
Elder David A. Bednar: ‘In the Space of Not Many Years’

‘If you or I do not believe we could be afflicted with and by pride, then we are vulnerable and in spiritual danger’

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke during the Saturday evening session of October 2024 general conference. He used lessons from the Book of Helaman in the Book of Mormon to teach about avoiding pride. The following is a summary of what he said.

Elder Bednar’s talk summary

As the late President Ezra Taft Benson taught, the Book of Mormon was written for the present day. It contains principles, warnings and lessons for the times in which Latter-day Saints do now and will yet live.

The Book of Helaman provides a stark contrast between the rapid spiritual decline of the Nephites and the increasing righteousness of the Lamanites. While the Lamanites turned to God, the once-righteous Nephites became a hardened and wicked people in a short period of time because they allowed pride to enter their hearts.

If individuals are not faithful and obedient, they can transform prosperity into a prideful curse that diverts and distracts from eternal truths and spiritual priorities. Those who believe they are sufficiently strong to avoid pride may already be suffering from it.

“As we study and ponder this inspired record, we will be blessed with eyes to see, ears to hear, minds to comprehend and hearts to understand the lessons we should learn to ‘beware of pride, lest [we should] enter into temptation’ (Doctrine and Covenants 23:1). …

“I testify that as we walk in the meekness of the Lord’s Spirit, we will avoid and overcome pride and have peace in Him.”

See the full text of Elder Alvarado’s talk: ‘Embrace the Lord’s Gift of Repentance’

Notable quotes

“Ancient voices from the dust plead with us today to learn this everlasting lesson: Prosperity, possessions and ease constitute a potent mixture that can lead even the righteous to drink the spiritual poison of pride.”

“Please remember that the Book of Mormon looks to the future and contains important principles, warnings and lessons intended for me and you in the circumstances and challenges of our present day.”

“May I suggest that if you or I believe we are sufficiently strong and stalwart to avoid the arrogance of pride, then perhaps we already are suffering from this deadly spiritual disease.”

Who is Elder Bednar?

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. | The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

What has Elder Bednar done recently?

  • In the April 2024 general conference, Elder Bednar encouraged Latter-day Saints to build their foundation upon the rock of Jesus Christ.
  • Elder Bednar dedicated the Layton Utah Temple on June 16 and said it is to be a place of “covenant connection.”
  • In July, as the grand marshal of the Days of ‘47 Parade in Utah, Elder Bednar led the parade through the streets of Salt Lake City to honor early Latter-day Saint pioneers.
  • While ministering to Saints in Peru and Ecuador in August, Elder Bednar shared that Jesus Christ “is the source of peace, of hope, of joy, of light and truth.”

Read more of Elder Bednar’s general conference addresses, or follow him on Facebook, Instagram and X/Twitter.

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