The fourth Self-Reliance Education Week in Brazil, sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, runs July 4-7. The online event aims to help young people aged 18 to 30 seeking information and professional and academic opportunities.
Meetings will be broadcast on Autossuficiência Brasil's platforms such as Linkedin, Twitch, Youtube, Instagram and Facebook (all in Portuguese). Tickets are free and still available through the website (in Portuguese).
Here’s the schedule for each day.
Tuesday, July 4th
Theme: Studies and Sports: How to discover, plan, reflect and act while taking care of the mind and body.
- Opening: Elder Adilson de Paula Parrella, General Authority Seventy and president of the Brazil Area, and his wife, Sister Elaine Finholdt Parrella.
- Marta Caetano de Sá, organization adviser, Brazil Area.
- Nadiny Araújo and Nicoly Araújo, karate champions.
- Special participation: Mosiah Brentano Rodrigues, sports manager of the Brazilian Olympic Committee/former gymnast of the Brazilian National Team.

Wednesday, July 5th
Theme: Youth Entrepreneurship and Soft Skills: Developing skills to win
- Wandreza Bayona, Instituto Ser+, employability attributes for soft and hard skills.
- Ananda Maia, Sebrae/SP, Protagonism in youth entrepreneurship
- Weverton Alves, one of the first winners of the “Led Award - Luz na Educação” by Rede Globo/ Fundação Roberto Marinho.
- Isaac Santos, Principles on personal finance. As a 14-year-old, he turned 10 hours of video games into 10 hours of study and became a financial investor.
- Wellington Gama, Senac, associate and college degrees.
- Professor Euler Freitas, Enem.
- Beatriz Clemente, Perpetual Education Fund.
- Viccenzo Benatti, BYU–Pathway Worldwide and EnglishConnect.
- João Carlos Cerqueira (Unesp) and Paloma Jucá (USP), Personal experience and success stories in a doctorate degree.
- Special message from Maurício de Sousa [in Portuguese], creator of Turma da Mônica (Monica's Gang).
Thursday, July 6th
Theme: Rising Careers: Technology, Agribusiness, Industry 4.0, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence
- Amigos do Bem NGO (developing educational, job and income generation projects).
- Presentation of the Benson Scholarship (focused on the distribution of full scholarships in food and agriculture industries).
- Bruno Emerick, Information Technology (IT).
- Gabrieli Silva, Industry 4.0.
- Rubens Quadros, Agribusiness.

Friday, July 7th
Theme: Emotional and Spiritual Strengthening: Developing strength to face the challenges of the job market.
- Brian K. Ashton, President, BYU-Pathway Worldwide.
- Palmênio Castro, Church Educational System (CES) director in Brazil.
Education Week 2023 is an event hosted by Self-Reliance Services of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Brazil.