Palm Sunday begins Holy Week and the events leading up to Easter Sunday. Resources from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can help children learn more about Easter.
‘Come, Follow Me’
The “Come, Follow Me” study guide for March 25-31 includes teachings from the Book of Mormon about the Savior Jesus Christ’s Atonement, Crucifixion and Resurrection.
A section in the outline has ideas that can be used specifically to help children learn about Easter — including scripture verses, songs, messages and artwork.
March Friend
The March 2024 Friend includes Easter messages that parents and Primary leaders can share with children.
President Henry B. Eyring, second counselor in the First Presidency, wrote about remembering the Savior’s sacrifice and His rising from the tomb: “Because Jesus Christ overcame death, all of Heavenly Father’s children will be resurrected in a body that will never die.”
And Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles wrote about how Easter Sunday is a sacred day: “It is a day to remember the sacrifice and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Jesus gave His life so we can repent and be forgiven. Because of Jesus, we can live with God again.”
Artwork, coloring pages and other messages and activity suggestions from the March Friend teach about Easter as well — including an Easter story wheel and an Easter lillies craft that was also featured in the March Friend to Friend broadcast.
In the Friend’s section for younger children, images portray Jesus Christ praying, the empty tomb, and when He appeared to Mary Magdalene.

Easter videos
An Easter videos playlist is available on the Church’s YouTube channel. This includes previous Easter messages and invitations from Church leaders, Bible videos, inspirational messages and music.
A video from New Testament for Kids tells the Easter story in a way that is easy to understand.
A new series of 15 videos is being published daily through Easter Sunday on March 31 and feature each member of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. In the videos, the leaders testify of the many ways the Savior blesses the lives of Heavenly Father’s children.
The Gospel Library has a collection of Easter videos as well.
Daily Holy Week activities
Sister Amy A. Wright, first counselor in the Primary general presidency, has been sharing activities, scriptures and messages on social media that parents and Primary leaders can use to teach children about Holy Week and Easter. Below is a summary of those posts.
Palm Sunday
“On Palm Sunday, Jesus Christ made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem as His followers waved palm fronds and laid down cloaks in His path,” Sister Wright wrote. “How can you seek to follow Jesus Christ each day?”
Scriptures to read: Matthew 21:1–11, Luke 19:29–44
Activity: Trace five handprints on green paper. Cut out the handprints and write on the back ways to welcome Jesus. Glue or tape the cut-out handprints to a stick to create palm leaves.
“During Jesus’s time in Jerusalem, He visited the temple,” Sister Wright wrote. “Speaking with unmistakable authority, He commanded the merchants and moneychangers to leave. How can you cleanse your own heart and mind to prepare yourself to hear Jesus’s teachings?”
Scripture: Mark 11:15–18
Activity: List simple chores on slips of paper. Take turns choosing a chore to complete. Set a timer for 10 minutes and see how many chores can be completed.
“During the last week of His life, [Jesus] shared some of His most enduring teachings,” Sister Wright wrote. “How can you apply the lessons of the scriptures to your own life?”
Scriptures: Matthew 22:36–40, Matthew 25:34–45
Activity: Read and discuss the parables found in Matthew 13 or choose other favorite parables. Then take turns acting out a parable without words. See if other family members can guess the parable.
Sister Wright wrote about how Jesus Christ taught the two great commandments, to love God and love others. “When we have love for one another, it’s easier to be like Jesus — we’re more patient, forgiving and compassionate with the people around us,” she said. “How does your love of God help you to love and serve other people?”
Scriptures: John 15:9–12, Matthew 22:34–40
Activity: Counsel together as a family and choose a small, simple thing to do to serve a family member or someone in the neighborhood or community.
“Jesus instituted the sacrament so we would always remember Him and His sacrifice,” Sister Wright wrote. “How can you honor and remember Him daily?”
Scriptures: Luke 22:14–20, 39–54; Matthew 26:36–57
Activity: Make unleavened bread and, while eating the bread, talk about the covenants that are renewed when partaking of sacrament.
Good Friday
At his Crucifixion, “Jesus Christ begged His Father to ‘forgive them; for they know not what they do’ (Luke 23:34),” Sister Wright wrote. “Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of forgiveness. How can you be more forgiving of yourself and the other people in your life?
Scriptures: Matthew 26:59–75, Matthew 27:1–61
Activity: If possible, visit a cemetery and talk about family members who have passed away. Express gratitude for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and testify that because of Jesus Christ, families will see their loved ones again.
Sister Wright wrote that it is hard to imagine the anguish Jesus Christ’s followers must have felt on the day after His death. “Whether they understood it or not, Jesus Christ had forged a new path forward for all who would follow Him, one lit by a hope that shines brighter than any darkness we may encounter. When has Jesus helped you find comfort during difficult times?”
Scriptures: John 14:15–16, 26–27; Matthew 27:55–61
Activity: Make the special Easter cookie recipe posted on Facebook or Instagram.
Easter Sunday
Early in the morning, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb and found it empty. As she wept, Jesus Christ came to her — alive again. “The knowledge was too wonderful to contain. Her faith propelled her into a joyous sprint as she ran to tell the others,” Sister Wright wrote. “It’s a testimony that still propels people today. You can know just as she did that Jesus Christ lives.”
Sister Wright invited children to read the verses below and reflect on everything they have learned this week.
Scriptures: John 20:1–18, 1 Corinthians 15:20–22
Activity: Retrieve the Easter cookies from the oven. While eating the cookies, point out how they are empty inside. Discuss with one another the blessing of an empty tomb and what that means. Testify of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and what can be done to prepare for Jesus Christ to come again.