
Church News podcast’s ‘journey of connection’ gives weekly insights into Church events, members’ lives

Highlights from 2024 episodes include testimonies of the Savior and looking at personal lives and events happening around the Church

Each Tuesday, Church News publishes a podcast in various channels for listeners to learn about events, news, announcements and personal stories of Church members and friends of the Church. The podcast’s weekly introduction refers to this as a “journey of connection.”

In 2024, topics included President Russell M. Nelson’s 100 years, the acquisition of the Kirtland Temple, the Relief Society’s global initiative and the impact of temple attendance on mental health.

Below is a list of episodes from the past year that were among the most listened to Church News podcasts in 2024.

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Complete list of Church News podcast episodes and transcripts

President Russell M. Nelson turns 100

Church News produced three special episodes in 2024 to commemorate the 100th birthday of the Prophet and President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Russell M. Nelson.

President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and his wife, Sister Wendy Nelson, play with balloons during his 100th birthday celebration in the Conference Center Theater in Salt Lake City on Monday, Sept. 9, 2024. | Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News

In August, historian Richard E. Turley Jr. shared his observations of President Nelson from both historical and personal perspectives. The week of President Nelson’s birthday, some of his family members and other associates shared their feelings about his love, work and service. And following his birthday celebration, the podcast included excerpts from the Church’s global broadcast — including President Nelson’s own testimony from that event.

“The length of your life is not as important as the kind of life that you live,” President Nelson said. “Even for a 100-year-old man, life passes quickly. My prayer is that you will let God prevail in your life. Make covenants with Him. Stay on the covenant path. Prepare to return to live with Him again. A mortal birthday is not an end point; it is a step in our eternal progression.”

Historian Richard E. Turley Jr. joins the Church News podcast on Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2024, to share what he has observed about the service of President Russell M. Nelson for decades. | Screenshot from YouTube
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Episode 203: Exploring the legacy of President Russell M. Nelson ahead of his 100th birthday
Episode 205: Celebrating President Nelson’s century of service ahead of his birthday
Episode 206: How family, friends and fellow leaders celebrated President Nelson at 100

A global initiative for women and children

The First Presidency asked the Relief Society organization to take the lead in a global initiative for women and children. This initiative seeks to provide the Savior’s relief through maternal and newborn care, child nutrition efforts, immunizations and education.

Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson and her counselors, Sister J. Anette Dennis and Sister Kristin M. Yee, joined guest host Mary Richards, a Church News reporter, to talk about how Relief Society sisters around the world are part of this global initiative.

The First Presidency has asked the Relief Society organization of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to take the lead in a global initiative for women and children. Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson and her counselors, Sister J. Anette Dennis and Sister Kristin M. Yee, join the Church News podcast to talk about the initiative. | Screenshot from YouTube
Related Story
Episode 194: The Relief Society general presidency on the blessings of the global initiative for women and children

Temple and other important updates

Guests on the podcast also discussed news and updates relevant to Church members. In 2024, this included an update on the ongoing Salt Lake Temple and Temple Square renovations. Former Church News editor Sarah Jane Weaver interviewed Brent Roberts, managing director of the Church’s Special Projects Department, and Andy Kirby, director of historic temple renovations, about the work to restore and refresh the temple.

“You talk about the Salt Lake Temple, how it took 40 years to construct,” Roberts said. “But 40 years was generations for them. They were evolving, going through issues, strengthening their testimonies, and the temple was there when they needed it. And I look at those pioneers, especially the sacrifice — literally everything they had, in many respects — because they knew that they needed to have the power that comes with a covenant that they could only get in the temples of the Most High.”

Brent Roberts, managing director of the Church’s Special Projects Department, and Andy Kirby, director of historic temple renovations, join the Church News podcast on May 21, 2024, to give an update on the Salt Lake Temple renovations. | Screenshot from YouTube
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Episode 189: Salt Lake Temple renovation update with Brent Roberts and Andy Kirby

Elder Kyle S. McKay, a General Authority Seventy and the Church’s historian and recorder, spoke on the Church News podcast following the Church’s acquisition of the Kirtland Temple in March 2024. He was joined by historian Matt Grow.

“We are not celebrating an isolated experience, but the blessings of heaven called down upon the Saints then by the Prophet Joseph are accessible to us now, through the ordinances,” Elder McKay said of the significance of the Church having stewardship over that temple again.

Elder Kyle S. McKay joins the Church News podcast to discuss the historic purchase of the Kirtland Temple and Nauvoo sites.
Elder Kyle S. McKay, General Authority Seventy and Church historian and recorder, joins the Church News podcast to discuss the historic purchase of the Kirtland Temple by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. | Screenshot from YouTube
Related Story
Episode 179: Church historians reflect on the spiritual significance of the historic Kirtland Temple, other sites, artifacts

Learning through service

Brigham Young University professor of religious education Justin Dyer discussed research that shows the benefits of temple attendance on mental health in an October episode of the podcast.

“Certainly as part of a process in your life, that can be the pathway that I’m taking on that healing journey as I’m serving others, uniting families, gathering Israel on both sides of the veil, right? It’s going to facilitate our connecting with the Savior,” Dyer said.

Justin Dyer, professor of religious education at BYU
Justin Dyer, professor of religious education at BYU, joins the Church News podcast on Tuesday, Oct. 22, 2024. | Screenshot from YouTube
Related Story
Episode 211: BYU’s Justin Dyer on mental health and the positive impact of temple attendance

Latter-day Saint Joseph Grenny came on the podcast to talk about some of the ways he has seen the Atonement of Jesus Christ bless the lives of himself, his family members and many other people he has met at The Other Side Academy in Salt Lake City, Utah.

“When the tree that you care most about isn’t having it, when the person in your life that you wish you could minister to or fix right now isn’t letting you fix them, go to the nethermost part of the vineyard, because there are other trees there, and your life has uniquely suited you to serve that kind of tree, trees with exactly that kind of problem. All of us have been uniquely prepared to be able to reach out,” Grenny said, speaking about Jacob 5 in the Book of Mormon.

Joseph Grenny wearing a suit and tie and smiling.
Joseph Grenny, chairman of the board at The Other Side Academy, joins the Church News podcast on Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2024, to talk about how embracing accountability and obeying promptings provide immediate and long-term blessings. | Screenshot from YouTube
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Episode 201: Joseph Grenny on the power and positive influence of truth and covenants
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