On Sunday, March 17, women around the world gathered together to celebrate being a part of the Relief Society, hear messages from Church President Russell M. Nelson and the Relief Society general presidency and to bear testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ.
The Church News reached out to women in different areas to hear what they learned from the devotional and what it means to be a part of a global organization — now in its 182nd year and nearly 8 million women strong.
Learnings from the devotional
Kathy Hacheglemal, the Barrigada Ward Primary president in the Barrigada Guam Stake, felt impressed as she listened to President Nelson say that women should not underestimate their power.
“We also have the power to comfort, strengthen and to protect our rising generation and others around us. The Savior does depend on the sisters to help with relief, with humanitarian, with other things in the Church,” she said.

As she looked back at her notes, Hacheglemal saw one key word in particular that was repeated, and that was “covenant.”
“It was really strong and stood out. It was repeated throughout the whole video,” she said. “It was a sign to me that we should always renew our covenant every Sunday and remember our covenant with our Savior.”
Tania Mitchell, who serves as Relief Society president in the West Harbour Ward in the Auckland New Zealand Henderson Stake, said she felt that women have every reason to value themselves, their lives and their contributions.
“It was fortifying to hear our Relief Society general leaders’ and our Prophet’s words of encouragement, optimism and love,” Mitchell said. “We can do it — and we are doing it — and it is vital that we keep sight of our pivotal role as disciples of Jesus Christ as we live, love and serve in our daily lives.”
Angela Strong, in the Stallion Mountain Ward of the Las Vegas Nevada East Stake, was touched by Relief Society President Camille N. Johnson’s remarks and testimony.
“I thought the testimony at the end of the Relief Society president’s remarks was so powerful. It sounded like a theme I could recite in the mirror. It was stunning how the video frame included her counselors as she testified.”
Strong said the phrase “blinded by what we haven’t been given” stood out to her from the testimony of Sister J. Anette Dennis, first counselor in the Relief Society general presidency.
“I often feel like I’m being told to be upset by what I don’t have,” Strong said after watching the broadcast. “I need to work hard to ignore that temptation and to keep my sights on all that I’m promised from my temple covenants.”
Jessa Apolinario, of the Kapitolyo Ward, Pasig Philippines Stake, said the devotional reminded her of her important role within the Lord’s Church on earth.
“The focus on serving others and deepening our connection with Heavenly Father really hit home for me. Understanding that Jesus Christ is the ultimate source of relief encouraged me to strive to set a good example of righteousness in my interactions with my family, friends and everyone I meet,” she said.
Jasmine Davis, from the West Harbour Ward in the Auckland New Zealand Henderson Stake, also noted how powerful covenants are to bring women closer to God.
“There is a power that flows from our covenants to help us meet daily challenges. I learned that by showing others love, I am able to feel the love from our Savior, too, which will yoke me to Him,” Davis said.
She wrote down how President Nelson said he feels indebted to women and marvels at their faith and devotion to the Lord.
Local Relief Society gatherings
Local gatherings included the opportunity for women to eat dinner or a treat together and socialize. Some had decorations such as flowers, balloons or posters. Some included activities and service projects to celebrate the birthday of the Relief Society organization.

For example, women in the Manantiales Ward in the Atiquizaya El Salvador Stake and members of the Pisco Peru Stake Relief Society held outdoor celebrations including dancing and period clothing. Members of the Baton Rouge Louisiana Stake Relief Society put together Easter baskets to donate to a local charitable organization. The Pisco Peru Stake and women in the Douala Cameroon District wore matching yellow and blue dresses, the latter as they marched in a parade in the streets of Bonaberi, Cameroon.
Women in the Salvador Brazil North Stake commented on a stake Instagram post how much they appreciated being together for the broadcast, hearing the messages from Church leaders and bearing testimonies.
In Porterville, California, Springville Ward Relief Society President Shayleen Tuttle told the 15 women who gathered for dinner how much she loves each of them.
“I do know that one act of service gets you to do another one and another one, and before you know it, you are filling up your time with more things that the Lord will thank you for, and that’s what Relief Society is all about,” she said.

Young women who turn 18 this year were invited to their local gatherings. Mitchell loved sitting together with her mother, sisters and niece. Later, while speaking with her ward sisters, they remembered women who had recently died and how they treasured those memories and moments.
Renee Leone from the West Harbour Ward in the Auckland New Zealand Henderson Stake said she lives in a house with all boys, so it is special for her anytime she can gather with women — especially her sisters in the gospel.
“Don’t get me wrong, I love my boys but there is a special strength and renewal that I feel deep in my soul whenever I meet with other sisters that uplifts and inspires me to be the best I can be and to do better at sharing God’s love with everyone around me,” Leone said.
She also felt Heavenly Father’s love and trust and care for all of His daughters and how important each is to the gathering of Israel.
Ward and stake testimony meetings
Local testimony meetings after the broadcast were an opportunity for women to speak of Jesus Christ. Many women mentioned how grateful they were to be able to bear testimonies together as Relief Society sisters.

