidency

Primary General President Susan H. Porter announced these resources in a video on social media in late October. 

“Our hope is that with the help of parents and Primary teachers, children will come to understand and want to live the covenants they make with their Heavenly Father when they are baptized — and look forward to walking the covenant path with the Savior throughout their lives,” she told the Church News. 

President Porter and her counselors, Sister Amy A. Wright and Sister Tracy Y. Browning, explained more about how to use these resources and how they can help children and youth understand the blessings of making and keeping covenants. Read what they said here.

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