During the week of Aug. 25-31, the Church News podcast invited historian Richard E. Turley Jr. to speak about the legacy that President Russell M. Nelson, President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, has built upon as his 100th birthday approaches on Sept. 9, 2024.
In a another Church News podcast episode, President Jeffrey R. Holland, acting president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, talked about his responsibilities with the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, the joy of temple worship and Latter-day Saint youth.
Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles spoke to members of the Church living in Peru about the importance of both integrity and discipleship. Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles rededicated the Logan Tabernacle after a 30-month renovation.
Elder Ronald A. Rasband of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught attendees at a devotional on Brigham Young University campus during BYU’s annual University Conference. In temple news, the Casper Wyoming Temple open house began, and an update on the Salt Lake Temple and Temple Square renovations was released. Sister Amy A. Wright, first counselor in the Primary general presidency, spoke at a devotional at the Provo Missionary Training Center, teaching missionaries about the traits of a successful missionary.
The Church announced a new initiative designed to provide support for military veterans and their families, organized by the Church’s Military Relations, Chaplain Services and Prison Ministries Division of the Priesthood and Family Department. The Church News reported on eight athletes with connections to the Church who are competing in the 2024 Paris Paralympics. A man named Amos Makulu shared his story with the Church News and his decision to walk 728 miles across Tanzania to be baptized as a member of the Church after reading the Book of Mormon.
Read more about these stories below.
1. Podcast episode 203: Exploring the legacy of President Russell M. Nelson ahead of his 100th birthday

On Sept. 9, President Nelson will turn 100 years old. To help put historic events of his life into context, Church News welcomed back historian Richard E. Turley Jr., who has worked with and observed President Nelson for decades, to talk about President Nelson’s years of selfless service in the Church.
Listen to the Church News podcast, episode 203, here.
2. Podcast episode 204: President Jeffrey R. Holland on the gospel of Jesus Christ and life’s challenges, with guest host Sheri Dew

In this special episode of the Church News podcast, President Holland and guest host Sheri Dew, executive vice president of Deseret Management Corp. and a former member of the Relief Society general presidency, discuss how the gospel can help provide comfort in trials and bring joy in triumphs.
Listen to the Church News podcast, episode 204, here.
3. Elder Bednar teaches at young adult conference, stake conferences in Peru

High in the Andes Mountains in Huancayo, Peru, Elder Bednar invited Church members to prepare spiritually to regularly worship in the house of the Lord when it is built there. The stake conference was broadcast to two other stakes on Sunday, Aug. 25.
In Lima, Peru, Elder Bednar spoke on Monday, Aug. 26, to young adults who were gathered for a multi-day conference. He encouraged them to shine the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the world through integrity and discipleship, and through the power that comes from covenants made in the house of the Lord with God the Father and His Son.
In Cusco and in Peru’s Sacred Valley, he blessed Saints to draw strength from their covenants with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, and invited them to continue building firm foundations in Jesus Christ.
Read more about the stake conference in Huancayo here.
Read more about the young adult conference in Lima here.
Read more about his ministry in Cusco here.
4. Logan Tabernacle rededicated by Elder Cook in city where he grew up
The Logan Tabernacle was rededicated on Aug. 25, 30 months after it had closed for renovations. Elder Cook dedicated the pioneer-era tabernacle after recalling his own memories of listening to talks given in his childhood.
“I remember listening to the leaders of the Church speaking in this tabernacle at stake conferences,” Elder Cook said as he spoke to a capacity crowd of nearly 1,000 individuals. “I loved hearing from these leaders when I was a little older. Most of them inspired in me a desire to live a more Christlike life.”
Read more about the Logan Tabernacle dedication here.
5. ‘Look to our Prophet,’ Elder Rasband tells BYU faculty and staff

Speaking in the Marriott Center on Monday, Aug. 26, during BYU’s annual University Conference, Elder Rasband testified that President Nelson is the Lord’s Prophet on the earth and encouraged university leadership to follow President Nelson’s prophetic counsel. “Let me say this strongly: The prophetic governance of BYU is its comparative advantage in the whole world,” Elder Rasband said.
Read more about this story here.
6. Temple news: Salt Lake Temple renovation update, Casper Wyoming Temple open house begins

An August 2024 update on the Salt Lake Temple and Temple Square renovations focuses on transfer girders, new pavilions and the reopened Church Office Building Plaza and Main Street Plaza. Earlier in the week, on Monday, Aug. 26, the Casper Wyoming Temple open house began with media day, the release of interior and exterior images, and a change in the dedication date.
See the video and images of the Salt Lake Temple and Temple Square renovation update here.
Find out more about the Casper Wyoming Temple here.
7. Sister Wright underscores traits of a successful missionary
By virtue of covenant connection, missionaries will receive help and strength from the Lord in the complex situations and challenging times they face, taught Sister Amy A. Wright, first counselor in the Primary general presidency, at a devotional at the Provo Missionary Training Center in Provo, Utah, on Tuesday, Aug. 27. She pointed to the example of Ammon from the Book of Mormon.
Read more about Sister Wright’s message at the Provo MTC here.
8. Church announces new initiative to provide support for military veterans
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is launching a new initiative to provide support for military veterans and their families. The veterans support initiative was organized by the Church’s Military Relations, Chaplain Services and Prison Ministries Division of the Priesthood and Family Department, which has advised the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles for more than 75 years. This is a service the Church desires to provide for Latter-day Saint veterans worldwide, not just in the United States.
Learn more about the Church’s veterans support initiative here.
9. Meet the Latter-day Saints competing in the 2024 Paris Paralympics

The 2024 Paralympic Games began on Wednesday, Aug. 28, and several athletes connected to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are among those competing in Paris, France. One is making history as a five-time Paralympian, another is competing again after 12 years, and others are competing in their debut Games.
Find out more about these athletes here.
10. Refugee walks 728 miles to be baptized after reading Book of Mormon

Amos Makulu walked across Tanzania to be baptized as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Now in New York, he was instrumental in the creation of a Swahili-speaking branch.