In the Provo Utah Grandview South Stake testimony meeting, several sisters expressed gratitude for the organization’s service to them and their families throughout the years. The testimonies convened on the hardships of life and the comfort and peace Jesus Christ brings to several difficult circumstances.
Rachel Merrill, from the stake’s Grandview 15th Ward, expressed her gratitude for listening to the Relief Society general leaders, mentioning how she feels “the power of the priesthood through the temple covenants and patience and hope in Jesus Christ.”
Nicole Andre Luczon, of the Banaybanay Ward, Mati Philippines Stake, said the strong spirit from the broadcast carried through to the testimony portion of her meeting.
“The sisters shared powerful testimonies highlighting how they felt relief in their personal life challenges and circumstances, how they are blessed by the gospel and feel perpetual love from Heavenly Father and the Savior,” she said.
Hacheglemal said the moment felt more like a sisterhood. “We felt a bond knowing that other sisters were able to share their testimonies. I enjoyed being able to hear and listen to their feelings of how the Savior loves them through their experiences.”
Melsi Hadley, a counselor in the Dededo Ward Relief Society president in the Barrigada Guam Stake, said as soon as she entered the room on Sunday, she could feel that the Spirit was strong.
Part of the broadcast that especially touched her was when President Johnson shared how a woman in South Korea told her God loved her as well.
“I really liked that they shared a common testimony that we all rely on our Savior, His Atonement, and how we are all children of our Heavenly Father, that we are loved as daughters of our Heavenly Father, and that we are here to provide relief as a Relief Society to the world in our own unique ways and make a difference,” Hadley said.
Miyoko Tsushima, in the Chiba Ward in the Chiba Japan Stake, bore her testimony.
“The Relief Society is full of endless love,” she said. “We can know the love of the Lord through the Savior-like love and actions of each sister. I am simply amazed at this work as I think of the Relief Society organization being passed on from generation to generation forever, connected in a circle of love.”
Being a part of the Relief Society
As she met with her Relief Society sisters, Betty LeBlanc in the Foxboro Ward in the Blackstone Valley Massachusetts Stake thought of four years ago before she joined the Church.
“Looking around the room, I now cannot imagine how I lived my life without these extraordinary women in my life,” she said. “Supporting each other during our trials and celebrating each other’s accomplishments — all while raising families, serving, working outside the home — together, clinging to that iron rod keeping us on the covenant path bringing us closer to our Heavenly Father and our beloved Savior Jesus Christ.”

Hadley said she is grateful to be a part of the Relief Society, a divine institution in which “individual and collective efforts are really needed.”
Meng Yau Lin, from the Chungli Ward in the Taoyuan Taiwan Stake, took note of when President Johnson said all women belong to the Relief Society, even if for a season they serve in another calling.
“This topic helped me know I have an important mission wherever I serve at church,” she said, adding, “We can change this world to become better than better.”
Kellye McHoul, the Relief Society president of the Foxboro Ward in the Blackstone Valley Massachusetts Stake, also spoke about seasons after the devotional.
“It was a powerful reminder in this season of my life as a Relief Society president that consecrated service does not have to be large in scope. I simply need to love the person in front of me, just like the Savior did,” McHoul said.
Aira Yagame, in the Chiba Ward in the Chiba Japan Stake, said, “There is always a place for me in Relief Society, to show love and be loved, to learn to serve. … The role of women is greater and more wonderful than I think.”
Kanako Yonei, also in the Chiba Ward, was touched by the video at the beginning of the broadcast that showed women from all over the world.
“I was reminded once again that this Relief Society is an organization made up of many dedicated sisters who are doing the Lord’s will,” she said, and reflected on all the women who have helped her in various situations and ways.
“As President Nelson said, I strongly feel that we are here on earth now because this is exactly the time we are needed,” Yonei said.

Xayezi Tacuban, of the Tayug Ward, Rosales Philippines Stake, said the event reminded her of the significance of being part of the Relief Society organization.
“I feel immensely blessed to be part of such an organization where charity is not just a word but a tangible force felt through the acts of service rendered by each sister. … As the devotional emphasized, there is nothing beyond our capabilities when we remain obedient to the commandments of God.”
“Through our collective efforts and unwavering commitment to God’s commandments, we can navigate life’s trials with resilience and grace,” Tacuban said. “Indeed, Jesus Christ is relief.”
— Christine Rappleye, Trent Toone and Vanessa Fitzgibbon contributed to this report.