
Watch or listen to 19 songs sung by 3 choirs during the April 2024 general conference

The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, a combined BYU–Idaho choir and the Utah Valley Institute Choir provided music for the April 2024 general conference

Three choirs provided music for the April 2024 general conference — The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, a combined choir from Brigham University–Idaho and the Utah Valley Institute Choir. They sang hymns, songs from the “Children’s Songbook” and other music, including “I Know that My Savior Loves Me,” “Softly and Tenderly” and “Amazing Grace.”

The music from the recent general conference — and past general conferences — is available on under “Libraries,” then select “Music Library” and “Music from General Conference” and in the Gospel Library app by selecting “Music Library” and “Music from General Conference.” Then click on the title of the song for the video and the audio file, which can be downloaded. The songs from the April 2024 general conference and the four choir and congregational hymns are also available on the General Conference YouTube channel.

See below for links to each of the videos of the 19 songs choirs sang during general conference on April 6-7, plus the four choir and congregational hymns and the Sunday morning “Music & the Spoken Word.”

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Saturday morning session

The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square — under the direction of director Mack Wilberg and assistant director Ryan Murphy, with organists Brian Mathias and Andrew Unsworth — provided the music for the Saturday morning session on Saturday, April 6. Twelve singers from 10 countries joined the 360-voice Tabernacle Choir during general conference.

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Saturday afternoon session

A combined choir from a combined choir from Brigham University–Idaho sang during the Saturday afternoon session on Saturday, April 6. Directors were Paul Busselburg, Randall Kempton, Eda Ashby and Atina Coates, accompanied by organists Linda Margetts and Joseph Peeples.

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Saturday evening session

The Utah Valley Institute Choir, with directors Matt Johnson and Marshall McDonald, and organists Linda Margetts and Joseph Peeples, provided the music for the Saturday evening session on Saturday, April 6.

  • Amazing Grace,” American folk melody, arranged by Barlow Bradford
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‘Music & the Spoken Word’

The “Music & the Spoken Word” from Sunday, April 7, which was immediately prior to the Sunday morning session, is available on the Tabernacle Choir’s YouTube channel.

The choir was under the direction of Mack Wilberg and accompanied by organists Richard Elliott and Brian Mathias.

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Sunday morning session

The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, directed by Mack Wilberg and Ryan Murphy and accompanied by organists Richard Elliott and Brian Mathias, provided the music for the Sunday morning session on Sunday, April 7.

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Sunday morning session: See photos, read summaries from April 2024 general conference

Sunday afternoon session

For the Sunday afternoon session on April 7, the music was provided by The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square, which was directed by Mack Wilberg and Ryan Murphy and accompanied by organists Andrew Unsworth and Richard Elliott.

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