
Relief Society/elders quorum lesson aid — Elder Ulisses Soares: ‘Aligning Our Will With His’

Lesson resources on Elder Ulisses Soares’ October 2024 general conference message to prepare for elders quorum or Relief Society

Editor’s note: To support elders quorum and Relief Society classes, the Church News is publishing lesson resources on messages from October 2024 general conference. These are meant to be a starting point and not a strict lesson plan.

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About this talk

Read the full message here.
Read a summary of Elder Soares’ message here.


  • Through His parable of the “goodly pearls,” the Savior likened the kingdom of heaven unto a priceless pearl. To be worthy of this reward, believers need to give their best effort to set aside all self-centered pursuits and abandon entanglements that hold them back from full commitment to the Lord and His higher and holier ways.
  • As exemplified by Jesus Christ, this means “[doing] always those things that please [the Lord]” (John 8:29), submitting one’s will to His will.
  • Jesus Christ achieved a perfect, divine level of submission to the Father by allowing His will to be swallowed up in the Father’s will.
  • During mortality, everyone wrestles with what they think they know, what they think is best and what they assume works, as opposed to comprehending what Heavenly Father actually knows, what is eternally best and what works for children within His plan. People are increasingly becoming “lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God” (2 Timothy 3:1-2,4).
  • People are becoming consumed with themselves and proclaiming, “No matter what, I live my own truth or I do what works for me.” Although each travels an individualized discipleship journey, they need to be careful and vigilant to not be tempted to adopt this worldly philosophy.
  • When children of God let Him be the most powerful influence in their life, they can increase capacity to unite their mind and heart with the Savior. On the other hand, when they don’t allow God to prevail, they’re left to themselves. Without the Lord’s inspiring guidance, one can justify almost anything.
  • While the Savior was declaring His doctrine in John 8:33-42, some self-righteous Pharisees rejected His message and implied their lineage from Abraham granted them special privileges in God’s eyes. In response, Jesus declared that if they were true covenant children of Abraham, they would do the works of Abraham.
  • Acting on “what works for me” versus doing “what always pleases the Lord” is an age-old mentality that often confuses and exhausts God’s children. This mentality is an old trick of the adversary, a deceptive path that carefully leads God’s children away from the true, faithful covenant path.
  • Christ’s disciples desire to walk the path He marked during His mortal ministry. As they strive to be true to every covenant they’ve entered into, they are protected from errors of philosophy and doctrine that would lead them away from those most precious pearls.
  • It takes a courageous and a willing heart to acknowledge, through introspection, the presence of weaknesses in one’s life that may impede one’s ability to submit to God and adopt His way rather than one’s own. The ultimate test of one’s discipleship is found in willingness to lose one’s old self and submit one’s heart and whole soul to God.
  • Following the Lord’s will in one’s life will enable one to find the most precious pearl in the world — the kingdom of heaven.

Discussion questions

How is the kingdom of heaven precious like a “pearl of great price” (Matthew 13:45-46)?

How might we be like the merchant who was willing to sell all his possessions to obtain the “pearl of great price”?

How can we avoid becoming “lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God” (2 Timothy 3:4)?

What can we learn from the Savior allowing His will to be swallowed up in the will of His Father?

When have you increased your “covenant confidence” by consecrating your will to the Lord?

Notable quotes

  • “During our sojourn in mortality, we often wrestle with what we think we know, what we think is best and what we assume works for us, as opposed to comprehending what Heavenly Father actually knows, what is eternally best and what absolutely works for children within His plan.”
  • “In things that truly matter, there is an inner space where we are free to choose whether or not we will decide to follow the pattern the Lord has prepared for our life.”
  • “One of the most glorious moments of mortality occurs when we discover the joy that comes when doing always those things that ‘work for and please the Lord’ and ‘what works for us’ become one and the same. To decisively and unquestioningly make the Lord’s will our own requires majestic and heroic discipleship. At that sublime moment, we become consecrated to the Lord, and we totally yield our wills to Him. Such spiritual submissiveness, so to speak, is beautiful, powerful and transformational.”

Key scriptures

  • “For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.”
  • “And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him.”
  • “For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent; ... Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink—Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men.”

Invitations and promises

  • “We certainly need, among other things, to give our best effort to set aside all self-centered pursuits and abandon any entanglement that holds us back from full commitment to the Lord and His higher and holier ways.”
  • “My dear friends, when we choose to let God be the most powerful influence in our life over our self-serving pursuits, we can make progress in our discipleship and increase our capacity to unite our mind and heart with the Savior.”
  • “As we strive to be true to every covenant we have entered into and live ‘by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God’ (Matthew 4:4), we will be protected against falling victim to the sins and errors of the world — errors of philosophy and doctrine that would lead us away from those most precious pearls.”


  • In the parable of the “goodly pearls” found in Matthew 13:45-46, a merchant man seeks for and finds one pearl of “great price.” In order to acquire the magnificent pearl, the man promptly and joyfully sells all his possessions. The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a priceless pearl, the most precious treasure that should be desired above all.
  • A young man was unsettled about going on a mission until he listened to a senior leader of the Church share his own testimony and sacred experience of serving as a missionary. Later, after serving his mission, the young man said: “As I listened to the testimony of an Apostle of the Savior, Jesus Christ, I was able to feel of God’s love for me, and I desired to share that love with others. ... Today, I am a new person; I have a testimony that this gospel is true and that the Church of Jesus Christ has been restored on earth.” The young man chose the Lord’s way and became an example of a true disciple.
  • A faithful young woman chose not to compromise her standards when she was asked to dress immodestly to fit into the business division of the fashion company where she worked. Understanding that her body is a sacred gift from Heavenly Father and a place where the Spirit can dwell, she lived a standard higher than the world’s. She gained the confidence of those who saw her living the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ and preserved her job, which had been in jeopardy. Her willingness to do what was pleasing in the sight of the Lord gave her covenant confidence amid difficult choices.

Notable footnotes

Additional resources

Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Recent conference talks on obedience

Who is Elder Soares?

  • Elder Ulisses Soares was sustained to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on March 31, 2018. The first Apostle from South America, he was formerly an accountant and auditor for multinational corporations in Brazil and, later, director for temporal affairs in the Church area office in São Paulo, Brazil.
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