In her 27 years participating in BYU Women’s Conference, committee director Jennefer Johnson said her “absolutely favorite moment” each year is watching Latter-day Saint women gather on Brigham Young University’s Provo, Utah, campus and worship, sing and reach out to one another in sisterhood.
“From my little corner at the bottom of the Marriott Center, it is truly a beautiful sight. It is always an emotional moment for me,” Johnson shared with the Church News.
Women around the world are invited to gather, connect, serve, learn and strengthen faith in Jesus Christ during the annual conference, which will convene this week.
BYU Women’s Conference is the largest annual three-day gathering of Latter-day Saint women in the world and enables women of faith to hear uplifting messages, gain insights and participate in service.
This year’s conference will begin Wednesday evening, May 1, and continue through Thursday, May 2, and Friday, May 3, and is centered around the theme found in 2 Nephi 4:34, “O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever.”
For those that can’t attend in person, Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson’s keynote address on Friday morning will also be livestreamed on, YouTube, the Gospel Stream app and other Church channels.
As women across the globe prepare to converge at BYU, Johnson shared insights into this year’s theme, what attendees should expect — including what’s new this year — and what she is most excited about.
This year’s theme
Each year, members of the Women’s Conference committee prayerfully select a theme to help direct their selection of session topics and presenters.
As committee members were pondering ideas, Johnson said she was sitting in her ward sacrament meeting when a young man shared his testimony about a recent ward Young Men trip. The young man related how he was nervous to go “but I knew I could trust in the Lord to help me.”
Johnson said she immediately felt prompted to read 2 Nephi 4. “I love [Nephi’s] tender words because they reveal that even faithful people sometimes feel ‘wretched’ and ‘easily beset’ by temptations,” she said.

Nephi wants to be joyful, but his “heart groaneth” — something many women can relate to, Johnson said. Nevertheless, Nephi continues, “I know in whom I have trusted” (see 2 Nephi 4:15–19).
Nephi goes on to recount the abundant support and blessings he has received from the Lord and ends with “O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever” — the theme for the 2024 conference.
“We can apply this message to continue on, trust in Him. He is watching over us. With the many challenges sisters face each day, this is such a reassuring message,” Johnson said.
Presenters and sessions
When asked about what she is most excited about, Johnson narrowed it down to three things: the presenters, the sessions and the women who attend.
This year’s conference will feature more than 160 presenters and 84 sessions on a variety of topics, from parenting to finance to gospel insights.
All of the presenters “have prayerfully prepared, asking to know what messages the sisters in the audience need to hear. They will focus on doctrine, practical application and testify of Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father,” Johnson assured.
The Relief Society general presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and a member of the Presidency of the Seventy, Elder Brent H. Nielson, are among the keynote presenters, in addition to Jennifer Kerns Davis, a member of the BYU Women’s Conference Committee, and Liz Darger, BYU senior associate athletic director. Relief Society General President Camille N. Johnson’s keynote address on Friday morning will also be livestreamed on, YouTube, the Gospel Stream app and other Church channels.

Members of the Primary, Young Women and Young Men general presidencies will provide other concurrent sessions:
- Thursday, May 2, 12:15 p.m., Sister Kristin M. Yee of the Relief Society general presidency and Sister Tamara W. Runia of the Young Women general presidency
- Thursday, May 2, 1:45 p.m., Sister Tracy Y. Browning of the Primary general presidency and Sister J. Anette Denis of the Relief Society general presidency
- Friday, May 3, 10:45 a.m., the Young Men general presidency
- Friday, May 3, 12:15 p.m., Sister Andrea Muñoz Spannuas of the Young Women general presidency and Primary General President Susan H. Porter
- Friday, May 3, 3:15 p.m., Sister Amy A. Wright of the Primary general presidency and Young Women General President Emily Belle Freeman
“Presenters will delve into discussions on respect and kindness for one another, nurturing authentic friendships, and showing love to everyone,” Johnson explained. “There will also be messages about forgiveness, gratitude, and compassion in cultivating harmonious relationships, and learning practical ways to strengthen bonds within your family and community.”
These sessions and the opportunity to gather with other women of faith bring more than 12,000 attendees each year. “The Spirit that the sisters bring to campus with them is wonderful,” Johnson said.
Church News executive editor Sarah Jane Weaver and reporters Mary Richards and Rachel Sterzer Gibson will present on “Trust in the Lord and in His Prophets” on Friday, May 3, at 12:15 p.m. in the Wilkinson Student Center’s Varsity Theater.
The full schedule is available on BYU Women’s Conference’s website,
What’s new at BYU Women’s Conference this year
Johnson pointed out that registration is now fully automated, so last-minute attendees can simply scan a QR code at the registration desks located at the northeast or northwest entrances of the Marriott Center, register on a smartphone and have a badge printed by an agent.
Registration is typically open to anyone 16 years and older but this year BYU Women’s Conference announced that young women ages 11-18 and their leaders are invited to register at a discounted group rate and join a Wednesday evening event from 6 to 9 p.m. at the Marriott Center.
“Music and messages will be relevant for women and young women of all ages,” organizers wrote on the conference’s Facebook page. “We can’t wait to welcome you all to this inspiring event!”
The conference is also introducing Increased Immersive Learning Sessions. “These sessions are scripture-based classes, expertly guided by experienced teachers,” Johnson explained. “These 13 sessions span two days across campus. Sisters should plan to participate in a classroom-type setting.”
Returning this year is the Thursday afternoon keynote session at 3:15 p.m. as well as Sister to Sister sessions. Originating in 2019, the goal of the Sister-to-Sister gatherings is for a panel to have a gospel-focused conversation based on their topic while discussing pre-submitted questions by participants.
Things to remember
Johnson’s first bit of advice for attendees? Come early.
“Arriving early, means less stress,” Johnson said. “As you prepare to join us on campus, consider giving yourself a little extra time to arrive so you don’t need to rush. There are a lot of wonderful sisters on campus, which is so exciting, so arriving and parking will take a little extra time.”
Next, BYU Dining will be providing snacks, grab-and-go type meals, treats and more. “Attendees will have many choices to choose from, so they won’t go hungry. But remember, BYU is a cash free campus,” Johnson reminded.
Content is tailored for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; however, those of all faiths are welcome to participate. More information about registration and conference fees can be found on the BYU Women’s Conference website.

BYU Women’s Conference 2023
After two years of a pandemic and a year’s pause, the 2023 conference opened in the Marriott Center with an address from the Relief Society general presidency.
“You women are a glorious sight,” President Johnson said. “You are women who are distinct and different in happy ways — preparing yourselves and the world for the second coming of our Savior. Thank you for your goodness, your kindness, your courage and your light.”
The 2023 theme scripture was Doctrine and Covenants 68:6 — “Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God, that I was, that I am, and that I am to come.”
Other keynote speakers included Irene Caso, media relations manager for the Church Communication Department; and Sheri L. Dew, executive vice president and chief content officer for Deseret Management Corp. Members of the Young Women general presidency, Primary general presidency and Young Men general presidency also spoke during the conference.
On the annual evening of service, thousands of women helped set a new service record for the conference — packaging almost 400,000 meals in three hours for Hunger Fight.