
Church makes donations to 46 libraries in Rio de Janeiro

Donation is part of the “Leitura para todos” (“Reading for all”) project with the state secretary of culture and creative economy

As part of an effort to improve literary practices and promote cultural development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently made donations to 46 libraries throughout the state.

The donation was made as part of the “Leitura para todos” (“Reading for all”) project in collaboration with the state secretary of culture and creative economy.

A post on the Church’s Brazil Newsroom Facebook page said the donations included: 

  • 42 computers
  • 53 amplified sound boxes
  • 42 wall shelves
  • 42 literary kits (186 titles or 7,812 books)
  • 84 wireless microphones
  • 42 smart TVs

A ceremony was held at the Church’s meetinghouse in Barra da Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro on Nov. 29 to present a certificate for the donations. Information about the donation and the ceremony was also published on

Elder Adilson de Paula Parrella, a General Authority Seventy and president of the Brazil Area, said in the article: “For the Church of Jesus Christ it is a joy to participate in this cause. We always want to do good, and we feel that when working alongside secretary Danielle [Barros]. This action is the result of donations from many members of the Church in Brazil and in other parts of the world.”

Barros, the state secretary of culture and creative economy, explained more about the effort: “Our public policy is designed with the objective of promoting the socio-cultural development of the individual throughout the state of Rio de Janeiro, in order to favor educational and intellectual processes. By structuring libraries in all regions, we manage to strengthen and innovate literary practices.”

The 46 libraries served are located in 25 municipalities in Rio de Janeiro, according to the article. They are: Aperibé, Miracema, Rio de Janeiro, Porciúncula, Magé, Santo Antônio de Pádua, Trajano de Moraes, Varre-Sai, Cambuci, Italva, Petrópolis, São Francisco de Itabapoana, Paraty, Nova Iguaçu, Duque de Caxias, Macaé, São João de Meriti, Valença, Nova Friburgo, Itaperuna, Tanguá, Niterói, Rio Bonito, São Gonçalo and Itaboraí.

A temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Rio de Janeiro was dedicated in May.

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Read more about the Church’s involvement in Rio de Janeiro’s “Reading for all” project at (available in Portuguese).

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