
Sunday School general presidency launches worldwide social media accounts

The new pages will feature learning tips, scriptural insights and more for both individual and family study

The Sunday School general presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has launched new, worldwide social media accounts available on Facebook and Instagram.

Gospel Learning and Teaching” on Facebook and @gospellearningandteaching on Instagram are the presidency’s official social media accounts, created on Monday, Feb. 3.

In an introductory video posted to both accounts, Sunday School President Paul V. Johnson says he’s “thrilled” to welcome people to these pages. He also notes that when he and his counselors were set apart, they were asked to do two things: Help with personal gospel study and help improve teaching at home and in other settings.

Brother Chad H Webb, first counselor, then says that the new social media pages will feature practical tips and support for both individual and family gospel study. This “will help you see the Savior in the scriptures and feel the Holy Ghost and to hear His voice.”

The presidency also hopes to provide support for those teaching at church, Brother Webb says.

Brother Gabriel Reid, second counselor, adds that the new social media pages will feature Church members, Sunday School general advisory council members “and maybe even us. We look forward to learning and teaching together.”

In an interview, President Johnson said the timing felt right to create these worldwide pages, a first for the Sunday School general presidency. The “Come, Follow Me” program, he said, has been “miraculous”; and the new Gospel Learning and Teaching pages now present another chance to refine gospel learning in homes and classes.

“The way the Lord moves is line upon line, precept upon precept,” President Johnson said. “We take a step here and a step there. I think this [social media initiative] is one further step to help us ... to hopefully gain that conversion that we’re really after in gospel study and learning.”

Brother Reid added that the presidency particularly had the rising generation in mind while creating the Gospel Learning and Teaching pages. He hopes that as people interact with the pages, they’ll be willing to share gospel content on their own platforms “as a way to teach and to share your thoughts and share some of your experiences with everyone within your network.”

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‘Learning Tips’

The “Gospel Learning and Teaching” pages already have several posts, including introductions to “Learning Tips,” “Insights From Scriptures” and “Teaching Tips” posts.

According to the posts, “Learning Tips” aim to help people discover personal meaning and application of the scriptures in their lives. “We testify that the Lord has things to share directly and personally with you. And as you read seeking to hear Him (with maybe a few new suggestions to find Him easier and more quickly), things will come to your mind where you know God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ know and love you personally.”

The first “Learning Tips” post highlights the introduction paragraph in the weekly “Come, Follow Me” study guide, which provides useful context for studying that week’s reading assignment.

The tip also encourages individuals to ask questions as they read the “Come, Follow Me” manual, which prepares them to look for particular ideas when studying scripture.

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‘Insights From Scriptures’

“Insights From Scriptures” posts will feature stories from people who have found new insights or personal revelation in the scriptures. “You’ll hear from called leaders, members, Church employees, missionaries and friends. The Spirit of the Lord is eager to teach us, and it’s truly beautiful when those teachings come directly to us or are inspired through others,” a post says.

In an interview, Brother Reid said the Sunday School general presidency plans on featuring members around the world, speaking in a variety of languages. President Johnson added that the presidency hopes to eventually create “Gospel Learning and Teaching” social media pages in major languages such as Spanish, Portuguese and French.

The first “Insights from Scriptures” post is a video featuring Elder Patrick Kearon of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He shares a verse that gives him hope and comfort: “That the fullness of gospel might be proclaimed by the weak and the simple unto the ends of the world, and before kings and rulers” (Doctrine and Covenants 1:23).

Elder Kearon says this scripture is consoling because everyone sees themselves as weak and simple. For Joseph Smith, the idea that the weak and simple could do God’s work must have been “extraordinary.”

Elder Kearon then goes back to Doctrine and Covenants 1:22, which reads, “That mine everlasting covenant might be established.” He notes that, throughout history, prophets have been overwhelmed by the work God asks them to do.

Elder Kearon, too, holds a calling that “utterly overwhelmed me,” he says in the video. So knowing that the weak and simple can proclaim the gospel is “enormously comforting” to him.

Whatever might be overwhelming someone — from a teaching calling to simply creating better study habits — Elder Kearon says he hopes that these Doctrine and Covenants verses can be encouraging. “I pray that you’ll feel comforted and energized and invigorated as you read from these wonderful sections and get a sense of our early history and these early revelations. I hope you’ll hear the Savior’s voice as you study the Doctrine and Covenants.”

‘Teaching Tips’

“Teaching Tips” posts will give suggestions on how to share the stories and power of the scriptures, according to an introductory post. They’ll also give general teaching tips such as developing good questions, effective use of technology and guiding discussions.

Sharing things one loves with others can be tricky sometimes, the post states, and teaching at home is different than teaching in a church setting. But “whether we’re already passionate about the stories, sections and verses, or still on our journey to fully embrace them, sharing this love can be a powerful and fulfilling experience.”

“Teaching Tips” posts aren’t only for those with formal Church teaching callings — because “no matter what role or relationships you have, you are teaching in all that you do and say,” the first “Teaching Tips” post reads.

The post includes a letter from the First Presidency, which invites individuals to learn more about Jesus Christ and states that teaching the gospel is a “sacred trust.”

“As a disciple of the Master Teacher, Jesus Christ, you have opportunities to share His light wherever you go — in the home, at church, as you minister to others and among friends,” the letter reads.

In an interview, President Johnson said someone with a “teacher’s heart” thinks about how gospel principles apply to what they see around them.

“A parent or a teacher who has teaching in their heart, ... they view things differently,” President Johnson said. “And I hope that we can get more people to do that, too, to be thinking about the teaching [opportunities] they’ll have, whether it’s one-on-one or in a classroom.”

Other types of posts

Besides “Learning Tips,” “Insights from Scriptures” and “Teaching Tips,” Brother Reid said the “Gospel Learning and Teaching” pages will feature posts with monthly messages from the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. A highlight on the Instagram page also indicates anticipated “Voices of the Restoration” posts.

Additionally, a Feb. 3 post shows a graphic highlighting important principles from the “Teaching in the Savior’s Way” booklet, including “love those you teach,” “teach by the Spirit,” “focus on Jesus Christ,” “teach the doctrine” and “invite diligent learning.”

“Each of these aspects are vital for meaningful teaching and thus learning experiences,” the post states. “They are vital because each principle moves us towards conversion to Jesus Christ.”

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