
Relief Society/elders quorum lesson aid — Elder Quentin L. Cook: ‘Sacred Scriptures — The Foundations of Faith’

Lesson resources on Elder Quentin L. Cook’s October 2024 general conference message to prepare for elders quorum or Relief Society

Editor’s note: To support elders quorum and Relief Society classes, the Church News is publishing lesson resources on messages from October 2024 general conference. These are meant to be a starting point and not a strict lesson plan.

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About this talk

  • “Sacred Scriptures — the Foundations of Faith”
  • by Elder Quentin L. Cook | Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
  • Sunday afternoon session of October 2024 general conference.
  • Theme: The scriptures help build a foundation of faith that can withstand the adversary’s constant efforts.
Read the full message here.
Read a summary of Elder Cook’s message here.


  • No handheld electronic device will be as important or significant as spiritual guidance from divine revelation. The Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon — combined with the teachings of living prophets and inspiration from the Holy Spirit — help build a foundation that can withstand the adversary’s constant efforts to undermine faith.
  • When Elder Cook was a bishop, the William Edward Mussman family, being taught by missionaries, received a barrage of literature critical of the Church. The Spirit told Elder Cook in a lesson that the dad already knew the Church was true, and when the dad confirmed this, they decided not to review the anti-Church literature. The entire family was baptized and later sealed together.
  • The day after a multifaith event in New York City, Elder Cook and others visited a sacrament meeting with many new converts in the congregation. An influx of new members is happening throughout the Church as people respond to sacred invitations, change their lives and follow Jesus Christ.
  • Knowing that the Book of Mormon is the word of God requires reading, pondering, praying and acting according to its precepts. The Lord declared the Book of Mormon and the Bible would be joined together and “become one in thine hand” (Ezekiel 37:17).
  • The Book of Mormon provides fundamental doctrine that enhances and builds upon the Bible, like the doctrine of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. While the Bible provides an accurate account of His mortal ministry, death and Resurrection, the Book of Mormon is more explicit about His Atonement.
  • The internet is a powerful tool for studying the gospel, especially with many sacred books and Church materials available digitally. Latter-day Saints can also use technology to share scriptures with friends.
  • The internet has been used to create doubt and undermine faith in precious gospel principles. Issues raised to create doubt in God’s truth have been remarkably similar over the decades.
  • Since the internet can be used in both positive and destructive ways, those who use it need to use judgment and be wise in their usage. They can be intentional about what they view, filling their lives with positive, righteous ideas and immersing themselves regularly in the Book of Mormon.
  • Those who have deviated from the covenant path can return to the scriptures, prophetic guidance, religious observance in the home and the music of faith. A loving Heavenly Father makes His plan of happiness available to all His children through scriptures and living prophets.

Discussion questions

Why is studying the Book of Mormon essential for enduring conversion?

What gospel principle have you gained a stronger testimony of by studying the Book of Mormon?

When has the Book of Mormon helped you draw closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?

How can we be more intentional about what material we view and engage with?

How might the thirteenth article of faith guide how we use the internet?

Notable quotes

  • “The scriptures, combined with spiritual inspiration from the Holy Spirit, continue to be the primary source that facilitates the conversion of those who have broken hearts and contrite spirits and desire to follow Jesus Christ. The scriptures help build a foundation that can withstand the adversary’s constant efforts to undermine faith.”
  • “We cannot underestimate the significance of sacred scriptures both in conversions and in remaining faithful in the gospel. The ancient prophets described in the Book of Mormon knew about the mission of Jesus Christ and taught His gospel. The Book of Mormon helps us draw closer to God as we learn, understand and apply its teachings.”
  • “The sacred scriptures and living prophets are a major way a loving Heavenly Father makes His plan of happiness available to all His children.”

Key scriptures

  • “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”
  • “And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.”
  • “We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.”

Invitations and promises

  • “To know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, we need to read, ponder and pray about it and then act according to its precepts. The prophet Moroni promised that God will reveal the truth of the book to us as we pray with a sincere heart, with real intent and with faith in Christ. Studying the Book of Mormon is essential for enduring conversion.”
  • “Both long-term members and those newly studying the gospel need to be intentional about what they view. Do not entertain immoral, dishonest or unrighteous material. If you do, algorithms can lead you down a path that destroys faith and impairs your eternal progression. You can be acted upon positively or negatively. Seek righteousness and avoid dark internet rabbit holes and doomscrolling. Fill your life with positive, righteous ideas.”
  • “My counsel for those who have in any way deviated from the covenant path is to return to the sacred scriptures, prophetic guidance, religious observance in the home and the music of faith. Every soul is precious to the Lord. We need you. The Lord needs you, and you need Him. You will always be welcome.”


  • Elder Cook and his wife, Sister Mary Cook, saw a T-shirt with the words “Books: The Original Handheld Device.” Handheld electronic devices have become significant today, but “any device or even one equipped with artificial intelligence will never be as important or significant as the spiritual guidance that comes from divine revelation.” The Holy Bible and the Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ provide spiritual guidance and teaching from the Savior.
  • When Elder Cook was a bishop, the William Edward Mussman family, being taught by missionaries, prayerfully read the entire Book of Mormon in a short time. As they neared baptism, they received a barrage of literature critical of the Church, and Elder Cook was invited to help them answer questions being raised. They were unsure if the father had a testimony, but during the opening prayer, the Spirit whispered to Elder Cook, “He already knows it is true.” Elder Cook told the dad about the impression, and after he confirmed this, they decided not to review the anti-Church literature. The entire family was baptized and later sealed together.
  • Elder Cook and Andy Reid, head football coach of the Kansas City Chiefs, spoke in a multifaith event in New York City in June 2024. The day after, they attended Church with their wives, Sister Mary Cook and Tammy Reid. They noticed many new converts in the congregation, including five recently baptized members who passed the sacrament. “A similar influx of new members is happening throughout the Church.”

Notable footnotes

  • 8. Over 198,000 new converts have been baptized between Jan. 1, 2024, through Aug. 30, 2024 (information provided by the Missionary Department).
  • 14. The word “Atonement,” referring to the Atonement of Jesus Christ, is mentioned only once in the New Testament (see Romans 5:11). In the Book of Mormon, the word Atonement is referenced 24 times. 2 Nephi 2:10 describes “the happiness” which is affixed through the Atonement (see also index to the Book of Mormon, “Jesus Christ, Atonement through”).
  • 19. The Church has experienced significant growth and increased attendance in recent years. The percent leaving the Church is less than in the past, but we need every member.

Additional resources

Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Recent conference talks on scriptures

Who is Elder Cook?

  • Elder Quentin L. Cook was sustained as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles on Oct. 6, 2007. He worked as an attorney and business executive in California. At the time of his calling as a General Authority Seventy in 1996, Elder Cook was vice chairman of Sutter/California Healthcare System.
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