During the Friend to Friend broadcast Saturday, Sept. 14, President Jeffrey R. Holland, acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, explored the principle of sharing the love of Jesus Christ with others.
“My beloved young friends, wherever you are watching this broadcast in this wide, wonderful world of ours, I extend to you a most sincere and hearty hello,” President Holland said. “I want you to know of my love for you, wherever you may be today.”
President Holland was joined by the Primary general presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and two young hosts, who used stories, songs, pictures and puppets to teach children about what it means to share Jesus’ love.
During President Holland’s remarks, he told a story, the principles of which were adapted from a previous experience, about two friends he called Julia and Amy.

Julia was 7 years old and a member of the Church and went to Primary every Sunday. Her friend Amy was her same age, and they went to the same school.
“One day, Julia asked Amy if she wanted to go to Primary with her on Sunday morning,” President Holland said. “Amy didn’t know what Primary was, so Julia explained it to her and talked about how much fun it was and that it was a place where she learned more about Jesus.”
Amy’s parents were happy to let her attend, and she began to go to Primary. Then, Julia’s mother invited Amy and her family to come to their home one evening and meet with the missionaries.
When the lesson was over, the missionaries asked Amy’s dad if he would be willing to say the closing prayer — but he said he did not know how to pray.
Amy spoke up and said she learned how to pray in Primary and would help. So, the group knelt, and, step by step, 7-year-old Amy taught her 34-year-old father how to pray.

President Holland said he loved the original story the first time he heard it and explained that the missionaries who had that experience said it was a highlight of their mission and one of the most important lessons they had learned.
“How grateful I am that we have Primary to teach us more about Jesus Christ and His gospel,” President Holland said. “I am grateful that we get to learn and practice how to pray, how to serve and how to share the love of Jesus Christ with others.”
He shared his testimony of Jesus’ love and the importance of sharing His gospel — and that sharing it with others will bring joy.
“Sharing His gospel can be as simple as inviting someone to church with you, or to an activity, or loving them like Jesus loves them, which means loving them in a way that leads to church experience later,” President Holland said.
How Jesus showed love for others
The broadcast began with a welcome from Primary General President Susan H. Porter and her counselors, Sister Amy A. Wright and Sister Tracy Y. Browning. President Porter invited children to look during the broadcast for examples of how Jesus shared His love with others and let those examples be an inspiration for doing the same.
“We hope you will feel the love that Heavenly Father and Jesus have for you in our program today,” she said.
Louie and Gilbert — two bird puppets who have been in previous Friend to Friend events — joined the two new child hosts, Millie Ferreira and Victor Batista. They spoke with each other about how they feel love when others share a treat, hug, wave or smile with them.
Millie said, “And one thing I enjoy the most is to know that Jesus loves me.”
“He does?” Louie said.
“Absolutely,” responded Victor. “He loves everyone. Can you imagine that? Every single person you’ve ever seen, every single person you’ve ever met, even people you’ve never seen, He loves them all.”

Millie explained that Jesus needs help to share His love and that the scriptures have examples of how Jesus showed love for others.
After portions of videos from the Church’s Bible Videos series and Book of Mormon Video series showing stories of Jesus Christ’s teachings and example, viewers were invited to pause the broadcast to ponder and discuss questions such as:
- “When was a time you showed Jesus’ love for others?”
- “When have you prayed for someone when they were with you?”
- “When have you been a friend to someone?”
Other videos in the broadcast showed friends sharing with each other and being kind. And a music video featured children singing the song “I Will Shine,” with words and music by Shawna Belt Edwards.

What the Primary general presidency learned
At the end of the broadcast, the Primary general presidency shared what they learned.
President Porter said: “When I heard the story of Jesus speaking to the woman who was from a different place than He was, I thought of my neighbors who are from another country. I had the idea that I could visit them this week and share one of my family’s favorite foods.”
Sister Wright said: “I’m always deeply touched when I read about the tender and sacred experience in the Book of Mormon of Jesus praying for the Nephites. I want to be more tender and thoughtful when I pray for others. The next time I pray with my family, I am going to express my love and gratitude as I pray for each of them by name.”

Sister Browning said: “I loved the story of Jesus serving the little children. Sometimes I feel busy or tired, but I know that my family wants to spend time with me. I’m going to set aside time this week to gather my family and play a board game together, because I love them and want to show my love for them.”
Millie and Victor talked about what they learned from President Holland’s story and how they can invite their friends to church. They said they could share Jesus’ love with others by being kind and helpful.
President Porter invited the children watching to share what they learned from the broadcast with someone else — and to find one thing they could do in the coming week to share the love of Jesus with others.
How to use the September 2024 Friend to Friend
The episode is available to watch on ChurchofJesusChrist.org or on the three Gospel for Kids YouTube channels:
- Gospel for Kids YouTube (English)
- El Evangelio para niños YouTube (Spanish)
- Evangelho para Crianças YouTube (Portuguese)
This episode will be available in Gospel Library in Albanian, American Sign Language, Cantonese, Czech, Danish, descriptive audio, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Mandarin, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and Ukrainian.
The full 20-minute episode or portions of it can be used at home or in Primary to help teach children about their capacity to share the love of Jesus with others.
Previous Friend to Friend episodes
Previous episodes have taught about the temple, the covenant path, baptism, the Holy Ghost, the sacrament and what it means to be a child of God. They are also available on YouTube and in the Gospel Library.
- Children learn how to follow Jesus Christ during March 2024 Friend to Friend with President Oaks, Primary general presidency
- September 2023 Friend to Friend teaches about the blessings that come from making and keeping covenants
- March 2023 Friend to Friend teaches ‘We Are God’s Children’
- ‘Share the happiness that is found on the covenant path,’ Primary leaders tell children during November 2022 Friend to Friend
- ‘Jesus always leads us to the temple’: July 2022 Friend to Friend teaches children about preparing to enter the house of the Lord
- February 2022 Friend to Friend for children teaches about baptism, the Holy Ghost and the sacrament by ‘exploring’ the covenant path
- What a story from Elder Soares’ youth taught Primary children during the February 2021 Friend to Friend