The following mission presidents and companions have been called to serve by the First Presidency. They will begin their service in July.

Mark M. Allen, 58, and Audralyn B. Allen, five children, Katy 2nd Ward, Katy Texas Stake: West Virginia Charleston Mission, succeeding President David G. Lindahl and Sister René M. Lindahl. Brother Allen is a stake presidency counselor and temple ordinance worker and former bishop, bishopric counselor, high councilor, scoutmaster and missionary in the North Carolina Charlotte Mission. He was born in Scottsdale, Arizona, to Merle M. Allen Jr. and Carol Beckstrand Allen.
Sister Allen is an EnglishConnect teacher and former stake Young Women presidency counselor, stake Primary presidency counselor, ward Primary president, Gospel Doctrine teacher, seminary teacher, nursery leader, Primary music leader, temple ordinance worker and missionary in the México México City South Mission. She was born in Mesa, Arizona, to Lothaire E. Bluth Jr. and Dorothy Chyleen Bluth.

Christian C. Chigbundu, 50, and Felicia Chigbundu, five children, Ifako Ward, Lagos Nigeria Ikeja Stake: Nigeria Enugu Mission, succeeding President Hesbon Usi and Sister Conslata Usi. Brother Chigbundu is an Area Seventy and former stake president, bishop, bishopric counselor, ward mission leader and ward Sunday School president. He was born in Ahiaba Okpuala, Nigeria, to Egwatu Stephen Chigbundu and Oluchi Eunice Nwannunu.
Sister Chigbundu is a ward Relief Society president and former stake Relief Society president, stake Young Women president, stake Young Women presidency counselor, stake Relief Society secretary, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, branch Young Women president, branch Primary president, Sunday School teacher and Self-Reliance specialist. She was born in Ekoli Edda, Nigeria, to John Ugbor Ukah and Orie Imo.

Alan K. Farrell, 57, and M. Elizabeth Farrell, two children, East Mill Creek 12th Ward, Salt Lake East Mill Creek North Stake: Perú Huancayo Mission, succeeding President Paul E. Higueros and Sister Lisbett López de Higueros. Brother Farrell is a bishop and temple ordinance worker and former high councilor, bishopric counselor, ward Young Men president and missionary in the Argentina Buenos Aires North Mission. He was born in Fullerton, California, to Robert Michael Farrell and Sandra Eloyce Palmer.
Sister Farrell is a ward Relief Society service coordinator and former stake service specialist, ward Young Women president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Young Women presidency counselor, Young Women adviser, Sunday School teacher, ward Primary teacher, Activity Days leader, Relief Society activity coordinator and missionary in the Italy Milan Mission. She was born in Salt Lake City to David Clayton Dunford and Janet Cannon Dunford.

Leonardo Gomez, 55, and Kendel Gomez, three children, Wattle Grove Ward, Liverpool Australia Stake: Australia Brisbane Mission, succeeding President C. Tum Vongsawad and Sister Jamie L. Vongsawad. Brother Gomez is an For the Strength of Youth conferences director, Sunday School teacher, institute teacher and temple ordinance worker and former stake president, stake presidency counselor, high councilor, stake executive secretary, stake young single adult representative, bishop, bishopric counselor, ward clerk and missionary in the Australia Brisbane Mission. He was born in Maipú, Argentina, to Angel Raul Gomez and Mirta Gomez.
Sister Gomez is a, FSY director, temple ordinance worker and institute teacher and former stake Young Women president, stake young single adult representative, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, ward Young Women presidency counselor, Primary teacher, Sunday School teacher and seminary teacher. She was born in Paddington, Australia, to Jeffrey Lloyd Davies and Patricia Davies.

Jeff Hemmingsen, 55, and Jodi Hemmingsen, five children, Sioux City 2nd Ward, Sioux City Iowa Stake: Angola Luanda Mission, succeeding President Scott Sykes and Sister Jenny Sykes. Brother Hemmingsen is a ward mission leader and former stake president, stake presidency counselor, high councilor, stake Young Men president, bishop, bishopric counselor, ward executive secretary and missionary in the Brazil São Paulo South Mission. He was born in Omaha, Nebraska, to Franklin Dale Hemmingsen and Geraldine Ann Hemmingsen.
Sister Hemmingsen is a stake temple and family history leader and nursery leader and former ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Young Women presidency counselor, seminary teacher and missionary in the Argentina Bahía Blanca Mission. She was born in Caldwell, Idaho, to Larry George Webb and Melba Paige Webb.

