Elder Neil L. Andersen opened the October 2024 general conference testifying the “eyes of heaven will certainly be focused” on listeners during the semiannual event.
“We will hear the voice of the Lord through His servants,” said the member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “We will feel the ‘guiding, directing [and] comforting’ influence of the Holy Ghost, and our faith will be strengthened.”
Thirty-three addresses later, and in the concluding message of the conference, Church President Russell M. Nelson acknowledged the truthfulness of teachings given over the weekend.
“In this conference, the Lord has spoken to us through His servants,” he testified. “I urge you to study their messages. Use them as a litmus test of what is true and what is not during the next six months.”
Millions tuned in the weekend of Oct. 5-6 to general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to hear counsel from general leaders. Latter-day Saints will strive to use their messages “as a litmus test” of truth in the coming months by rereading their direction and acting on their invitations, at home and in church.
To support elders quorum and Relief Society classes, the Church News is publishing lesson resources on messages from October 2024 general conference.
These are meant to be a starting point and not a strict lesson plan. Resources for each message include:
- About this talk
- Outline
- Discussion questions
- Notable quotes
- Key scriptures
- Invitations and promises
- Stories
- Notable footnotes
- Additional resources
- Recent conference talks on the topic
- Short biography about the speaker
Quotes and outline elements also have video clips to hear the speaker’s original teachings and invitations.
See these resources to support study of general conference messages and invitations. This page will be updated as more articles are published.
Saturday morning session
- Elder Neil L. Andersen: ‘The Triumph of Hope’
- President Emily Belle Freeman: ‘Live Up to Your Privileges’
- Elder Karl D. Hirst: ‘God’s Favorite’
- Elder Dale G. Renlund: ‘This Is My Gospel — This Is My Church’
- Elder David P. Homer: ‘Trusting Our Father’
- Elder Gregorio E. Casillas: ‘God Loves All His Children’
- President Dallin H. Oaks: ‘Following Christ’
Saturday afternoon session
- Elder D. Todd Christofferson: ‘Burying Our Weapons of Rebellion’
- Elder José A. Teixeira: ‘Bonded to Jesus Christ: Becoming the Salt of the Earth’
- Elder Juan Pablo Villar: ‘His Hand Ready To Help Us’
- Elder Patrick Kearon: ‘Welcome to the Church of Joy’
- Elder David L. Buckner: ‘Ye Are My Friends’
- Elder D. Martin Goury: ‘Be Thou Clean’
- Elder Aroldo B. Cavalcante: ‘The Wind Did Never Cease To Blow’
- Elder Ulisses Soares: ‘Aligning Our Will With His’
Saturday evening session
- Elder Gerrit W. Gong: ‘Holiness to the Lord in Everyday Life’
- Sister Kristin M. Yee: ‘The Joy of Our Redemption’
- Elder Kyle S. McKay: ‘The Man Who Communed With Jehovah’
- Elder Jorge M. Alvarado: ‘Embrace the Lord’s Gift of Repentance’
- Elder David A. Bednar: ‘In the Space of Not Many Years’
Sunday morning session
- President Jeffrey R. Holland: ‘I Am He’
- Sister Tracy Y. Browning: ‘Seeking Answers to Spiritual Questions’
- Elder Brook P. Hales: ‘Mortality Works!’
- Bishop L. Todd Budge: ‘Seek Him With All Your Heart’
- Elder Gary E. Stevenson: ‘Days Never To Be Forgotten’
- Brother Bradley R. Wilcox: ‘O Youth of the Noble Birthright’
- President Henry B. Eyring: ‘Simple Is the Doctrine of Jesus Christ’
Sunday afternoon session
- Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf: ‘Nourish the Roots, and the Branches Will Grow’
- Elder Takashi Wada: ‘The Words of Christ and the Holy Ghost Will Lead Us to the Truth’
- Elder Ronald A. Rasband: ‘Behold I Am the Light Which Ye Shall Hold Up’
- Elder Quentin L. Cook: ‘Sacred Scriptures — The Foundations of Faith’
- Elder Rubén V. Alliaud: ‘Sons and Daughters of God’
- Elder I. Raymond Egbo: ‘Focus on Jesus Christ and His Gospel’
- President Russell M. Nelson: ‘The Lord Jesus Christ Will Come Again’