This week on social media, leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints shared uplifting messages for youth, children, young adults and more. Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles testified that the Lord guided him in his life’s decisions; Elder Gary E. Stevenson, also of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, invited viewers to wave the ensign of peacemaker; and Sister Tracy Y. Browning, second counselor in the Primary general presidency, taught about “spiritual eyesight.”
Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in a video on Friday, Jan. 31, invited listeners to consider their prayers. Occasionally offer a prayer of gratitude “and don’t ask for anything,” he said.
“You will be amazed what the Holy Ghost will teach you in your prayers when you are not focused on you and what you want,” he said.
Elder Rasband said in a social media post Wednesday, Jan. 29: “Never forget, all of you, never forget you are in the hands of the Lord.”
He bore testimony that the Holy Ghost guided him throughout his life to do things in his professional career and service in the Church that the Lord willed him to do, comparing himself to a chess piece on a chessboard.
“And so He wants up to develop our talents. He wants us to multiply our gifts. He wants us to give Him our very best. And at the end of the day, after we do all of that, leave it in the hands of the Lord,” Elder Rasband said.
Primary General President Susan H. Porter — together with Sister Amy A. Wright, first counselor, and Sister Browning — cross-posted a video with the Primary Worldwide social media page Wednesday, Jan. 29.
The presidency promoted the newest episode of Friend to Friend, which will be released on Feb. 15 with special guest Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.
“We’re so excited that this episode is about how a group of Primary friends planned, invited and participated in a wonderful service activity,” said Sister Browning. “I was so grateful to be able to be at the park with them as they carried out this activity.”
Just as Captain Moroni waved the title of liberty in the Book of Mormon, Elder Stevenson invited BYU students to wave their righteous flags proudly in a devotional Jan. 21.
Elder Stevenson, posting a video clip from the meeting to his social media profiles Sunday, Jan. 26, said: “As disciples of Jesus Christ, we can have a variety of flags demonstrating Christlike behavior like faith, hope and charity or meekness, brotherly kindness and virtue.”
In the video, he called upon listeners to:
- Wave the ensign of peacemaker.
- Carry the banner of understanding.
- Raise the flag of the Restoration.
- Be a flag bearer of engagement.
“Go forth, proudly carrying His banner, the gospel of Jesus Christ,” he finished.
Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman shared an experience she had in Illinois to her social media profiles Wednesday, Jan. 29: She learned about fireflies and saw them for the first time.
Sister Freeman, who shared this message on the Young Women Worldwide page, compared the flashes of light from the fireflies to light and inspiration from Jesus Christ. “We just look. For Him. Everywhere. We find Him in answered prayers. Miracles. Tender mercy moments He provides. He will be hope in moments of doubt and faith in times of fear. In the darkest of moments there will be glimpses of light. If we just look,” she wrote.
She invited readers to walk through this next year “looking for Christ” and to fully appreciate those moments of revelation and inspiration when they come.
Elder Patrick Kearon of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles encouraged returned missionaries in the Philippines to offer themselves love and mercy when they make mistakes, in a social media post Sunday, Jan. 26.
“Don’t we all need both love and mercy?” he asked.
He continued, “But you are blessed with this special kind of love and this special kind of mercy as you live in accordance with the covenants you have made and strive to live up to them, and repent when you slip in any way, and know that heaven is not trying to keep you out.”
“We’re not expected to have perfect spiritual eyesight,” said Sister Browning in a video posted to social media Monday, Jan. 27.
“My spiritual glasses help me to navigate the things that relate to how I’m going to progress in life and in my relationship with the Savior,” she taught. ”It helps me understand that I need to have regular communication with my Savior so that I receive constant guidance to help me navigate spiritual things throughout my day.”
Leaving viewers with the promise of joy, she gave the following counsel: “The best way to see things the way the Savior sees them is to reach out to the Savior and ask Him to change our sight, to help us receive the experiences that we need to see other people clearly.”
Young Men General President Steven J. Lund — together with Brother Bradley R. Wilcox, first counselor, and Brother Michael T. Nelson, second counselor — addressed young men around the world in a social media post Tuesday, Jan. 28, on Young Men Worldwide.
“Some of you will be ordained to the office of a deacon, which is a wonderful next step in your journey of lifelong discipleship,” said President Lund.
Counseling the young men, President Lund said: “Remember that when you are handling these trays and these emblems of the sacrament, of the Lord’s sacrament, that you’re in a very real sense standing in His stead, inviting people to bring the Savior more deeply into their lives and enjoy the blessings of companionship with the Savior.”
Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannaus, second counselor in the Young Women general presidency, shared a video of the 2025 youth theme “Look unto Christ” song in Spanish — “Mira hacia Él.” The video includes an animation of the sunburst logo.