Kok Leong Richard Ho, 66, and Min Lian Ho, two children, Petaling Jaya Branch (English), Kuala Lumpur Malaysia District: Singapore Mission, succeeding President Taitama Tolman and Sister Tanya Tolman. Brother Ho is a district president and former district presidency counselor, high councilor, branch president, branch presidency counselor, branch clerk, elders quorum president, ward assistant clerk and missionary in the Japan Okayama Mission. He was born in Sitiawan, Malaysia, to Keng Tuck Ho and Poh Ting Cheng.
Sister Ho is a district temple and family history consultant and former district Relief Society president, district Young Women president, branch Relief Society president, branch Young Women president, branch Primary president, branch Relief Society presidency counselor, Primary teacher, Relief Society teacher, Sunday School teacher, seminary teacher and missionary in the Utah Salt Lake City Temple Square Mission and California Oakland Mission. She was born in Sebauh, Malaysia, to Thiam Heng Chan and Sai Choon Teo.

Edgar P. Montes, 49, and Minerva Montes, three children, Bugambilias Ward, Guadalajara México Bugambilias Stake: México Chihuahua Mission, succeeding President Rogelio Osuna and Sister Ana Laura Osuna. Brother Montes is a high councilor and former Area Seventy, mission presidency counselor, stake auditor, bishop, elders quorum president, ward executive secretary and missionary in the México México City North Mission. He was born in Guadalajara, Mexico, to Enrique Montes Hernández and Blanca Estela de Montes Macias.
Sister Montes is a ward Young Women presidency counselor and former stake Young Women presidency counselor, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, ward Young Women presidency counselor, Primary teacher and seminary teacher. She was born in Navolato, Mexico, to Juan Sigfrido Valerio Covarrubias and Yadira Guadalupe Fontes Lugo.

Gregory H. Neher, 58, and Isabel R. Neher, four children, Menlo Park Ward, Gilbert Arizona Gateway Stake: Perú Lima West Mission, succeeding President David Falabella and Sister Sucely Rodas de Falabella. Brother Neher is a bishopric counselor and former stake presidency counselor, high councilor, stake executive secretary, bishop, elders quorum president, ward executive secretary, temple preparation teacher and missionary in the Argentina Buenos Aires North Mission. He was born in Jerome, Idaho, to Galen Harl Neher and Gayle Ann Neher.
Sister Neher is a Relief Society compassionate service leader and former stake Primary presidency counselor, stake Young Women camp adviser, temple and family history consultant, ward Primary presidency counselor, Young Women adviser, Cub Scout leader, Relief Society teacher, Sunday School teacher, Primary teacher, temple preparation teacher and missionary in the Perú Trujillo Mission. She was born in Houston, Texas, to Tomás Federico Lindheimer and María del Pilar Lindheimer.

James Parker, 50, and Rachael Parker, five children, Lisburn Ward, Belfast Northern Ireland Stake: England Birmingham Mission, succeeding President Adam West and Sister Heather West. Brother Parker is a stake presidency counselor and former high councilor, stake mission president, bishop, public affairs director, ward mission leader and missionary in the Canada Halifax Mission. He was born in Leicester, England, to Geoffrey Michael Parker and Judith Anne Penelope Parker.
Sister Parker is a ward Relief Society presidency counselor and former stake Primary president, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, Sunday School teacher and seminary teacher. She was born in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, to Richard Noble Marshall Edwards and Yvonne Maureen Edwards.

Julio C. Pineda, 54, and Haydee Pineda, three children, Nicolás Bravo Ward, San Nicolás México Stake: Texas McAllen Mission, succeeding President Pedro X. Larreal and Sister Sariah Larreal. Brother Pineda is an institute teacher and former stake president, stake presidency counselor, high councilor, bishop, bishopric counselor and missionary in the México Tijuana Mission. He was born in Cuautla, Mexico, to Angel Pineda Castillo and Senorina de Pineda Franco.
Sister Pineda is a seminary teacher and former stake Primary president, ward Relief Society president, ward Primary presidency counselor, ward accompanist, Gospel Doctrine teacher, institute teacher, Relief Society teacher and seminary teacher. She was born in Mexico City, Mexico, to Raul Estrada Gomez and Matilde Montes de Oca Velez.

Jorge Portal, 65, and Maria Teresa Portal, three children, Lake Minneola Ward, Leesburg Florida Stake: Venezuela Valencia Mission, succeeding President Gustavo R. Leon and Sister Gloridalba Galindo de Leon. Brother and Sister Portal are former senior missionaries in the Utah Salt Lake City Mission. Brother Portal is a patriarch and ward pianist and former mission presidency counselor, stake Young Men president, high councilor, branch president, bishopric counselor, ward organist, Sunday School teacher, ward clerk and missionary in the Venezuela Caracas Mission. He was born in Caracas, Venezuela, to Alejandro Portal Campos and Beatriz del Carmen de Portal Vargas.
Sister Portal is a music coordinator and patriarch scribe and former ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, ward music chair, Primary teacher, Relief Society teacher and temple ordinance worker. She was born in Caracas, Venezuela, to Ruben Dario Pacheco Araujo and Ana de la Cruz de Pacheco Araujo.

