Over a period of five days from Dec. 10-14, missionaries in the Bolivia Cochabamba North Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints gave out more than 2,000 copies of the Book of Mormon to “Light the World.”
Each copy was wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper, with the missionaries’ testimonies written inside.
The Church’s Light the World initiative seeks to share the light of Jesus Christ through acts of service throughout the month of December. The Cochabamba North mission leaders, President Rafael Lopera and Sister Fanny Lopera, invited the missionaries to speak to each person about the Book of Mormon as they gave them the wrapped gift.
“It is the best gift we can give because the Book of Mormon has the power to change lives and entire generations,” the Loperas wrote to the Church News. “Christmas is centered on Jesus Christ, and the Book of Mormon is a faithful witness of the Savior and the best gift we have at this time to share with everyone in the world.”

The Loperas said at Christmas time, people can draw closer to the Savior and remember His love for them.
“His teachings about the Atonement and the mercy He extends are examples of genuine love, and during this Christmas season, it is one of the best times to talk about His teachings and share the Book of Mormon as another testament of Jesus Christ in these latter days.”
Several of the young full-time missionaries told the Church News what the initiative meant to them.
Elder Juan Alegria said the Book of Mormon is an ideal gift for Christmas because it represents the love that Heavenly Father has for His children. “We have this instrument to find answers, comfort and understanding for our daily lives. Without a doubt, the best gift I could receive in my life is the Book of Mormon — ‘another testament of Jesus Christ.’”
Sister Hannah Huston, Sister Garcia Leal and Sister Brooke Cook wrote their response together, saying that Jesus Christ is the heart of Christmas. “In Mosiah 16:9, it says, ‘He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death.’ We know that Jesus Christ makes the world brighter through His example and love for all the children of God.”

Elder Grant Bean said, “I felt amazing doing this challenge because I was able to share the reason I am in Bolivia to other people so they can feel the same joy I have felt from the Book of Mormon. It was something that I was always so excited to do every time I saw someone new.”
Something that stood out to Elder Ethan Potter was the great appreciation the people of Cochabamba showed to the missionaries, who had shown their love to the people by giving them a gift. “That is a great parallel to the gift that we are giving, The Book of Mormon. The Book of Mormon helps people feel the love Christ has for them.”

All can find Jesus in the Book of Mormon, wrote Elder Carter Wycherly. “Every time I read the Book of Mormon, I find something new that Christ had taught thousands of years ago,” he said. “I know Christ lives because His words are in this book and continue to apply to me every day.”
And all can draw closer to Jesus Christ through the Book of Mormon because it testifies of Him and speaks of Him, explained Elder Joshua Miller. “There is no better way to know Him and His teachings than by reading the Book of Mormon. In this Christmas season, we have the perfect opportunity to focus again on Jesus Christ.”