“All of the positives of eternal life are available to us because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ,” BYU–Idaho President Alvin F. Meredith III said in the first devotional of the semester.
"There are no limits to the truths that can be revealed to us by the power of the Holy Ghost," President Kusch taught Ensign College students in first devotional of 2025.
Apostles and general officers, university presidents and mission leaders, football coach and scholars scheduled to speak at Church’s institutions of higher learning this semester. Here’s how to tune in.
Two Apostles, four general authorities/officers of the Church and BYU's head football coach will address the BYU campus this winter. Here’s how to watch.
Elder Rasband promised more than 70,000 BYU–Pathway students across the globe: "You will be instruments in the Lord’s hands of building up His Church."
"You and I are Jesus Christ’s valued treasure because He purchased us at the infinite price of His own blood shed," Elder Anthony D. Perkins taught during a BYU devotional.
Speaking at the Provo MTC and to MTCs worldwide, the Apostle highlighted four areas of emphasis — missionary purpose; goals, plans and accountability; finding; and inviting others to sacrament meeting.
Speaking at the Missionary Training Center, Primary General President Susan H. Porter invited missionaries to be mindful of every person in their sphere, just as Heavenly Father is mindful of all people.
At Provo MTC devotional, Presiding Bishopric counselor highlighted key indicators, goals and planning, and the principle of accountability — and underscored the importance of repentance.
During a devotional at Ensign College, the General Authority Seventy offered three “straightforward strategies” that can “transform your life into a simple, lighthearted and joyful journey.”
Latter-day Saints know they can do all things through Christ, but they don’t need to do “all things” at the same time, the General Authority Seventy said.
Elder Gilbert, BYU President Reese and BYU–Idaho President Meredith highlighted the importance of education to Latter-day Saints during Provo devotional.
“In this ever-darkening and chaotic world, there is hope,” said Elder Kevin S. Hamilton, General Authority Seventy and the Family History Department's executive director, at a BYU–Hawaii devotional.