Cristiano Oliveira Sampaio, 47, and Cibely Baracho Sampaio, two children, Abrantes Ward, Camaçari Brazil Central Stake: Brazil Santos Mission, succeeding President Daniel Texeira and Sister Carolina Texeira. Brother Sampaio is a temple ordinance worker and former Area Seventy executive secretary, FSY representative, high councilor, bishop, bishopric counselor, branch presidency counselor and ward clerk. He was born in Feira de Santana, Brazil, to Fernando Sampaio Santos and Helena Oliveira Da Silva.
Sister Sampaio is an FSY representative and temple ordinance worker and former stake Primary presidency counselor, ward Relief Society president, Relief Society teacher, institute teacher and Young Women adviser. She was born in Paulista, Brazil, to Seneval José Da Silva and Marlene Baracho Da Costa Silva.

Jae Song, 64, and Mia Kang, two children, Sunset Heights 9th Ward (Korean), Orem Utah Sunset Heights Stake: Korea Busan Mission, succeeding President SeungJin Lim and Sister YoungOak Lim. Brother Song and Sister Kang are former senior missionaries in the Korea Seoul South Mission. Brother Song is a Sunday School teacher and ward mission leader and former bishop, bishopric counselor, elders quorum president, ward Young Men president, ward Young Men presidency counselor, high priests group leader, ward executive secretary and temple ordinance worker. He was born in Seoul, South Korea, to Young Sik Song and Gyeim Lee.
Sister Kang is a ward missionary and former stake Primary president, ward Relief Society president, ward Primary president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, ward Young Women presidency counselor, ward Primary presidency counselor, ward Relief Society compassionate service leader and temple ordinance worker. She was born in Daegu, South Korea, to Sam Won Kang and Wol Hee Kim.

Riki Tukukino, 62, and Donna Maree Tukukino, three children, Churchill Park Ward, Melbourne Australia Narre Warren Stake: New Zealand Hamilton Mission, succeeding President Jeffery Nikoia and Sister Fiona Nikoia. Brother Tukukino is a stake president and temple ordinance worker and former stake presidency counselor, high councilor, bishopric counselor, ward Young Men president and missionary in the Philippines Cebu City Mission. He was born in Auckland, New Zealand, to Watene Tukukino and Hana Espie Tukukino.
Sister Tukukino is a former stake Young Women presidency counselor, ward Relief Society president, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, ward Relief Society presidency counselor, Primary teacher, ward activity committee member and temple ordinance worker. She was born in Helensville, New Zealand, to Ben Armstrong and Itikai Moetahi Shortland-Armstrong.

Luis Armando Urizar, 55, and Aida Elizabeth Urizar, four children, Villa Hermosa Ward, Guatemala City Villa Hermosa Stake: Guatemala Cobán/Belize Mission, succeeding President Jorge Alvarado and Sister Araceli Garcia de Alvarado. Brother Urizar is an Area Seventy executive secretary and former stake presidency counselor, stake Sunday School president, high councilor, stake clerk bishop and elders quorum president. He was born in Canillá, Quiché, Guatemala, to Jesus Otoniel Urizar and Elsa Rubelina Mendez.
Sister Urizar is a ward Primary presidency counselor and former ward Young Women president, Gospel Doctrine teacher, Primary teacher, Relief Society teacher and seminary teacher. She was born in Guatemala City, Guatemala, to Otto Alfredo Alonzo Valenzuela and Gladys Elizabeth Cardona Villegas.

Christopher S. Vore, 54, and Angelique R. Vore, six children, Odessa 1st Ward, Odessa Texas Stake: Cote d’Ivoire Abidjan West Mission, succeeding President R. Wade Litchfield and Sister London L. Litchfield. Brother Vore is a ward mission leader and former stake president, stake presidency counselor, high councilor, bishop, elders quorum president, ward Young Men president, Primary teacher, seminary teacher, Sunday School teacher and missionary in the France Paris Mission. He was born in Provo, Utah, to Steven James Vore and Laurel Dale Vore.
Sister Vore is a stake Young Women assistant camp director, seminary teacher and ward organist and former stake Young Women secretary, ward Young Women president, ward Primary president, Primary music leader, Relief Society education leader and Primary teacher. She was born in Mekinock Township, North Dakota, to John Anthony Martin and Sharon Lynn Martin.