Brother Bradley R. Wilcox, first counselor in the Young Men general presidency, spoke during the Sunday morning session of October 2024 general conference about the birthright of covenant relationships. The following is a summary of what he said.
Brother Wilcox’s talk summary
In Old Testament times, the birthright son inherited his father’s estate. It was a great responsibility that came with great privileges.
Today, Church members have their own birthrights through covenants. “When we use our moral agency to make and keep covenants with God, we become heirs of the everlasting covenant God has made with our forebears in every dispensation. Said another way, we become ‘children of the covenant.’ That sets us apart. That gives us access to the same blessings our forefathers and foremothers received, including a birthright.”
As covenant keepers strive to fulfill their birthrights, they receive extra peace and knowledge. “Your covenant relationship with God and Jesus Christ is a relationship of love and trust in which you have access to a greater measure of Their grace — Their divine assistance, endowment of strength and enabling power. That power is not just wishful thinking, a lucky charm or self-fulfilling prophecy. It is real.”
Additionally, covenant keepers are never alone as they labor with Jesus Christ. “I testify that you are loved and you are trusted. ... Don’t sell your birthright for a mess of pottage. Don’t trade everything for nothing. Don’t let the world change you when you were born to change the world.”
See the full text of Brother Wilcox’s talk: ‘O Youth of the Noble Birthright’
Notable quotes
“When we use our moral agency to make and keep covenants with God, we become heirs of the everlasting covenant God has made with our forebears in every dispensation. Said another way, we become ‘children of the covenant.’ That sets us apart. That gives us access to the same blessings our forefathers and foremothers received, including a birthright.”
“Your covenant relationship with God and Jesus Christ is a relationship of love and trust in which you have access to a greater measure of Their grace — Their divine assistance, endowment of strength and enabling power. That power is not just wishful thinking, a lucky charm or self-fulfilling prophecy. It is real.”
“I testify that you are loved — and you are trusted — today, in 20 years and forever. Don’t sell your birthright for a mess of pottage. Don’t trade everything for nothing. Don’t let the world change you when you were born to change the world.”
Who is Brother Wilcox?
- Brother Bradley R. Wilcox was sustained as the second counselor in the Young Men general presidency on April 4, 2020, and as first counselor on April 1, 2023.
- He is a professor in Brigham Young University’s Department of Ancient Scripture and a popular speaker and author.
- He and his wife, Sister Deborah Wilcox, served together leading the Chile Santiago East Mission.
What has Brother Wilcox done recently?
- In his October 2021 general conference address, he pleaded with listeners to remember God’s message that “worthiness is not flawlessness.”
- In November 2023, he was a keynote speaker during the Utah Coalition Against Pornography’s 4th Annual Rally for Hope & Healing.
Read Brother Wilcox’s previous general conference address, or follow him on Facebook and Instagram.